
Americans made the Fatman lose weight. He lost 29kg in weight in an attempt to keep him alive. He became much sharper mentally, which backfired against the Americans during the Nuremberg Trials.

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Before the Nuremberg trials

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I assume that was form withdrawal.
Daily reminder that all unironic hitlerists are traitors to the German people.

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During the Nuremberg Trials

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: But when it was State necessity to ill somebodY, you had to have somebody to do it, didn't you?

GOERING: Yes, just as in other countries, whether it is called secret service or something else, I do not know.

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And the SA, the SS, and the SD, organizations of that kind, were the organizations that carried out the orders and dealt with people on a physical level, were they not?

GOERING: The SA never received an order to kill anybody, fieither did the SS, not in my time. Anyhow, I had no influence on it. I know that orders were given for executions, namely in the Rohm Putsch, and these were carried out by the police, that is, by a State organ.

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MR. JUSTICE JACKSON You, from the very beginning, together with those who were associated with you, intended to overthrow and later did overthrow, the Weimar Republic?

GOERING: That was, as far as I am concerned, my firm intention.

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And, upon coming to power, you immediately abolished parliamentary government in Germany?

GOERING: We found it to be no longer necessary. Also I should like to emphasize the fact that we were moreover the strongest parliamentary party, and had the majority.

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>dawg those were PARTY organs
>just paramilitary and HUGE
>stopped the legitimate worker's revolutions of 18/19 as freikorps
>we're now also anti capitalism!
>now that we're in power, we kill all the men who actually want to go after jewish big bourgeoisie!
>everyone's GAY!
>let's go fight fucking STALIN, the anglos won't backstab us!
>millions of dead whites
Yeah "why".

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Are you saying the USSR was anti Israel? They supported Israel though

And look how that turned out.
Stalin was against jewry and zionism and thus the perfect ally for a strasserite Greater Germany.
He had zionist infiltrators executed as late as 52. That's 3 years after Israel joined the UN. Everything went to shit when he died/was assassinated.
This is my unironic opinion.

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Nice thread.

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Kinda true what you say about Stalin. Problem was, Stalin was quite smart and did the purges of the Jews in a sneaky way, "hiding" them amongst the bodies of a lot of other undesirables (or simply unlucky bastards). Wasn't beyond cooperating with the International Jewry by accepting lend-lease. Same as Hitler received funding from them, only earlier. Point is, the kikes likely planned that Hitler and Stalin would fight each other to a bloody standstill, expecting a WW1 trench situation on the Eastern front which would have left both Germany and Soviet Union weakened enough for them to send in their US golem and mop everything up. Instead, Germany collapsed and Stalin was still strong enough after the war to prevent Operation Unthinkable from going live.

>Stalin was still strong enough after the war to prevent Operation Unthinkable from going live.
That's the big thing, Operation "Unthinkable" would have just been a repetition of Barbarossa anyway, with the same intent, but against a weakened SU.

>anything in the nuremberg trials
>backfired at the americans


He looks almost identical to my grabdpa I always found it weird. Except my was not fat at all and a bit taller, but same face and hair, my had gray eyes though.

Oh boy the kike is strong in this Kraut.

>Stalin was against jewry and zionism and thus the perfect ally for a strasserite Greater Germany.
Yes because a anti-kike Stalin enjoyed killing white people as well just cuz.

If only the jews hadn't infiltrated Roosevelts war cabinet.

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Stalin was based but there's no allying with someone like him. There's no allying with anyone when it comes down to it unless there's MAD.

What's wrong with the guy on the left

The biggest mistake people make is thinking that the higher up kikes have any preference for a particular ideology, a conviction. There is none. They are nothing but parasites, latching onto ANY successfully looking ideology, government or policy as long as it does not openly or secretly remove them.

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Daily Reminder that you are a Hartzer Ossi Untermensch who has nothing better to do than shitpost here all day and shill communism.

Looks like mire than 29 kg. More like 49 or more

if only you knew

Because you are a Hartzer Ronny communist total retard

Absolute wessi zoomer SEETHE.

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Now fuck already ...

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I don't find Ayn Rand erotic, neither visually nor literarily.

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>paper bag over head and go for it

You have to see the potential here. That ideology attracts (aside from edgy idiots) a lot of capable technocrats ... with a bit of a silvered tongue and minor compromises to your own ideology (which you can always revise later on) you can bind these people to your cause. Would be an awful waste of potential otherwise ... and your adversaries might instead tap into their capabilities if you "lose" them.

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nice meme faggot, but amazon is literally a state created monopoly, go google amazon subsidies
all these corps you seethe were created by the guv

Late stage globohomo imperial USrael capitalism isn't autismo "statism".
Like above, people who only follow ideology shouldn't be in positions of power.

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Shadow govt ... big difference. Actual "govt" in that case would have to subject itself to the continued confirmation of its legitimacy by "popular vote" ... at least that would be rules as written. You have to differentiate between the Potemkin village demo(no)cracy fassade and the actual corporate Optimates in the background. ;)

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Fuck off butthurt Strasserkike

He realized Hitler was right

... yet man, especially the plebs, need ideology. It is a "godless" variation on spiritualism in the end and humans are spiritual beings. So you provide it to the masses. You package your ideas, strategies, convictions into the "mythological" framework of an ideology and present it to the masses (or the lesser nobility, depends from where you derive your legitimacy in the end). Ofc, assuming you found your rule in the framework of necessity you have to keep a certain flexibility here. Does not mean you should not have convictions.

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oh you stu- when are you going to realize that Satan isn't real in sense that serpent it represents is our nervous system and how it taps into the surrounding dream stream an inversion unto itself basically instead of flowing along with it.

Everything is alive and you're inside a body not unlike a cell. You can only react thus are incapable of knowing anything. The counter-argument is that we weren't meant to think and this is evolution but in truth we halted our evolution because whatever it is we can think of, imagine or "know" is just a reaction. How does intelligence work? You input stuff to react to it. We are immaterial and the material world doesn't exist since knowledge is a physical thing that passes as an echo trough our brain and body as a sensory organ in general. The real Satan or devil is the ape instinct that tells us we are intelligent, we are special and so forth but we're just that dumb apes that tell ourselves we're not. Talking or writing for instance is an inversion of how we were meant to evolve, when my cat lies down next to me sometimes I can just look at her and realize what she's trying to convey in the form of feelings, her expression might be unchanging for instance but you can just notice what goes on behind it and how to talk back in a way.

Satanists and Luciferians are retarded just like all religious people. Satan is an ape, the snake represents adam's desire for eve invert into itself by the way thus the apple of knowledge she and him ate

Also cat people that possess intellect rule the next epoch after the nuclear war in 2022 eventually leads to a reset of the cycle

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Ideology can be overcome with education and eugenics, but short term there needs to be some "greater good" for the masses during revolution and the societal shifts. Not that I believe that it will happen.
I'm not a postmodernist and think that there are eternal truths of good that can serve as a basis.