Why are poor/middle class white Americans okay with being cucked by the government? As a whole as far as the BLM movement goes, it could easily be spun to a whole different angle. Like in the french revolution of 1848, with how poor people got sick of the bourgeois’ shit. The wealth distribution in the US is absurdly unbalanced and it the gap continues to get bigger and yet meanwhile we’re having all of these racial issues that could see itself being resolved if the people were being compensated fairly, versus having stagnant wages for the past 10 years while purchasing power continues to decrease for the USD. Meanwhile the government dumps billions of dollars into airliners in bailouts with the intentions of it being to shield their workers..... and a lot of them got laid off anyways. I understand that the government cares more about these businesses than they do their own people, but it’s like they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.
>pumps billions of dollars into businesses >”this is fine” >unemployed gets $600 a week >”woah woah woah, don’t you think that’s a little TOO much?”
to add onto that, if you want your economy to recover, you need to pay your people. At this point i’m expecting some sort of full economic collapse by the time elections come around if nothing changes.
Nathaniel Davis
Americans would rather have a sustainable solution. A sensible trade policy that revitalizes the Rust Belt would be far more beneficial than a temporary $600/week or a one time unemployment check.
A strong and growing economy is far more beneficial than the stimulus BS that the Dems pulled in 2009, giving billions to road construction and teachers unions and high-speed rail that still doesn't exist 10 years later.
most americans are consoomers, so a lot of that $600 will be spent on whatever it is they need/want, so instead of just bailing out dying companies, why not just finally make UBI’s a permanent thing and let zombie companies finally die?
ubi is bullshit. let the zombie companies die without funding degeneracy. how does it make sense to pump money into niggers and illegals just to maintain some type of skeleton economy? mass deportations of illegals like a fucking witch hunt, prosecute big tech for their bullshit and rape them for fines, use those hundreds of billions of dollars to fund military training and draft half the fighting age men. military is the reeducation for the leftist faggots. those who don’t realign get the hotbox at gitmo.
Ethan Adams
The government has money because of taxes. $600 EXTRA week for everyone unemployed, on it's own adds up to billions of dollars quickly. With all these poor and middle class people making money without working, why go back to work at all? Then they no longer pay taxes into the system The business no longer produce anything The treasury dries up The businesses go bankrupt Depression 2.0, now with extra inflation Unemployment checks stop coming Food stops coming Military stops getting paid China strikes economically, and militarily Ni hao cuck
Adam Green
Says the guy who has actually licked boots.
Austin Diaz
But after all it is you who craves daddy state. You want the state to look after you as if it were your own father. And yet he's the one who's a bootlicker? Socialism can't exist without a strong state
Ryder Rodriguez
Said the cuck who literally licks nigger boots.
Austin Harris
>use those hundreds of billions of dollars to fund military training and draft half the fighting age men. as if we needed to pour even more money into our military, good joke kek. If you really want to see true development and growth, it’ll be from funding schools because of how shitty public schools are in the US. because a lot of the poor and middle class have kids to take care of as well as pay bills/rent. People want to go back to work to have a sense of security so that they know they can pay for these things. The people who rely on these $600 actually need it whether you want to agree with it or not. >the businesses go bankrupt good. that just means that they weren’t needed in the first place and couldn’t justify their own existence if they can’t even stay afloat and just eat up taxpayers money.
Benjamin Gray
is the state not responsible for this economic crisis in the first place? instead of doing the blame game, we should look at how we got here in the first place. >government gleefully spends billions of dollars on big businesses who were poorly managed even BEFORE the lockdowns hit >lockdowns happen, people lose jobs as well as many employers saying they’ll be closed for good >”go pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get a job!!!!” how? surely it can’t be that unreasonable for the government to value its own people over sucking the dicks of businesses that control nearly everything
Anthony Hill
>good. that just means that they weren’t needed in the first place and couldn’t justify their own existence if they can’t even stay afloat and just eat up taxpayers money. Airlines arent needed? A privatized section of our infrastructure is not necessary? Small businesses just starting and making small profits arent necessary? Maybe you're right. We dont need local pizza places that source quality ingredients, everyone just go to little caesars.
Anthony Baker
But public schools have steadily declined in results since the Gov started funding them. And you want more government funding? More niggers, fag propoganda, white hate, and obedient chattel? No thanks, lets stop expecting the Daddy Government to take care of shit. Im white, i dont need other people to provide for me. Thats for shitskins and women
Joshua Foster
Okay, yes, the government caused this crisis as well as propping up other crises. I just dont see more government, especially at the level of universal provision of necessities, as a good thing. Lets get all the way off the government tit, not ask for the left boob while big corporations get the right boob
Dominic Murphy
>A strong growing economy is far more beneficial than the stimulus BS
You're delusional as fuck. $25 trillion dollars in debt is not beneficial to the economy. We're to the point where the federal reserve is using your debt to leverage stocks in private companies and is going to become the largest conglomerate in the history of the planet and you're hiding that under the guise of a "sustainable solution". You're either stupid and not paying attention, or you are paying attention and you're purposefully lying. Neither is a good thing.
Lucas Hernandez
But you're not doing that if you're voting for Trump. I'm not saying to vote for Biden, so I'm just going to stop that right here. You don't get to tell everyone to get off the tit while reaching out for the tit yourself, and then pretend as if you're better than everyone else because at least you get the tit, and not someone you don't like.
Connor Anderson
let me correct myself, instead of funding the schools they need to change the way they teach kid. Having them learn to use critical thinking skills instead of forcing them to just remember the things they were taught without truly understanding it. THAT is when you’ll see real change, as opposed to what we have now (which is a shitshow) > More niggers, fag propoganda, white hate, and obedient chattel? >”Preserve muh white race!!” sorry whitey have fun seeing what a minority is like in 30-40 years when you guys get bred-out kek
Dominic Gutierrez
>We're on your side >Yes we hate you and want to see you destroyed >Of course we believe whites are inferior to blacks >Can't you see? This is just like the French revolution. Now just stick your head in this guillotine.
Camden Harris
Middle class America was tired of the bullshit from the government: that’s why trump was elected, I’m not a fan nor did I vote for him. But you gotta admit he’s done more for the American citizen then any other president. BLM is a fucking lol cow ran by commies who dislike the American way because they’ve been brainwashed to think the Marxist way won’t put them against the wall for being revolutionaries.
Sebastian Scott
>Like in the french revolution of 1848, with how poor people got sick of the bourgeois’ shit. Poor people uniting against oppressors is a myth. No revolution can go through if you don't have key players in the government on your side. Namely, army. If army turns against you, there is no revolution. Hence, revolution is not a matter of poor people getting pissed off. It's a matter of key revolutionaries getting access and influencing the key players to assist with the coup. Ordinary citizens do not have any say in what goes on politically.
Luke Wood
BLM was literally founded to amplify the racial injustices in our country, if you were able to think from outside of your own perspective you’d know this. If people calling out systemic racism is considered anti white, then what does that say? >But you gotta admit he’s done more for the American citizen then any other president. Like completely disregard the CDC as a whole and singlehandedly fuck the country, not only from an economic standpoint, but morale as well? your supreme leader did a shit job at managing this crisis, no way you truly think that most americans aren’t already sick of his shit.
Luke Ross
>Ordinary citizens do not have any say in what goes on politically.
the average US citizen already knows that their vote carries almost no weight. which is why we’ll see ANTIFA continue to get bigger as a whole, and eventually start seeing more groups of extremists grow in size
Josiah Clark
>which is why we’ll see ANTIFA continue to get bigger as a whole, and eventually start seeing more groups of extremists grow in size That's not the real 'why'. Real why is hidden in who finances these groups. Extremist groups always need to be financed by someone who has the interest in keeping such group up.
Jaxson Bailey
Go to an economics class you fuckn retard.
Adrian Gray
Why shouldn't we disregard the CDC? They have already admitted they will lie to us for the greater good, whatever that means to them.
Caleb Howard
Yes, but after a certain point they start to grow legs and then whatever happens from then on is up to them. ANTIFA isn’t centralized enough to put an end to it as a whole. it’ll continue to grow, they can maybe slow it down but as a whole, as they get more and more media presence, more and more people are going to join them
Aiden Harris
>why shouldn’t we listen to scientists who’s job is to literally study disease and how it’ll effect the country as a whole? > They have already admitted they will lie to us for the greater good, whatever that means to them. source?
Lucas Gonzalez
Yes, because we should all be emulating the french revolution. What a great idea user
Hudson Morales
not LITERALLY, but that’s the first thing that came to mind when talking about inequalities of wealth
Kevin Richardson
>the wealthy >the 1% >the elites >the government >the establishment Those are all euphemisms for "Jews". If you don't name the tribe, you're not fighting the real enemy. On the contrary, you're a collaborator. That means the government going down on you are two enemies going at each other, something that we can only welcome and encourage, and definitely not interfere with. Never interrupt your enemies when they are destroying eachother. Pic unrelated