>The Tesla CEO - who has made himself billions off the back of U.S. government subsidies and the U.S. taxpayer - took to the "Daily Drive" podcast on Friday to make it clear exactly what country his allegiances lie with.

>On the podcast, reported by CNBC, he called the people of China “smart” and “hard working” while at the same time calling U.S. citizens "entitled" and "complacent". He specifically called out both New York and California, states whose taxpayers have literally funded Tesla's business with massive tax breaks amounting to billions.

Attached: musk_10.png (800x657, 750.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>states that mutts are retarted

damn. I didn't already know that

What a scum bag

But hes right. Mutts are subhuman.

>people of China “smart” and “hard working” while at the same time calling U.S. citizens "entitled" and "complacent".
Sadly he is right. China has had rising IQ's and strong work ethic. I hate China, but it's true

China will never have another revolution. Read text

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He isn't wrong thought.


take their money and they die, whats the problem

He's a literal reptiloid, just look at his reptile mug

>not all african americans are niggers
wow even the white ones are; maybe its just an african thing

Musk is hated in USA for his wealth and achievment. His harmless jokes are taken out of context and demonized, he is portrayed as the villian who built his company on his father money that he stole from South African niggers. He is portrayed as billionaire who exploits workers.

Musk is adored in China for his wealth and achievment, he is the role model for many Chinese space enthusiasts. For a long time China was adoring Zuckerberg who maried chinese woman and was teaching his kids Chinese, but since then Zuckerberg started badmouthing China and sayins shit about Chinese people. Friendship ended with Zack, Elon is new China's friend.

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>He specifically called out both New York and California, states whose taxpayers have literally funded Tesla's business with massive tax breaks amounting to billions.
This whole concept that tax cuts equal public funding for business needs to be rooted out and destroyed. Stealing less of someone's money by force is not funding. A business isn't being funded by the government unless they're paying literally zero dollars in tax and getting subsidies on top of that.

And after California forced the Tesla factory to shut down for like a month, whatever tax breaks they may have given were easily wiped out by the direct harm they caused the company.

What should he be loving about American business culture?

>literally funded Tesla's business with massive tax breaks

I don't think that's how tax works bro....
>Oh I need some funding for my business
>Hey I'll just go to the IRS and they'll give me free money

No shit he's got a factory there.

>takes the redpill
>trashes Americans

Idk what y’all expected, clearly chink owned

>Musk Calls Chinese "Smart, Hard-Working",
>Says Americans Are "Entitled, Complacent"
I am sorry, but these statements are facts. I've worked in China and Europe with both Chinese and Americans, and this statement is true, it's got nothing to do with political ideology.
Get mad all you want, he's absolutely correct on this one.

And Germans are cunts who make 34k a year while a usa equivalent job would make double. Keep sucking Merkel’s schlong

Dollar is less worth than Euros

>while a usa equivalent job would make double
Yet the $15 minimum wage is only pushed by losers who need more skills according to the folks who think your statement is fine.


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>he called the people of China “smart” and “hard working” while at the same time calling U.S. citizens "entitled" and "complacent"
Everybody says this but effectively means nothing. "Entitled" is a huge boomer meme.

This guy and his chink crew fucked up badly and tried throwing the US workers under the bus so many times.

lets compare Mutt workers to Based Hard Working chinese workers.

Mutt Negros at work, slow and inefficient

Attached: wtv-americanfactory2019-1080p04.webm (720x404, 980.05K)

Chinese Workers working hard, fast and efficient.
USA Mutts/Negros cant compete.

Attached: wtv-americanfactory2019-1080p03.webm (720x404, 2.06M)

Musk is right.
Fuck America
Fuck Americans and their entitlement. Seethe more naz-i mean socialists, though your one in the same.

The US workers in their US Factory were useless and slow, only after they removed the Mutt managers and replaced them through chinese the factory started to function better but still not as good as their Chinese Factory.
pic related a work crew in China, disciplined, not obese and ready for hard work.

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He's African American, he's probably been subject to racist abuse in the US since the beginning

All that money and he looks like a gremlin

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He knows that China will be in charge within his lifetime.

Because Americans are entitled, self-hating, misanthropic and complacent while the Chinese are hard working and proud of being Chinese, human beings etc.

It's very easy to do nothing but work when you have no soul.

Based. China doesn't support progressivism or muslims, they're only supporting BLM as a subversive tactic to take down the west. If they win they won't allow that shit, just like Yuri Bezmenov predicts will happen to the useful idiots. While if the west wins, you know that unless they crack down on the SJWs, that cancer will continue to spread. China is only accelerating as a way to build the nation up again from the bottom up; it's too diseased to be cured.

This is unfortunately true. Chinese people work like dogs, harder than Mexicans even, they just have no independent thought.

>proud of being human beings

now compare to the American work crew.
>all of them are suffering from obesity which makes them slow
>no discipline

Attached: muttistan.jpg (907x524, 73.43K)

Learn to formulate a coherent thought

Learn to code and get a real job.

If you need the government to raise your wage for you then you're still a piece of shit, get a better job

>tyler durden
>those statements are factual

That's fucking stupid. 'Continued revolution' does not build up a state. They're an oligarchy.

It doesn't matter. Some richfag supporting the CCP and calling people lazy for not wanting to be commie slaves or indenture servants can fuck off.
He can move to China and take his shitty company with him and never do business in the West again if he loves it so much.
Oh wait, he enjoys the freedoms, his lifestyle, the business opportunities, and everything else that comes with living and working here.


I remember when fucks used to talk about tax cuts costing the government money. Those who speak that way have to know it's a lie.

>He specifically called out both New York and California
Cool it with the anti-Semitism, Elon!

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I'm betting there's not a single Chinese part in any of his products.

like for niggers its okay to say the word niggers its okay for jews to be anti semitic.

What are you, 10? Don't take criticism of America personal. It's not your country, it's some multicultural abomination that hates you. Don't even identify with it dude
Fuck the US.

tbf he would look far worse without his hair transplant

thats a joke right. anyone who believes that has no grasp of chinese history

I wonder who could be behind this production...

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i've also been intending to watch that other doucmentary of which the screenshot is posted a lot here. of the chink in africa telling the niggers that they don't look after anything which is why they are a shithole.

1. Anyone know what that is called?
2. Should I watch that before American Factory?

The US as it is currently does not provide those things. It's living off the proceeds of dead white men that it hates.

40 percent of burger one pay check away from poverty. modern day capitalism is garbage.

And? He's brilliant. How dumb do you have to be to think that looks are all that matters?

>And Germans are cunts
I wouldn't know, I'm behind a German VPN server, hence the flag and the pass (Zig Forums banned all VPN ranges circa 2016)
I've seen first hand how burgers and chinks work side by side, and I don't need a fucking documentary to do so.
Chinks work hard and they prosper everywhere, apart from inside of China. They fucking run the Indonesian and Australian economy since the aussies are also entitled and lazy as fuck.

Best you take the time and read pic related from a great American thinker, Dr. Thomas Sowell.

Nobody is saying that the things America has contributed to the world aren't amazing, I personally love many american things and will continue to do so, but when compared to a modern burger and a modern chink, I'll say that a chink works harder than a burger. The burger is too busy stroking his ego.

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>He's brilliant
His engineers are, he's just a faggot that shitposts on twitter 24/7. His autistic rages are pretty well documented

>calling chinks more hard-working than amerifats
>this is the same as siding with chinks
modern journalism

Say it once again. I heard if you get doubles on this board it will happen. Say what you want, because you need to believe in magic, instead of reality. It gives me such joy that Americans are dancing like savages around virtual campfires, trying to curse China - you remind me of Indians in Americans, who believe their gods will protect them against colonisation. You think dances around bonfires and sacrifices of birds saved indians in America from being over-run? Now you adopted this ancient Indian mentality, you hope for magic, a mirracle, a rain, a curse from heaven to save you from China.

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right on cue

((South African))

How much of the science or engineering behind any of his projects has he done himself? Investing is 95% luck.

>says chinks are smart
fuck you chang
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

It isn't what it used to be, but it's better than living under the CCP.

Stop chilling for this guy. He is a ZOG puppet.

>chinks are so great slurp slurp

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thanks based germanon
i'll watch this first


i have my doubts.