Impregnating Female

Have you impregnated a female? If not why?

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almost. the condom broke but i pulled out before i coomed. i wish i just coomed inside her. I've never come close to doing it raw since then

latinas, of course.

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Yeah. But she said she'd not carry to term and so I ditched her ass.

No, of course not. I prefer to play video games and I don't want my personal time and money to be taken up by parenthood.

You can tell she is happy w/ the bleaching

She has achieved all her goals and I’m ok w/ this

Latinas produce a lot of kids willingly. Good alternatives.

Yes, five times.

>Have you impregnated a female?
I'll tell you in five days

No, though I'm aiming for at least three kids once I'm married.

Fuck off, Shlomo. We're onto your ruse. Nobody here is flushing their Aryan genetics down the toilet. Doesn't matter how many latinas or asians you post.

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Yep, she gave me 3 kids. All of them are blue eyed and have strong European features. Best thing I did was knock up a redhead.

Got my wife’s best friend pregnant ooops

that feel when no gf

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You are retarded. Pic related is what you get when you mix black and white.

Yes, I knocked up 2 filipina girls, both under 25.

How the fuck is this political, OP is a double nigger.

>Have you impregnated a female? If not why?
Cba to socialize with women. It takes too much time and effort. Despite being pretty good looking compared to most men im too lazy

How old are you? Perhaps you're suffering from low T. I didn't ask either of the girls I knocked up if I could get them pregnant. I simply did it to spread my seed into the healthiest and smartest / hottest womb I could find. Granted two flip girls isn't saying much, it's what is available here for my cock.

>Have you impregnated a female? If not why?
Who wants an 18year long car payment?

I have, and she had an abortion, so what ?

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Energetic genes though.
They just need taller bone structure and blue and green eye options.
Lighter skin is a bonus.
I have a 6'5" White /Korean Nephew in medical school.
He got injured and it ended his football career.
Smart young man.

Ah, so you're just a nigger who doesn't even take care of his children, got it

Wait, latinas are bleachable???

How does it feel when the condom breaks user and do you just continue to pump even though you felt that the condom had broken kek?

There is a type of girl im attracted to but the average woman just doesnt do it for me. Besides why should i have to put in so much work for some 6/10 roastie who thinks she deserves more than shes worth because shes a woman. If i find a girl i like ill go for it but im not gonna go out of my way to get one

Yeah I have. My 4 year old is hanging out with me and we are watching power rangers in space right now. Now I just need to get his mom on board for a couple more...

Based, did you flee from them user or are they apart of your harem?

They're ours Shlomo, tend to your flock.

If you can afford to take care of them, polygamy should be legal and socially acceptable.

Yes, just once.

Gib amazoness gf.

Children, especially babies, are extremely cheap to raise. Don't fall for the population control myth of muh 18 years of moneysink. It's simply not true unless you get railroaded by a gold digging whore that wants to destroy you.

Fuck, I've spent over 4k the last two months alone on frivilous shit and spent nothing on my two kids except for food which I'm eating most of. Kids just absorb your personal time. That's it really. Don't compare me to a nigger either, fuckhead. Niggers abandon their kids. I'm simply cheap / rational.

Both my girls have strong european features, straight eyebrows, hazel eyes and auburn hair. Large deep set eyes and a strong nose bridge. You can only see a hint of chink in them.

Still my hunger to seed more women is not satiated. I must impregnant a pure Irish woman in order to best pass my genetics on untainted. It's just so damn hard to find an honest white woman today.

>Came inside my gf on my bday
>She got pregnant
>She had an abortion
>life is great because we dont have a little shit to take care of

to young still in school

You must understand that this is the exact same sentiment held by all these women that refuse to breed, right?

Why would i want my own kid to go though the worst time for a White kid in history. It was bad enough for me being disenfranchised in my own country by Jews for all my life im sure not going to have my own kid suffer in this multi cult shithole..

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Because I don't want sex at all. Sure I feel desire but I don't feel like acting upon it.

So you do actually care for both of them?
Props to you then

They all live in a home I bought. I keep my children close to me at all times. You can't trust anyone today, not even your baby momma.

i got lied to and knocked up a fat white cunt.

>Children, especially babies, are extremely cheap to raise. Don't fall for the population control myth of muh 18 years of moneysink. It's simply not true unless you get railroaded by a gold digging whore that wants to destroy you.
This is absolutely true. The first year they eat/drink 98% breast milk. After that they don’t cost much in clothes either, lots of people have kids clothes that they will Give you. All three of my kids basically wore the same clothes except the stuff they got for birthdays, Christmas. And kids clothes and food are cheap.

What is expensive is being single and eating at pubs, restaurants coffee out 3 times a day. That is what is expensive everyone who says we are waiting for a better time to have kids won’t have kids.

Based, how did you manage to make them okay with you having two of them kek?

>Why would i want my own kid to go though the worst time for a White kid in history.
It literally isn’t going to getter than this unless their aren’t white kids.

Yes, on at least 3 occasions.
>Use sex/swinger sites as well as hookup apps
>Fake name, number, job, etc
>Never too close to where you live
>Always go to their place
>Never let them see your licence plate, park far away
>Take no ID with you
>Don't use social media and make yourself easily looked up
>Cum deep inside


I agree user, I want a harem of qts

So what i have standards

The hard truth of life is that no one cares about you. If you’re lucky you’re parents might, but that’s probably it. Your wife or girlfriend is only with you because you offer her something she wants or needs. It might be money, stability, status, emotional support, safety, or comfort. Once you stop or are unable provide that anymore she will leave you and find it else where. She doesn’t love you in a ‘forever until death do us part’ kind of way. I have personally experienced this, but don’t my word, take that of a PHD that ran a social experiment and verified what many of us already assumed. So to answer your question, I’m not having kids with a woman that will wake up one day and decides she’s ready to move on, take half my wealth and stick me with alimony and child support payments.

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>Have you impregnated a female?

>If not why?
because the woman I was going to marry was aborted.

based af

I'm saving all the kids clothes to get worn by my future irish waifu harem number 3. I don't see it happening though. White women are too entitled. Maybe if I move to Colorado and find some crazy mormon bitch, idk. Won't happen in CA.

Now this is a real nigger type behaviour, no wonder your country is in shambles


I did.. a jew

She wrote me letters that she wanted to bear my child... got an abortion.. cheated on me.. banged half my town

I pretty much dissociated and became asexual.

At least I got redpilled on the jews early.

Standards are a hangup. You gotta see the big picture. You can't live for yourself forever.

I've cummed in a couple chicks, but I don't think I should pass on my shit genes. I am near sighted, have crooked teeth and back, bad skin, and pretty autistic. Hell, I only get laid because I'm not a manlet.

I apologise for my previous statement, if you actually care for both of those kids, I wish you luck, despite the racemixing

Pregnant socially awkward low self esteem but otherwise hot and smart. Most women, more like ALL, are highly insecure. Play off of that. Get one pregnant and that just gets amplified. Offer them security, and now a child, and you have them.

Based, how the fuck do you convince more than one woman to have kids with you though user?

My dream is to build a comfy compound style home sort of like a Roman villa and have a large harem

you going to let a jew mentally castrate you like that? get back in the game faggot, dont let her have power over you

No. I am untermensch, and have undergone vasectomy to prevent my filthy genes from polluting the gene pool.

My baby due late August but will most likely come in a week. Nice to know I'm doing my part to keep the white race going.

So knock a girl up and then tell her you basically want to build a harem and try and use her insecurities to make her okay with it? Got any tips on effective things to say user?

She completely wrecked me.. there's more to the story but I don't even feel good about sex anymore.

>This guy gets it
Don't be fooled into believing that the world needs you to leave children or that it is somehow your "legacy". If it happens, fine but the reality is a male could impregnate 500 females if necessary for reproductive security. Male reproduction is 99% unnecessary for most males. Enjoy you life, forget about children. Waste of time.

It's not that much about organization than probabilities. If you creampie the woman, she still only has approx. 1 chance out of 5 to become pregnant, and you can easily assume a 70% abortion rate, which means you would have to creampie at least 10 women like that to reasonably hope having at least 1 child.

Also, for those of this thread who know about latinas: can I just go to South America and impregnate dozens of them? Is abortion widespread? Would they abort a white baby?

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>You can't live for yourself forever.
Watch me prove you wrong

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1 time so far working on #2.

Wish I would have just not pulled out in highschool/college. I was a total chad, I could have had 40+ kids and would probably flee the country at that point.

Always have been my friend.
They have recessive genes hidden inside so white + latina = white baby

We do it for the white race and the pride of our ancestors

Fuck her. You did the right thing. Keep trying user.

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It's all good. I hate nigger behavior as much as the next guy. I deeply desire at least 1 pure white child now though and it's driving me nuts.

Convince? I don't ask for permission. Women want leaders. It's why they pick the most dangerous guy around. They believe they can control him from behind, use him as a shield and a weapon. All that's necessary to get any woman is to make it obvious you are in control, and they will constantly shit test you; one fuck up and she will run like a scared cat.

Anyways I just knocked them up, and once they figured it out I offered them stable living and care. In return they provide sex on demand and raise my kids. If some woman offered you the same, and all you had to do was knock her up and occasionally suck on her massive tits, would you be down for that? She'd even buy you tendies and a nintendo switch.

Condoms only for vagoo but I've blown some loads in a number of mens' asses if that counts?

No one lives forever anyhow.
The world is better off without some people in it.

Does this tranner have a big penor? Plz to show penor.

Lay down and die, that's the spirit!

Theres a mythological story archetype called "descent into the underworld" where the main character literally leaves reality and travels to the depths of hell. In almost all mythological traditions this descent is taken alone. I always wondered "Why does the character have to go to the darkest, most wretched hellscape imaginable all by himself? Why can't he take people with him?" I think I finally understand why.

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How can white women compete?


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Just don't be short and ugly. I lost count, but at a guess I have cum in 60-70 women
I know some got pregnant because they aren't using fake details, I am. I can look them up and see what happened.
Abortion isn't a big thing here.

On a rare occasion you will get a woman that wants to be knocked up and you can play along with it. Only makes me cum harder.

kek @ webm

I asked myself about a decade ago, what will remain of me after I'm gone? All I could come up with is children. Nothing of your legacy will remain. Not your money, not your accomplishments, not your creations nor fame nor glory nor honorable deeds. You will be forgotten except for your children, so raise many and raise them after your own self, because time will erase everything else of you that ever existed, except your kids.

I've got one kid in 5 states, luckily none of the baby's mammas figured out where I am. I used to act like a nigger when I was younger, though now that I'm older and realized white birthrates are at a stagnant level, I did us a favor

To much violence to the groin area as a child.

HAHAHA!!! Congratulations! You played yourself Chomo!! All those sexy latina bitches that migrated to the US are gonna get bleached! Then our numbers will be UNSTOPPABLE!!!

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