No, Black Lives Matter isn't discriminatory

No, Black Lives Matter isn't discriminatory.
Black Lives just matter.
There's no need to overcomplicate it.

Attached: babl.png (1200x1200, 117.95K)

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ok then

Why don't black lives matter to black people?


No, All Lives Matter isn't discriminatory.
All Lives just matter.
There's no need to overcomplicate it.

No, Blue Lives Matter isn't discriminatory.
Blue Lives just matter.
There's no need to overcomplicate it.

No, White Lives Matter isn't discriminatory.
White Lives just matter.
There's no need to overcomplicate it.

Black lives mattered more when they were property.


no they don't

FUCK NO!!!!!

They matter like crime matters.
The world would be better off without any black lives.

If it were just the words sure but BLM is an established Marxist org controlled mainly by non-blacks.

Do they matter to other blacks in Chicago or Baltimore?

asking for a friend.

equality is oppression

OP, remember its whites that think the poor of our own kind deserve what they get. Black, brown, asian, and impoverished white people get no sympathy. They are brainwashed to just say "get a job" "get a second job" "get a better job"

>No, Black Lives Matter isn't discriminatory
Yet all of you "peaceful protestors" get so triggered when you see pic. Fuck off with your hypocritical bullshit. Don't you have some black neighborhoods to burn down, some black business to loot, or some black people to put out of a job?

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niggers are the problem.

Have we not been through this 1000 tines, shill? Very briefly,
>an organization IS NOT an assertion
>the assertation that black lives matter, and the organization black lives matter, are two completely independent things
>despite asserting that black lives matter, the organization BLM obviously is not truly concerned with justice, but rather imposing a neo-Marxist state with whiteness being the original sin that requires salvation
>ergo, calling the organization “black lives matter” is just a trick that allows the easily persuaded and eager to be considered righteous that they should jump on board

> 1 post by this ID
Why are you fucker so gullible?

Black lies matter
Burn loot murder.

But they don't. So why do you over complicate things by uttering an untruth. Wouldn't it be easier just to shut the fuck up and fuck off

Tell me about David brock, what he owns, and who is ex boyfriend is you commie kike.

These are reactionary to black lives matter. That's the problem. It just sorta makes you look like a baby when you say these.

>People who have been beaten or shot over saying All Lives Matter in response which clearly means they both agree and believe in equality
>Woman killed over it.

You realize how many egotistical niggers are running with BLM right now yes? You realize they just put out some nigger brain washed which is the KKK equal to white pride call Black is King right? Where Black people are being told they are inherently special because of skin color. If every person thought the way you claim OP shit would not have escalated to riots.

It makes you look like a baby when you say your group of people is more oppressed then another group of people. You look like a baby when you never tried to do anything in your life and then blame a whole group of people for your failure.

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OP you sound stressed
Listen to this should calm you down

Yes like how Zig Forums blames jews.

Fuck niggers

Shut it, beast of the field.

They don't to we spics and from our point of view it's all hilarious that you blame the white man, your only friend in the world, for all of your own problems you bring on yourself. If you think white people kissing your ass and pampering you like a little baby is so bad, when we take over we aren't even going to feed you, let alone treat you like a spoiled favorite child. But niggers are too stupid to understand he is being used by the jew, either that or he doesn't have the balls to admit it. One on one you people suddenly aren't very brave anymore. So you'd bettered stop or else I'll show this to your white slaves you blame for all your problems.

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Based and farm equipment pilled

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What if I just don't give two fucks?

>Black Lives just matter.
To who?

Because it’s true?

I used to not give a shit about them but blm made me hate niggers. I get sick when I see them in ads, they're everywhere and it pisses me off

No, All Lives Matter isn't discriminatory.
All Lives just matter.
There's no need to overcomplicate it.

But they dont

So... you be sayin... we wuz kangz n sheeiiit?

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No it's not. The jews aren't why you're an incel.


>everyone I disagree with hasn't stuck their dick in a stinky hole
You gottem, leaf. Good argument.

Take your commie shill garbage somewhere else.

>just matter
Indeed they are just matter. Not human.

>1 post by this ID
S a g e