If you have just 1% lineage to picture related you have a moral obligation to come home immediately
Rising General
What if I am Southern by birth but I hate the heat, hate niggers everywhere, hate patriotards, and love Snow?
May I interest you in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky. plus the whole idea is to buy up land and rid ourselves of our urban pestilence through peaceful capitalism
>West Virginia
user do you know the history of WV? Sherman didn’t go far enough you inbred peckerwood.
>DIxie then
>Dixie now
No one is fighting for slavery anymore user. Quit living in the past
Sounds like someone needs their ass kicked again.
Hello again.
Does it bother you that no one knows your songs? You won yet people sing Sweet Home Alabama in the streets of northern cities.
>that pic
have you even travelled through the south? there are whites everywhere and they are obviously just white. english, irish, scottish, german roots mostly
Run Rebels, or the Union Army will give you the fagnasties!
cope harder, mutt
Yet another yank with songs no one >
knows. Everyone despises you. They only thing that keeps you afloat is the fear of the endless hordes you import from 3rd world countries. When people throw shade at america they're throwing shade at the imperial seat in the north east
Imagine being proud that you killed fellow white Americans to free the niggers so they could rape and murder to their hearts desire.
how is memphis? i’m in the dallas area and was looking at jobs and housing and it’s pretty cheap compared to where i’m at
South fought like gentlemen while the north declared total war on their brothers who only wanted separation. Why did union troops under that guy in your pic rape black slave girls?
>Why did union troops under that guy in your pic rape black slave girls?
because that's what that particular piece of farm equipment is designed for
Bc ((New England)) going to England
Checking in
Our songs are well known and have endured for more than 150 years. Will we be able to say the same about Lynyrd Skynyrd in the 2120s?
Missouri never seceded, bitch
Neither did Kentucky or West Virginia. it's not about then. its about now
There was still large amounts of support from those states. Their role in the war wasn’t cut and dry.
>how is memphis?
Full of niggers
Literally no one hums that song outside of the imperial seat. These more people that know the dukes of hazard. you are an unjust empire and you will fall
Missouri? Hell yeah!
>West Virginia
Again, union
Last to join, first to leave confederacy. Avoided reconstruction
A non_factor tge entire war
What kind of heritage is that OP?
Based and checked, I have ancestors who have lived in the same southern county since 1719, two great great great uncles fought for the confederacy and one came home with a permanent part down the middle of his hair after being grazed by a bullet.
all US niggers have lineage to your pic related
missouri is our gateway to the bread basket. get on board or be dumb. you're choice
All of you Dick-sie dipshits deserve a Sherman's March through every one of the former Confederate States.