You cannot leave the USA right now

It's about to get even worse.

Attached: passport.png (1102x656, 535.61K)

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You can't hold me prisoner in minecraft

Legit considering picking up and going to a state with no mask mandate, like Georgia or South Dakota. I'm not fucking living like this, and the people in government who are mandating masks are setting themselves apart big time from the ones who aren't

im willing to do whatever i have to do if it means i can travel to thailand and fuck quiet polite barely legal thai girls for $30 dollars. I haven't had sex since may 10th 2019 and that was with a hooker. last time i had sex with a normal girl was june 2018

The elites are slowly minimising the movements of urban populations while pushing for virtual reality technology. Then the only freedom to move will be in a virtual world.

Ohh boo hoo last time I had sex was almost 10 years ago.

Not really any reason to, you can just disappear into the millions of square miles of wilderness somewhere if you want.

>im willing to do whatever i have to do if it means i can travel to thailand and fuck quiet polite barely legal thai girls for $30 dollars. I haven't had sex since may 10th 2019 and that was with a hooker. last time i had sex with a normal girl was june 2018

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Why would I wanna leave the greatest country on earth?

>sacrificing your wizard powers for literal whores

The world has moved on since WW2. America is not the greatest place to live anymore.
Meanwhile you guys are still fighting communists and Nazis on the street lol.

You should have left America long ago because the Jews were signaling that they were going to massacre American whites brutally just the same way they massacred European whites under the Soviet Union by the millions.

You should be mentally preparing yourself to live as a refugee from white genocide in America. You shoul be prepared to sneak into a European country by any means possible and live on the streets with only the clothes on your back, knife in your pocket, and money in your wallet to survive. If you can't make it, well, you will just die in this massacre which is only beginning.

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This is an amazing thing to “take a stand against”, not taxes, not forced integration at schools, not forced low income housing in nice communities, not affirmative action, not the continuance of DACA, not on child molesters leaving prisons because of covid, not on tranny story time, not on the abolition of gun rights, not on the debasement of our currency.

Be a REAL MAN and take a stand against wearing a mask! Yeah this is super cool, remember to wear your Ed Hardy shirt and ride a Harley because those are super cool and independent independent in mind and action! Yeah no masks, no sir, literally the most important thing in history, we’ll go down in history as the badass rebel saviors of the world.













They'll have all you mutts wearing goggles too soon. Pic related, typical American doctor.

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Restrictions won't last or the entertainment/hospitality economic sector will die. I like Disneyland when it's half empty so I don't care.

Snowboarder pilled

Attached: Owen-Pick.jpg (1163x776, 162.84K)

Shilling way too hard. Try again, glownigger.

I've stopped eating at restaurants and consuming stuff I don't need. If they want to continue with the enslavement of humanity, I don't buy...anything.

cool Hunter Loadout in Destiny 2, bro.

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Perhaps not thread theme, but seems appropriate:
I don't get the hardline pro or anti mask arguments either way but still a great song.

I main warlock. Hunters are for noobs.

I had sex yesterday with my wife.
You’re pathetic.

>sex yesterday
>with wife
Happy birthday for yesterday user

I don't understand how this is supposed to work.
Ok, so you get tested, test negative, and get your passport.
What's to stop you from becoming infected after that and walking around positive with a passport that says you're negative?

We don’t have enough of those types of masks, anti maskers are just stupid Fags who didn’t buy the hype and don’t want to pay $2,000 for a respirator that would have cost them $75 when we all told them to buy them in January.

Antimaskers are just the typical, “I’m never wrong and can’t stand ever being wrong” Americans. Not sure if you have people like that in Germany, but about 10% of Americans are this personality type and no one likes them, they don’t even like each other.

i increasingly fear you're right, and that trump is setting us up. i'm very nervous about the immediate future, and feel a preemtive move is necessary. i have a very bad foreboding feeling. it gets worse every day.

unless covid is just a hoax?

>t. femanon

it is a hoax. top to bottom. there is no pandemic. only a complicit media and medical industrial complex in league with operatives in government.

My wife is in another country and I don't know when I'll be able to see her again. I hate this shit ;_;

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Im an ugly heightlet and ive never had a problem getting laid. A couple years after highschool I started dating the hottest stacey in our graduating class and now im going to marry here.... i honestly dont understand how some of you people struggle like you do.... youre just not trying or youre a dimwitted retard. my witty bantz make up for my ugliness i guess. i literally laugh their pants off... try it.

Sure you can, you just have to do it illegally.

It’ll all be over soon. The business that run on bullshit consumerism and attention, (((media))), (((marketing))), (((credit))) will slowly starve. You are right and you are part of the critical mass scaling back. Just wait a few more years when families are relocated out of cities en mass.

How many people are homeschooling now? How many people are cooking all their meals? How many women are now homemakers? How many people are going trad? How many people are cutting their credit cards up? How many people are draining their market accounts? How many people are turning the tv off?

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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Lol whatever keeps more Americans out of Japan the better.

Where it will be significantly easier to control you.

I just fucked an acorn squash

The glownigger is right, but also demoralizing is for fags

Germans are very obedient and I've never seen or even heard of someone trying to go inside a store without a mask on.

Fucking hell you people are retarded. There is literally no travel ban on Americans. During this fake pandemic I literally have travelled to 5 countries. The only country that somewhat gave me an issue was Ukraine , which just requested I buy $40 medical insurance.

Seriously guys. Stop listening to the media. It’s all fake. Literally all of it.