Do americans really
Do americans really
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Yeah. This is why we need to remove kikes.
Yeah, for some reason, especially the left, loves to refer to anyone under 21 as "babies" and children. Especially when those "babies" are rioting and looting and committing arson. All of a sudden they're poor waifs being set upon by society.
wait, do they really do this?
lmao these cucks are mad while we are fucking 16,00000000000000000000001 year old pussy
>can drive and own a deadly multi-ton vehicle at 16
>can own a deadly weapon at 16
>can learn advanced math at 16
>can consent to having dick cut as a newborn
>cant consent to sex at 21
backwards country
This has to be the work of the eternal roastie.
What the fuck is even going on?
The levels of brainwashing on display across all sectors should not even be possible.
I guess some do, but most state laws are of consent is 16. Most agree with the 18 thing because that's what we are taught is an "adult"
kek imagine being such cucks
I am 27 and personally I wouldn't date a woman younger than 24 or older than 30.
based thot
No age of consent isnt 21. That's faggots and boomers virtue signaling on social media. Then you have to opposite where pedos want it to be very young
The only ones who think like they are aging roasties and their simps.
A dude I used to work with would say
"8 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy. I'll fuck em all." We all hoped it was a joke.
They can never address the FACT that the average age gap for marraige is 4 years, and until the 90s the ages were 24 (men) and 19 (women).
These zoomers just think its normal now for 30+ year olds to get married because the average ages for marraige now are horrendously overaged
Why? Do you want to talk to them or something? What's the point?
>college students aren't adults
I'll accept it on the condition of taking away their voting rights.
Women are like the multiplication tables. 12 and under, do them in your head
like that are*
Imagine not having the age of consent below 18
Christ. Kek
its ok if women do it though.
They never told her, did they?
And incels who can't get a 21yr old woman
It's really fucking stupid how we're fucking treating people from 18-22+ like they're children who can be preyed upon. If you can be preyed upon at fucking 22 you deserve whatever happened to you.
We need to return the voting age to 21.
the majority of the united states aoc is 16
actually only in some states is it 17, or 18
HA! Andrew thinks he's going to get some pussy but his fake comment will do anything but that for him. What a loser. Can't wait until the pigs are abolished so smug fuckwits like Andrew can be dispatched with no pigs protecting him.
>20 year olds dating 18 year olds is wrong
>A bunch of fags gangbanging a crossdressing 10 year old is fine
I bet a shiny brass razoo they are sex offenders