Abortion for medical reasons, due to pregnancy that physically threatens the life of the mother, has always been legal until 9 months.
They simply added that "psycho-social distress" is a valid reason to prove pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.
Obviously it doesn't and anyone can say they're in distress and get aborted.
Nicholas Morris
>you don't get gibsmedat if you abort. it is the same in usa but they still abort their babies
Samuel Bailey
lmao the anti-abortion shit is the ultimate virtue signal. like you give a shit about some unformed baby you don't even know, faggot. literally who gives a fuck. rightoids have become worse than SJWs.
Jaxon Mitchell
niggers in the USA are very different from the ones we have in France. their population stays stable.
here they're straight outta africa, have 5 wives, which are always pregnant at the same time and shitting babies non stop.
Jose Miller
Great news. 9/10 preggos here aren't white
Jayden Miller
but the ones who abort are whites, idiot
James Reed
France is doomed anyway, sooner or later t. not French
Asher Martin
>How can I stay sane lads?
Start promoting Sharia Law
>Openly say that women doing this are worthless sluts and evil >Accuse of Islamophobe any progressive that dares to raise her voice against you
Matthew Gonzalez
People who are born 3 month early can still have a normal life, this makes me sick wtf france
Easton Anderson
Yeah lol lets kill babies who cares lol.
Jayden Lee
Who cares? Too many people on the planet anyway. We need a purge.
Parker Carter
unfortunately seems to be right
Nolan Kelly
OK I just realized a fact that most sluts who got pregnant like that must have been fucked by niggs or bougnoules. So still great news anyway
Levi Anderson
How does it feel like having a 1 digit IQ ?
John Roberts
source ?
Jaxon Diaz
Americans gibsmedat are not french level, pic related
because having kids is evil, the propogation of the humans race is the devils work.
do you honestly believe god kicked us out of paradise because we ate some apple? We murdered his fucking kid and god invented abortion as a way for us to pay the price
Xavier Long
It's time to desolve this worthless assembly, and put an end to this miserable republic. Fuck Marianne, fuck the revolution and fuck the democracy.