
Why is ((( /his/ ))) such a fake news and lefty shithole like the rest of Zig Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=view from the airplane&t=lm&atb=v1-1&iax=images&ia=images

Brainlet actually thinking they are smart. I mean the left is mainly compose with that sort of people...

Because they don't acknowledge that history is written by the (((victors))). So they take (((their))) word for it.

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>why is everyone else including people with a passion for accurate history wrong? surely the board comprised of adult virgin schizos is the authority on truth

I bet you don't even read books
tu lis meme pas de livres esti de cave de francais de merde mangeux de baguettes

>denounces the JQ
Into the bin they go

basically this :
>Only one source for (((fact)))
>"oh my God, it must be true!"
/his/ has no historical skepticism, and THAT is ironic, considering they claim to be following history scientifically

Easy on the racism.

Holocoaster books approved by moshe-goldlevinstein

They might as well be reading off of wikipedia

>Be me
>Show on /his/ a video on YouTube about Nazis
>Uploader put scary eerie music on it despite the video being a mundane video about parades in nice spring peacetime weather
>Critique it
>Dumb /his/ Janny deletes my post

Pol is a containment board for retards, always has been

No particular reason as I can see ...

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>dumb /his/ jannies
They are not dumb (not ideologically speaking) as they are aware of what they do

the majority might very well be, or uses online encyclopedias like Britannica and others.
worthless summarization, without any analysis.

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Zig Forums always BTFOs /his/ as they can never defeat the JQ

>Why is ((( /his/ ))) such a fake news and lefty shithole like the rest of Zig Forums?
Its npr totebag tier pop history
Much like the "omg I love science" bugmen who imbibe the religion of scientism, just the "history" version

immigrants shit in your poutine and you like it

>passion for accurate history

>Dumb Janny deletes my post

Many such cases.

The /sci/ Janny thinks threads about human biology are trolling.
The Zig Forums Janny is Putin's publicity manager.

>straw man straw man straw man? straw man buzz word buzzword straw man?

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>you’re all just dumb because you won’t read and parrot the red book 24/7

Don't diss the poutine, the guy is probably a Montrealer jewshill

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It's full of people cargo-culting what they think intelligent people do. They think being leftist and embracing ivory tower narratives instantly makes them smart.

This is most easily seen in Holocauster threads.

kys sperg. you are an extremist and need to be on a list

>This is most easily seen in Holocauster threads.
Or any thread involving German history.

What if Jews are infection to humanity not from middle earth ?

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how fucking deep in the hole are you?

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pol could be deleted and no one would care
yeah you would sperg on other boards but you would be deleted and banned like you already are until you just gave up

Lol imagine not being

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Yes that was fantasy, but this is old map

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histards are just like npcs from the matrix movie.

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Hitler knew earth is flat

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Pol never gives up and will always find a way. We a fascists/lolberts, not lazy commies and liberals

>Or any thread involving German history.
those threads are always filled with extremely autistic krauts. Despite all of your virtues, you really are the most autistic ethnicity.

It didn't start off that way. The marxist kikes realized that they could not sway the larger boards because it retains a population of autistic bulldogs who will attack any jewish bullshit they see.

These smaller boards don't have these autistic sentinels and thus get harried and attacked by kikes regularly.

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You need to go and talk to someone that can get you help.

We all was told, that we fly around sun on the ball and in a opposite side of sun after 6 month we still can see anti-Semitic truth i.pinimg.com/736x/42/8f/7b/428f7b5aef89944965e2e1aafca7b676--four-seasons-outer-space.jpg =Oo what? is that means, that we do not flying any where ? So how it is anti-Semitic?
Can we observe that earth is flat? Yes. duckduckgo.com/?q=view from the airplane&t=lm&atb=v1-1&iax=images&ia=images
Can we measure ? Yes, but only those who have technical awareness how to do that.
Commercial airplanes fly laser straight lines, according to the tool gyroscope, that keeps drift from rigid point in space, that confirms flat ground under all over from Europe to Australia.
So earth is continents surrounded by flat surface of water? Yes.
Observe able ? Yes.
Measurable? not by every baboon, but yes.
Ok. lets check the Ball. It is observable ? No
Can we measure if "curvature" is correct ? No, no one have find yet any curvature = no ball sorry
CGI pictures and fake videos are real. Take your time to see.
Fire work rockets real and $19.4 billion from tax payers pockets real.
But how about "space" ? As real as Godzilla we all sow it on the screen, right? =O)
Submarines vs. ISS youtube.com/watch?v=ZLZngcQFCJA

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Take a wild guess.

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Shut the fuck up kike. The only way that you and your ilk can be helped is if you are removed.

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ferme ton claque merde sous-être

>Zig Forums
>Safe space

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It'd be better if they actually stayed on their board and stopped shitting up other actually decent boards with their nonsense. Or maybe just have a new stormfront or other shithole they could go to. The more distance to normal boards the better.

>they call me a pedophile on Zig Forums in my cunny breads

People like you are weak and need a fucking slap.

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Yeah, this is what I'm talking about. Schizophrenic retards who see jews everywhere. What, you don't agree with me! You must be a jew! Oh people are looking at me funny for babbling about the NWO, they must be JOOOS! Get your shit in order before you hurt yourself or others. Maybe tell your family about your situation and ask them for help.

Bring it on sperg. I'll break your fucking neck.

"Historians" can't think for themselves. Their pastime is literally the absorption of curated "facts" from (((approved sources))).

They are so busy learning other people's truths that they never do any introspection for themselves.

>Thread nuked after calling Marx a faggot
>point proven
/his/ is full of legitimate retards

Agreed. But our autism is triggered by very specific people and their pawns.

>Hitler was far right
playing left-right dichotomy is one of (((their))) greatest tools. libshits and cuckservatives fight while the (((tribe))) laughs and collects shekels

Zig Forums would just shit up other boards and Hiroshimoot would be forced to recreate it

>we're making progress
>Every commie thread gets btfo
We should pay their little red enclaves a visit one of these days

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Astrolabe Explained

as above as below means if you can name lights in the sky, point it out , then you can tel where you are below on the map GPS, Time, Heading direction with out any electronic gadget only mechanical one 'Astrolabe'

Questions opens ones mind and stamens close in to ignorance

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Shoad in 2min kek what a shithole and I thought our jannies sucked

>Why do people obsessed with shadows on the wall not leave the cave?

Same reason leftwingers will ignore any information that doesn't come from (((reputable))) sources. Had many such cases, told my friend about a gruesome murder in Germany, he asked me for a source, i sent him a link, he told me it's fake because he never heard of it. These people are real life NPC's, a real pathetic bunch. I had to show him a video of the police report talking about it for him to accept it as true, and even then he just dismissed it. Blackpilling stuff really, the world we live in

You employ jewish tactics with personal attacks in order to dissuade others from questioning your line of thinking and motives in the content of your posts.

You should ask for forgiveness before more races become our allies.

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I actually worked at a university's history department once (tried to do a PhD before I couldn't take it anymore). The amount of weird stares you get when you dare to reject approved books in favor of primary sources is staggering.

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