What do Jews want?

If they were just greedy and wanted money, they wouldn't be trying so hard to destroy whiteness, which is required for civilization to function. A majority shitskin country is a pile of rubble where people eat eachother instead of growing crops. Is that what They want to rule over?

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I've asked this many times.

Stick got no answer.

Because the whites got the closest ever to exterminating them

Money is just the means to the end. Once you've got enough of it, it usually becomes about power.

the total and complete destruction of all non-jews, the money control is a side effect

>What do Jews want?

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To preserve their race of course while everyone else has no identity

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

They are the Children of the Devil, who cares what they want. SoS

i feel like asking Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein if that is her real hair, it looks like a hair hat ......

They're inbred freaks with compressed frontal coretex's. They're literally genetically and physically degenerated into a rodentform
You can't see Jew psychology like you would read human psychology. Their goals and actions are driven literally in the same way a rodents would be

Chaos and its not jews. Its germans.

They want to replace Christ with this

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What does the cancer want when it invades your body? Jews are the fucking cancer.

Quads of judaic bullshit

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They want to time the destruction of pure European genes with the ascension of automation. Some Aryans would not be content in a world where there is nothing to do and revolt whereas niggers/spics/mutts would happily sit in front of a screen, consume endless technocratic media, and stagnate. Europeans were a necessary evil to the yid’s plans of technological dystopia. Necessary kindling but now a potential danger

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They want to be free to practice their depravity and degeneracy out in the open and for that they must bring everyone down to their level.

Jews want to enslave everyone and don't care about the side effects. They hate white people specifically because white people are the only people to consistently catch on to their schemes.

Imagine thinking the cabal is Jewish. They all have roots in Germany and Babylon. They just larp as Jews.

And Jesus' most bitter enemies were the Pharisees, a sect from which all modern Judaism descends from.

the reason you are riddled with leftist cancer, is Jesus.

And yet Germany lost half its land over the last century and Babylon is a smoldering ruin. Fucking shut the fuck and kill yourself kike. If Germans actually behaved like you rats the entire world would be an ethnostate by now

Read the jewmud, they're the real jews

Cuckstainity is also a Jew psyop.

It teaches Kikes are chosen and niggers are human, so why should Whites buy into it? It did not come from Europe.


they're like the company that gets rid of all of their white workers once the company is running smoothly and replaces them with pajeets.

>, they wouldn't be trying so hard to destroy whiteness
They want serfs and whites don't stay under serfdom for long.

They want to rule so bad, they would literally prefer to burn it all down and rule the ashes, that way they can be in charge. The want to enslave the world. White people are the ones required for the world to be nice, but whites are also the only ones to ever reject being subservient.

> What do Jews want?
You mean the regular jews?

* Remember that all jews are the most racist people you can ever imagine. That's how they managed to stay a tight knit bunch for 2500 years.Can't have a Bar Mitzvah (or Bat Mitzvah) without being brainwashed all of that.
They are taught the world hates them because they are a superior race. Not because all the shit that the rich ones are behind.

So regular jews, upper middle-class with no real power, are still frothing at the mouth as soon as someone points out problematic jews. Because they hate those behind 109 and fear that there will be 110.

So regular jews only want one thing: Destroy anyone who criticize them.

Pic related is a good summary.

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Of course destroying the white world is highly illogical from the point of view of their own self-interest, but just like any parasite, they just can't help themselves..