They're always moody bitches who act tough. Although that can be said for all police really.
Should female police exist?
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Why do you ask rhetorical questions?
Women should not be allowed in the work place period.
Yeah, they constantly remind us how incompetent 99% of the women are.
Women should only exist in kitchen.
Does Russia have a department where they only hire cute police officers to use for photographs and videos or something? Every picture on the internet of a Russian policewoman is a 10/10
Women should not be allowed to leave the house without the supervision of males of the family
i think for police jobs like interrogation for kids or. for a friendly face.
And male cops are any less moody?
Unironically yes, in the military as well
Flag checks out
No. There's nothing a woman can do that a man can't do better. Anything a woman can do initially can be trained to be done more effectively by a man. Everything a man can do inherently better than a woman cannot be trained in a woman. It's literally pointless and especially the military to. Even philosophically I don't think women should do any inherently dangerous job.
So like 1% of positions? Meh
i dont think they could stop a raging boner let alone a criminal
Makes you think
I am a white man, but I don't mind black people. I just don't want to live with ZOGGERS. Name the Jew.
>the man was eventually tasered and arrested by male officers
'Murican cops would've just shot him in the face, and finished their coffee break!
Of course. Why do you think every IDF post here has posts a passable military jewess? It's all propaganda
In my bedroom
Children would be just as effective. It's literally clownworld
That's what I used to think but they'd probably just kneel. I'm happy to be proven wrong
why don't you know what the point of a rhetorical question is ?
post your time-stamped tits
Lol fpbp
Raging boner is no joke, consult your doctor
Women have been used for military propaganda since WW2. The commies did it a lot.
No, too weak in all need attributes,end of debate
This is hilarous, the way he ragdolled her. They're so non threatening he hijacked a police car.
if your ganna give a gun and authority to someone id rather it be someone who has experience being the smaller party and not a dude who bullies or murders the first guy he doesnt think he can take in a fight. guys are bigger pussies than girls when it comes admitting their shortcomings and will do anything to rationalize why they hold superiority over somethings that threatens their self image.
all police with a gun are non threatening
Just watching them run around not knowing what the hell to do. It's truly tragic how comical it is. What a clown world
user, this isn't a rhetorical question. A rhetorical question isn't simply something you already know the answer to.
I used to work for a V8supercar team, and every year we would go to the Gold Coast for the GC400, a road race in the middle of the city, on every corner of the closed off streets there were female police that looked like they hired glamor models and slapped a uniform on them.
No women shouldn't be in the field as police.
American police usually team up a woman cop with a real cop (ie a 200lb man) to negate these situations.
Says the NEET
Out of all of them half of them are solid. Other half have complexes that prohibit them from being useful or are only there for white collar crime investigations. The half that are solid though are solid, just lack the physical advantages.
A rhetorical question is meant to convey a point. The answer is obvious and therefore does not have the purpose of asking for information.
For example:
Is it a good idea to jump of a cliff?
Should women be police officiers?
Fuck. No.
Yes dude! Everytime I see a female cop she's gorgeous and petite. It's just insane honestly.
hard to say. i work security, i've seen female police deescalate situations a man would be unlikely to deescalate. i've also seen them get thrown like ragdolls and be totally useless. i think they should receive some specialized martial arts training or something, because at the end of the day if you're 120 pounds going up against someone who's 200+ pounds, they're going to kill you.
inb4 all the bruce lee fanboys, inb4 all the MUH SIZE DOESNT MATTER, inb4 all the 'ima black belt lolrekt', etc. mass matters, real fights go to the ground within seconds.
Why not 2 200lb men???????? They are law ENFORCERS
The fucking jews do this to deflect from serious organizing.
>back up officers
you mean real officers
actual 10/10 in bongistan
That's like jacking a car in GTA.
How to treat a female officer
heres that british humor ive been hearing about
this can be said about all cops tho a buddy of mine desperately trying to become a cop was a squeaker all the way till 10th grade never stops talking about wanting to dominate woman. Another buddy of mine is a true chad would never start a fight unless u flipped his cup and were his size and hes a wildlife cop.
They’re in law enforcement for a specific reason. Something they don’t tell you in the police academy. Women are used to tricking perpetrators into thinking they will have sex with them.
Around here they always seem to be comicly teemed up with the biggest guy possible, obviously for their own protection.
too much gear