How did it happen that hammer and sickle became associated with fagots? When did it happen...

How did it happen that hammer and sickle became associated with fagots? When did it happen? It was illegal to be gay in USSR. They were sent to gulag. They were despised. Why do fagots use this symbol? Our symbol. I am not even a communist, but I am very sad about it. Our people did not fight for THIS. Our people did not die for THIS

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Both faggotry and communism are internationalist border erasing creeds

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because jews promote both of them, it only makes sense that they'd merge.

They are used to push the moral degeneration of society. So that society can then be broken down and remade. Bolsheviks only disliked fags because fags don't make new goyim cattle to work the fields. Once the commies are in total control they won't need the fags anymore.

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Your people got genocided by kikes during the Lenin-Stalin period. Jzws enjoyed privileges, while ethnic slavs where murdered in the millions.
Your people DID die for this, and so we will.
Steppe brother, we shall rise and unite against the semite.

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>How did it happen that hammer and sickle became associated with fagots?
Because communism is faggotry

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>Because communism is faggotry

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Jews are communists, and are the leaders of antifa, and BLM.

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Because they're a mean to an end, and flamboyant faggots are too naive to realize it.

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Early communist goverment legalazied homosesuality. Even Lenin spoke about it

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Because they lived in luxury from their birth and have shit instead of brain. Everyone in the east know communism was much worse than nazism.

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Brainlet symbols from brainlet ideology for brainlet faggots.
Moreover you were constantly raped by your tyrannical government since you murdered your own royalty and move to genocide yourselves and others around you. You let this happen to you and because of that millions of people perished. I have no shred of sympathy for you.
Now go make another thread wondering why people fucking hate ruskies.

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>How did it became associated with fagots
It always has been.

Jews want a communist state with a weak, submissive population.

>How did it happen that hammer and sickle became associated with faggots?

It's called cultural appropriation. The gays basically stole those symbols and made it their shit.

As an result Communism = gay in many places in the west and older history matters very little (so in the end all that effort, the wars, etc resulted in an dodgy Chinese knock off version of the Soviet Union that is lasting longer than the original and is used as an symbol for faggots in the West and also in Russia itself too).

>When did it happen?

Fall of the Soviet Union (or the 90s).

In the US a lot of retarded spoiled college students are attracted to communism because of Jewish "critical theory" professors pushing white guilt nonsense and their student debt, so they are attracted to the promise of free shit and debt forgiveness promoted by the likes of "democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders


Yes, EU lapdog it is true. Communism is way worse than nazism that's why german niggers killed 3 million ethnic slavic poles. But you go girl, lick german boots.

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The mentally ill still want communism.

So is capitalism and their imported nigger slave labor.

I somehow miss the last decade, when it was all about women, faggots and transexuals.

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Kikes want to distort all past history and ideologies to associate them to niggers and faggots.

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