Couple who yelled 'white power' arrested for hate crimes

Zig Forums BTFO

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If the far left keeps taking political prisoners they're going to find themselves in a mass grave sooner rather than later.

Far left? They were arrested. They broke the law. Racism is a crime. This is the system we live under.

and then, for no reason at all...

Congratulations. That was the single dumbest post I've ever read on Zig Forums.

oh thank god they capitalized Black

>far left
This is your government. The same one that ran McCarthyism for a couple of decades.

There is no such thing as "racism." It's a neo-Marxist conspiracy theory.


Yeah. No. Scotus has already ruled on hate speech. Fuck off retard.

Not that our government ever gave a shit about the constitution, but isn't this a clear violation of the first amendment? Is it safe to assume that white people no longer even have basic constitutional protections?

My statement stands. And McCarthy was right, and he was vindictated.

This just means you shouldn't leave witnesses when accosting a jogger

not a crime. fuck off commie scum.

it is a violation
the thing is that its commiefornia

>*anything* power
beautiful, powerful and brave!
>white power

It wasn't even a threat it was just saying white power and only white lives matter
Settlement central over there damn i wonder if i can do the same

They did not break the law. They did not incite violence. Therefore, they are protected under the first amendment.

based retards

>racism is a crime
What law is that? Genuinely curious sauce?

>no source
>retards eating it up
I hate /nupol/

Well, that doesn't change the fact that police officers wearing the badge of Democracy dragged these people in front of a court designed to uphold Democracy.
McCarthyism today, McAleenanism tomorrow.

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Basically, what I was saying with
People think I'm a commie, but I'm just saying that people get arrested for racism. The left and the right are agaisnt racism. Idiot amerimutts think it is just the far left.

Would you breed her!

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We live in an arbitrary society based on a false notion of the equality of races. Law does not matter anymore.

I'd like to report a "hate crime"

Its actually not a crime and free speech is literally the 1st amendment. States cannot pass laws that override this.

Do they enforce this for everybody, or just for whites?

The racism game is rigged for whites to lose. Its time to do what niggers do: just take your own side and dont let any of your enemies tell you otherwise.

This will just keep going until we kill them.
The zoomers are a ruined generation, we have to do something quick or we're going extinct.

Only whites can be raycis though.

what was their crime?

Fuck No. And her black ass better stay in the shallow end.

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The first amendment has been abolished for conservatives since the 50s or even earlier

Just for whites, but if you are black and say anything against jews then that is bad, even worse in fact.

That's why I just shout "FUCK YOU, NIGGER" when I drive by.

It happened in California

Absolutely. Americans freedoms are a falsehood. Especially if you aren't "diverse" or some type of faggot. Anyone who cant see that is blind or dumb.

How about a link, you newfag

ah yes California

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I'm all for hating niggers but it's the wrong time for it. Let them keep killing each other and burning their bridges.

No business or citizen actually gives a shit about them, it's just the narrative being pushed now but it'll blow over.