So this is the infamous Pol

Even as a woman of color, I am not the least bit offended, but morbidly dismayed by your lack of self-reflection and basic humility toward yourself and peoplekind. Pathetic, really.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm not even offended
>just dying of demoralization
Nice thread, retard.

Shut up nigger

How about tits and timestamp you FOB bitch

Attached: Fukkin straya.png (225x224, 16.61K)

pajeet women are hot, there I said it

Attached: cute pajeet.jpg (640x343, 170.97K)

You're not gonna get any sane replies here. They're all the autist minority.

show us your tits nigger

Didn't read past woman.
Tits or gtfo

shut up paki

Sloppy mossad repost fuck off


Nice try, Justin.

Attached: truecastro.png (1356x454, 612.19K)

Man shut the fuck up why do you think we care about your opinion

*mel gibbzon voice*
Blow me

Wants to hate fuck one of this reddit women, I'm alone?

Kinda want her to femdom me desu

My mom told me not to talk to niggos.

Built for Big African Chad

>guaranteed 500 replies

Attached: 1594870084285.gif (167x190, 2.56M)

>t. newfags
go back

I cum the balognese
I cum the balognese here
I put the cum a fit balognese.

Tits or GTFO

You'll never be as pretty as her

Attached: 20200702_034232.jpg (758x1010, 514.17K)

Attached: 1573610156431.gif (850x850, 295.01K)

I want to cum on your face

Have you been outside your house? Most women aren't as pretty as her either.

classic bait, also sage

Kill yourself nigger


Eww stop

>one post by this id

yes i have cunt.

pic related is your world without us

Attached: you'renoteventrying.jpg (485x393, 66.23K)

I'd smash a pajeet, but east africans like OP are gross.

Its winter

Not even true in the slightest

Cut to three months later when you're still here. This board has a malign gravity.

Would colonize.

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>I am not the least bit offended
But you are offended.
Anyway nice LARP
No colored person ever uses those "big kid" words. Colored people are no different than spoiled children in thought and emotion. Nice try though, but no one is buying it.

My fair lady, coulds’t you spare me thine nudes for a weary traveler? For you see, my nights have been lonely and full of temptations

You know the rules, Aussie.

Glasses down, timestamp and a smile.

Fuck off

>Even as a woman of color, I am not the least bit offended

Why? Zig Forums is lacking in nothing if not courtesy and when one encounters a blatant lack of courtesy, being offended is natural and appropriate.

Attached: outlawed or else concrete boots.jpg (949x1234, 280.89K)

kys sheboon

Hurr why do only autists and new fags respond to bait threads


Attached: tumblr_1798a65fed7efbb9f899ced9a08190b3_ea7432c0_640.jpg (640x622, 90.47K)

Imagine the smell


Check it out, this looks to be legit.

Attached: Capture.png (1005x906, 523.78K)

>replying unironically to the shittiest of australian shit posts
he isnt even hiding his flag ffs

Attached: 1543206946832.gif (500x281, 1.93M)


I don't hate you, I just want your kind out of my country.

Most women go out of their way to make themselves ugly, sadly

Attached: 20200406_014015.jpg (186x242, 32.12K)

no they don't

There's no cure for black mediocrity, black fragility and arrogance.

I wouldn't even rape you.

Attached: Remember this Anons..png (1156x2031, 289.83K)

Cool image....from 2019.

Worthless without the purple snatch of proof. Post it and be recognized.

probably intoxicating

Attached: 636F6C17-D21F-4913-8FE7-0B80A7B77827.jpg (251x201, 9.89K)

>No colored person ever uses those "big kid" words. Colored people are no different than spoiled children in thought and emotion. Nice try though, but no one is buying it.
t. mutt mixbreed from a 85 average nation, kill yourself.

how you incels find these fake pasties attractive i will never understand

>hurr durr everyone here is autistic but me
Toddle back to facebook, simp

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As a woman of color, what are your thoughts on the chosen people and their ethnostate, Israel? Do you believe that blacks ought to have safe places to live, independently of non-blacks? Do you believe communities ought to have the right to preserve their own heritage, culture, language, beliefs, and ethnic lineage, or is it okay for jews to divide and mix and conquer everyone and make special rules to protect themselves?

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Post your feet