We all know that general pop music and most forms of rap are absolutely denegerate. It is made for sheeps.
Let's post some top tier music and explain why.
Top tier music
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Laibach - Vor Sonnen-Aufgang. The beauty of the music. Peacefull, with deep meaning. You feel your soul being touched.
Punk, power pop, rock n roll.
Vivaldi - Summer
The strings of the violins are in harmony. The rythem accelerates and slows down. Just like the weather in the spring. You see a girl in a skirt with the spring sun shining, and the next minute the rain is pouring.
Really any ambient music with bird song or leaves rustling samples. I really like Hiroshi Yoshimura and Biosphere. Helps me sleep at night
That sounds nice. Like camping in a small tent in the middle of the woods. Being one with nature.
A rifle on his back
Verdi - Requiem, Dies Irae
Swans - Blind
Kansas - Icaurus Borne on Wings of Steele
Jethro Tull - Nothing is Easy
Stellardrone is ambient af
45 minutes of extemporaneous creative exploratory inventiveness.
Feels comfy knowing le epic race realists won't be able to name a single piece of music post-1900 that isn't rooted in black culture.
"Black music" like blues is taken from Scots-Irish and American folk and country music of the South.
this exists with zero reference to the animalistic impulses of the dark races
Winter is better. Truly doomer tier
subtle artistic acid music
This song evokes a unique emotional response, and it's constantly surprising with its various phases. It's Hungarian folk/metal, but very unlike anything you've heard. If metal isn't your thing, then you'll only have to power through the first minute to reach somewhere new
While punk can also be communist shit, it is also the most redpilled.
Derived from Chicago House and made into a genre by Detroit. Kraftwerk didn't make techno a genre.
in what universe is metal you autist
>what is Chicago and who lives there
You guys think if a black guy plays in F major, all music in F major becomes “black music”
It was white teens. The nigs were rapping
You're right, I didn't listen to it. To clarify, name a genre that's actually relevant, not regional folk music. No shit most cultures have some form of indigenous music, that doesn't make it a good argument.
Chicago house was made by blacks and gays (in Chicago, no fucking shit), and is derived from disco. Ignoring this reality is a weak cope.
Is that a fucking taxidermed human?
You're not part of a people, you're industrial refuse of the great rape of mother Earth.
> black culture
Is hilariously oversold for the same reasons they put niggers in period films.
>Literally the one drop rule but for music
Nogs did not create the instruments they used or the method of writing music down. Those both came from whitie
The Nationalist period of Classical Music produced some of the best music the world has ever seen.
>name a genre that's actually relevant
>named a band with millions of views and international acclaim
cope harder with your cultureless hellhole, faggot
Heiliger Krieg.
because Heiliger Krieg.
Rewriting history won't make you less of an animal. I just wanted to say that real, actual black influence in music (funk, nigjazz, slave blues, dub, reggae, rap, hip-hop (and "industrial" rehashes), RnB, soul) is like a stench that's impossible to cover and doesn't go away. It's extremely easy to hear and avoid.
nothing compares to the legend himself
>Happy birthday jerr-bear
Nice to see someone who can think.
The one drop rule doesn't apply if whole genres are derived from black music, and appropriated by whites. And damn, you invented those instruments over centuries and couldn't come up with anything better than stale classical music? Without blacks you'd still be listening to the Can Can.
Current 93. Dormition and Dominion convinced me that atheism is wrong. David Tibet writes some weird stuff, but when he's on point, he writes music that transcends anything else except maybe some Beethoven or Chopin perhaps.
If you're my kind, this song will reach inside your chest and grab your heart. If it doesn't, pray someday to understand.
Listening to this masterpiece as we speak. Schubert isn't my favorite, but he was brilliant. This romantic piece is well worth the listen and the dulcet tones almost elicit a sad feeling, an almost mourning for the state of things.
Music is created to hypnotize and induce artificial emotional states. Why would you willingly subject yourself to that?
I just like it thats all
When did I name a band? You mean Kraftwerk? You know they're white right, retard?
Is Nadia Ali based? I know she doesn't produce anymore but I like her music alot
You sound like my expastor who turned out to be a charlatan.
Music can elevate the soul. Can: it can also niggerify it. It's powerful and dangerous, but it can elevate a person.
Also, it's a part of the culture which turns groups of persons into peoples.
I just learned that j-pop metal fusion is a thing
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