Happening in germany

Happening in germany.

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the message they pump into normies over and over is "if you fight for your rights you are evil". (Unless you're black. Or gay.)

actually impressed

Not really, Berliners protest every 2nd day basically, usually over dumb shit. Ask anyone who has lived there or has visited, chances of walking into a protest any day of the week are pretty good.

are they really "neo nazis" or are they just throwing labels?

They will all die on ventilatiors.

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Interesting to see how differently the media reports this, compared to how they report BLM


It's Berlin. So no, they are just mongoloids. All of them

I run a small business. I'm glad they lifted the restriction here when they did because I was on the verge of going insane from how unfairly small businesses were being hit by the virus.
I don't blame people for protesting. Everyone who ran the economic damage calculations failed miserably and caused human suffering that will last for decades to come because of their smug incompetence.

>neo nazis and conspiracy theorists
Why does this make me immediately suspect they're decent, kind people who only want to do right in the world? Doublespeak is starting to back fire.

Good on you Hanses


I love how masks and social distancing don't matter if you're protesting the deaths of violent niggers. They only matter if your protests defies communist ideals.

Berlin is a left wing city

Surely not, duplicity in media companies? Perish the thought.

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That's about the size of it.
It's a pathetic state of affairs

Nazi= has meant something I don't like for a long time.
I've been hit with it a few times for not falling in line before. Never bend the knee. Once they're in your sights it's a fight to the death and you can never surrender.

dont care
did not ask
care about your own country and stop consooming media entirely
that is the only way of truth and the way out

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Reminder that people on he continent and Scandinavia are less cuckolded by their governments than the Anglos.
Australia, UK, USA are all locking up their people and not a peep from them.


the lockdowns are grossly overdone

>12 cases!
>no more gyms, pubs, resturants

Damn Germany, impressive. Cousin I'm hoping you keep this up.

it was a mixed bag, and there was over a million people there, the NYT are just lying faggots

Honest question what’s wrong with Berlin? I’ve never been but my grandfather has...

Memeflag with yellow fever lmao

buzzworder with nigger flag
big funny

you can sense the seething from whoever wrote this
how do they know these people are neo-nazis? or far-right people? did they do one of their "polls"?

NYT is a cesspit that needs to be burned down

>bunch of people protesting due to corona restrictions

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>KSK didn't take advantage of the protests and initiate OPDX


Nah. It seems the Chinks designed this virus to focus on non whites first.

berlin has always been a problem, even during Hitlers time. Why do you think Hitler wanted to rebuild the Capitol of Germany into something better?

Top kek, police reports state it's close to 3.500.000

Fucking based
Show us how it’s done germans

more like coofin

>read about this shit
>see a video
>people with rainbow, antifa and fuck nazis flags

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it was in east germany so the people are more based there than in the west. They don't by the rona hoax

yes a bunch of boomer faggots there, but there were some German imperial flags there too

>largely peaceful

I reckon this has meme potential.

>neo nazis support drinking water
>you drink water? You fucking nazi

No one is scared of the flu.

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Okay, but was it mostly peaceful?

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>people tired of bullshit gather
Nazi. Racist. These terms don’t effect people anymore. Time for the pendulum to swing back. White people see through the bullshit. That’s why they are the targets. The propaganda doesn’t work

I saw some videos, I expected to see at least a crypto nazi flag, the OK sign or something.
MSM is just gaslighting as usual.
In Spain we legit had a only loony conspiracy theorists protest against the lockdowns and they also slapped the term ultraright winger to them, when most of them were just hippies.

>neo nazis
um sweetie i don't think that's allowed in Germany

You have enough rights! It's time you give them away to others under the soft bigotry that they can't earn anything themselves!

Half a gram of zinc every day?

What the fuck am I reading???

It's a buzzword that help the goyim know what to think.
Some of them might feel "I don't like this mask stuff either!". And then they end up sympathizing with these people. However, we taught the goyim that Nazis are bad as soon as they entered kindergarden. That helps them realize immediately who the bad guys are.

It's important to make it obvious for the goyim which side to pick. Otherwise they might get confused by the information and end up thinking the wrong thing. This must never happen again!

thats a ton of zinc bro, that's dangerous
60mg a day is just fine

They said they’re “supported by” nazis, obviously means nothing

>hardworking people are nazis

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>These terms don’t effect people anymore
the scary thing should be that if a new your liberal with a jewish daughter is "literally hitler" then there is no longer any political downside to actually being literally hitler. what are they going to call you?

Fucking kikes and their 6 gorillion,can't they just shut the fuck up and go back to israel instead of living like a race of parasites