Be Hitler

>Be Hitler
>Claim Slavs are subhuman
>Start a war to try and exterminate them
>Burn down villages in Eastern Europe, death squads loot, rape and murder civilians
>Over 20 million civilians in the USSR are killed
>Still end up losing
Lol how do Zig Forumstards cope?

Attached: this kills the poltard.jpg (2048x1152, 269.35K)

>be nigger
how do /nigs/ cope?

>claim slavs are subhuman
Ah yes this is exactly why he allied with the Slovaks, Bulgarians, Croats and Ukrainians
>wage war to exterminate them

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You already got your ass handed to you the last time you ran this pasta thread, hours ago. Why are you rerunning it, you stupid kike?

also blood libel

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he didn't ally with them, he made them puppet states using them as cannon fodder against other slavs. croats were the most disgusting ones. they even disgusted the SS staff. Generalplan Ost will tell you everything

>Ah yes this is exactly why he allied with the Slovaks, Bulgarians, Croats and Ukrainians
Hitler used them because he knew they hated the USSR

This is the first thread I've made on Zig Forums today, schizo

Well, Slav, I don't speak for Zig Forums, but I can say that even Goebbels had to think, for days, to find any good in Barbarossa. The great and respectable military chief of staff, FM Beck, resigned over it. The baddest assed general in both wars, Manstein, lost his job over vocalizing his protest to Hitler, himself.
Hitler did not create the observation that jews are subhuman devil children, and the nigger his dog. Hitler exploited that unto what i personally suspect is a demonstration of his own Jewish heritage.
This wouk is explain why, to this day, the families of Austria's Brunn am Inn have no genealogical knowledge of who they are: the SS leveled the records storage by destroying the library on the days following Anscluss

He’s a salty fag who’s trying to catch some attention that his reddit fag buddies won’t give him

I don't use r*ddit, mutt

General plan ost was based off of one piece of paper the allies could have easily forged.

It claims they wanted to exterminate the Lithuanians, latvians and estonian when they obviously had no intention of doing that.

In no official papers did they ever mention deporting or exterminating the slavs.

And also the cannon fodder that they barely ever used on the front lines?

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he still said they were subhumans. And yeah he planned to kill About 60% of all Slavs according to Generplan Ost, even wehraboos and hitler lovers dont deny this shit. Hitler was just a fucking idiot.

The Germans killed over 20 million Slavs ffs
>B-but...muh official documents...

Except there was no official plan to do that, did they fucking transmit it through each other's minds just like the holohoax that was never talked about on any radios

>20 million
Vastly overblown number and it also includes partisans.

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nuh uh

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>Except there was no official plan to do that
Living space?
>Vastly overblown number and it also includes partisans.
Yes, all the villages, towns and cities in the USSR that were leveled by the Germans was to kill "partisans"

Hitler could have steamrolled through Russia quickly had he treated the conquered territories better, the Germans were initially welcomed with flowers and cheers in Ukraine, Belarus etc. but the Wermacht squandered all that good will.

Soviets did Katyn and lied about it too, so it's completely in their MO to project their own atrocities against Slavs of higher breeding onto the Germans so they don't have to answer to the crime of yet another filthy Judaically motivated anti-Amalek genocide.

Attached: katyn coverup.jpg (825x2950, 884.82K)

Lebensraum was basically just confined to poland and northern france.

Also most of the wiped villages were NKVD and red army as seen here.

>"Uh...actually it was the NKVD that massacred their own people during wartime"
>Forget the fact the Germans had literal death squads to burn down villages in Eastern Europe

And Zig Forums doesn't even have the balls to admit German NatSoc considered slavs untermenschen and was planning to genocide most of them and enslave the rest. If you do shit, at least have the courage to admit it.

>The fact that the Soviets covered up a massacre proves the Germans never massacred people during the war
That's some nice mental gymnastics you've got there

>actually it was the NKVD that massacred their own people during warti-

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And yes.

>“All settlements, in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 – 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius, the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier’s uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army.

>This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about “German atrocities”. For this purpose every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans.”

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It's actually our fault. Our war gubmint should do what any reasonable war gubmint does after heavy losses and surrender. But they didn't, baffling kratus and allies alike.

>Lebensraum was basically just confined to poland and northern france.
Lol no. It was a plan to expand German territory eastwards, genocide the Slavs living there and replace them with Germans

>the Germans had literal death squa-

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>le death squads

You mean the squads meant to be partisan clearing squads?

The unaware jew loving russian has stumbled into unknown territory!

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>In no official papers did they ever mention deporting or exterminating the slavs.
The nazis rounded up millions of slavs to work as slaves and killed millions of others through starvation and massacres.
Hitler didn't even want to cooperate with ukrainians who were willing to collaborate and form a Quisling government. he viewed slavs as subhumans. not as bad as jews but still subhuman.
Hitler was a fucking retard.
>And also the cannon fodder that they barely ever used on the front lines?
Yes? like slovaks invading Poland with them? Ukrainians killing Russians for them on front lines? Croats, who opened concentration camps for fucking Serbian children

>can't even post any evidence so resorts to posting anecdotes about already refuted points

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fuck off OP you kiked fuck. stop doing their work for them you rube

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Nice cope. Pic related are clearly German soldiers

You guys are the the embodiment of you accuse the jews of. Each time you are cornered, you start squealing and lying in a desperate attempt to save your face.


Have you read any of this thread so far?

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No. You're either a dirty Duginist kike rooster shilling for his blanda-up Churkaism, or a useful idiot who's been Stockholm Syndrome'd by KGB kike Putins' crypto-Soviet sham successor state. German racialism was on a Venn diagram with linguistic groupings.

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>Implying a post on Zig Forums disproves history

lol, they were just cannon fodder and underlings

>Massacre entire villages
>"Hurr durr we only killed partisans"
This is you brain on Zig Forums

>chimp out hard
>get raped hard
>cry about it
>repeat the cycle

nazi philosophy in the nutshell

that's not even the same pasta you dumb mutt

OP won't change their mind since they are either a JIDF or /leftypol/ shill, if you continue posting to this thread be sure to type SAGE in options to ensure this thread isn't bumped.

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>Implying it's been refunded
You idiots still haven't posted a single source to back up your claims yet

what makes you think that i'm a commie just because i don't want to shill for a psychopathic ideology which is in face just a big lie?

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you are delusional if you think only /leftypol/ hates your good uncle Hortler

>Everyone I don't like is a kike!
Ah yes, Zig Forums "logic"

It's 100% the same thematics and order. It's the same shit.

To all 'Polish' Jew posters: get fucked.

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>kill millions of people
>its well documented and acknowledged by virtually everyone
>but let me post this Zig Forums pasta that will prove history was made up and the Soviets killed millions of their own people during wartime to make Zig Forumstards look bad in 2020

If the Italians hadn't been among the most incompetent people to ever exist the whole war would have been quite different.
>Kick bong niggers out of Egypt
>Secure med and Suez
>Secure Middle East
>Baku oil fields are open for attack and taking
>Middle eastern oil fields are open to supply Germany
>Might even connect with the Japs through India and Iran
Also Hitler got cocky and just declared war on the US even though the Japs didn't to the same to the Soviets. Delaying US intervention in Europe would have freed up a lot of ressources to prevent the eventual loss of initative after Kursk.

get fuuuuucked

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>Soviets did Katyn and lied about it too
Katyń was massacre against polish people you cretin, not russians


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>Hurr durr...SAGE! Sure showed OP!

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>Katyń was massacre against polish people

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Americans truly are the dumbest people on the Earth

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Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-E10593,_Bromberg,_Leichen_getöteter_Volksdeutscher.jpg (800x539, 97.25K)

When will you understand that the shit you post proves nothing? Its just a picture with text on it and zero sources.


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woah... a random shitty image...
I guess all poles killed by germans were just crisis actors lmao

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>ITT: Americans defending Hitler

Attached: hitler quote on america.jpg (1050x709, 248.04K)

There is absolutely nothing about that sentence that I don't agree with.

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take your pills schizo, you are glorifying person who had nothing to do with your country simply because you are contrarian to the general narrative of your country and because your failure of a state failed to teach you history in school on anything other than Pearl Harbor or Your Civil War

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Hitler hated Americans. Why are you shilling for him?

>be kike
>be OP

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That's how their propaganda works. It doesn't intend to actually convince anyone that nazis din du nuffin, its way too crude and unbelievable for that. Its designed for the nazi-sympathizers that will believe just about anything if it means it will justify the actions of their aryan "gods" and subsequently make them feel better about themselves.

>Imagine thinking only Jews hate Hitler


This thread has been seized by the NSDAP of Zig Forums - we have declared it an Official /NSG/ - Natsoc General

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>Hitler hated Americans.
Really? Last I checked, in that image he's talking about how our shit is all fucked up and we need to fix it to have any hope of survival, which he doesn't see happening. Meanwhile, in the Zweites Buch, he called out the danger of America being its brain-draining adventurous elements away from the homeland, in the same fashion as colonialism was capable of so doing. A tacit admission that in spite of being Jewed to fuck and back, America contains viable, valuable racial elements.

>Why are you shilling for him?
Because I demand his vindication from the preening faggotry and lies of people in (((your))) mold and an absolutely bloody-handed World Pogrom of twenty-two million Jews and Shabbos. And we shall have it.

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