Redpill me on gynecology, and why men are allowed in the profession

Redpill me on gynecology, and why men are allowed in the profession.

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cant believe i even have to explain this to somebody, but men are better than women in nearly all professions. unless bait, whats the confusion?

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Imagine kissing and caressing him, whispering sweet nothings into his ears, all while you gently, but passionately, thrust into his bucci, making him whimper like a girl.
You repeatedly sink your phallus into him in the heat of affection, watching his feminine body squirm beneath you, all while holding his hands, staring into his bright eyes, as your erect manhood pleasurably stretches his wet sphincter.
You hilt yourself in him, filling him with your virile seed, and painting his insides creamy white to the tune of your baritone grunts and his high-pitched moans.

Because men are better at everything. Also if you are a woman you should go at least twice per year. 101 things can clog up the piping and make women infertile.

>Imagine kissing and caressing him, whispering sweet nothings into his ears
imagine being a goddamn faggot

gotta get that pussy somehow

you deserve to be shot right in your faggot face

Are you a Muslim?

Denmark no!

Worst profession ever.
Seeing old smelly Gina's all day every day and coming home to your wife, almost gagging at the thought of seeing another one.

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No one wants a female doctor.

this is the future

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This except with me and you.

I am a pediatric gynecologist and pizza delivery driver. It sucks, with both jobs I get to smell it but never eat it. My 10 year old sister on the other hand...

Bon Appetit!

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women have been brainwashed to believe that no matter how a vagina looks its Always Normal; "all shape and size bumps totally normal" etc. Men know when shits fucked up. That's why.

but really, it stems from there having been no women in medicine in ancient days lol and the trend has continued down the lines of many wise and noble male gynecologists.
And legitimately, a woman(a sane normal adult female that isn't brainwashed) actually prefers a male doctor.

this, the Jew knows the truth. watching old smelly cunt every day makes you feel gross about sex


This, most of the cunts that go there are either infected or most of the time fucking ugly.
This job is highly overrated

fucking faggots

Because we are more competent in medicine than women. Even when it is about women,

t. neonatologist

>actually prefers a male doctor.
Women of old preferred male doctors and the only thing that changed it was the feministic movement and women being forced by hospitals to take on female doctors and spreading patients.
Family is in med field since 40’s
Get fucked npcs

Men have a high tolerance for gross things and smells. Imagine a women opens her left's and a strong aroma of fish and roadkill fills the entire room. You look down see literal mold growing in it. 90% of woman would just leave the room

this better be ironic.

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>be based gynaecologist femdoctor
>get my monthly pain
>can't concentrate, can't think straight
>the pain I feel is unfair and it's the patriarchy's fault
>patient comes in and wants me to inspect her fuckhole
>she's younger and way hotter than me
>this is the most oppressing shit I ever endured
>purposefully misdiagnosed her
>cost her her fertity
>not my fault, "It wasn't me, I wasn't being myself"
>don't go to work for a whole week because of period pains
>muh wage gap
Women's suffrage

I remember reading a quote from a woman about the profession: “I would never go to a mechanic who doesn’t own a car.” Also heard from ppl who should know that 90% of slits are diseased (hence the reason for the visit) or just plain old & worn out.

Only had one woman dr ever (family/internal medicine) and she was the biggest

C an’t
U nderstand
N ormal
T hinking

while I agree with the sentiment, but "women of old" didn't have much of a choice. Being a doctor was a rare thing for a female in those days. But women are, like you said, basically forced to have female doctors thanks to feminism and fear shaming. "aren't you afraid hes going to molest you" etc. normal women don't worry about that shit but its being pushed by the media that all men are bad. Granted, some do but when 99% of career doctors are men, eventually someone is gonna fuck up and its 99% likely that its going to be a male...because all real doctors are males.

because they are gay.

Wait a second, that not the canadian flag...

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Men started the field and are better at it.

>Men are better at looking at Vaginas

Men have better understanding of vaginas than women