Accept your BLACK FUTURE whiteboi

The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under BLACK RULE. All white males are sissified. White women live to serve BLACK KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to America's BLACK FUTURE.

Alex Lang remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Africa, where he hides his beautiful blonde step-sister Kaylee from the clutches of the brutal New African army.

As musclebound black soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile white women, Alex will stop at nothing to protect sweet Kaylee's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Alex gives his tender white body to a gang of pitiless black alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Alex prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.

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Reminder that tranny capital of the world are in non-whites countries

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Cope more with your black past and present nigger

most wh*Tes are closet fags

Whites have a secret sampson option. We will kill us all before your nigger fantasy comes true.

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So are miost non-whites they cope saying that it doesn't count if they top

wh*Tes more likely to be low test sissy bois compared to non wh*Tes

Doing extra hours Rabbi?

Cooming to Aleyna Tilki will set you free, coom now!

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Downvoted faggot

That's enough literotica for you.

I hate t*rks like you.You are a disgrace to Turks everywhere.You make me hate my own race

I love the way whiteboi seeth

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Powerful. No one escapes the gravitational pull of the BBC, and Japan is next. We Nigerian scamming them egg cells boii

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Kes şunu!

Your family would NOT like what you are doing and you are embarrassing us in front of others. STOP IT NOW. Your brother would beat the shit out of you if he saw you doing this. Cut it out now!

It's inevitable
Turks have spread their seeds everywhere
Just a matter of time

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Aynen abi,bu orospular turk ismini kötüleştiriyor

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It's the future. Inevitable. Embrace it.

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at least I'm not a housenigger. you are the one who disgrace to TÜRKS.

I can end your race within 30 days, do you accept this challenge?

No. What will happen is white people within the next 100 years will revert back to our more insane conquering days and make another empire. Enslaving and fucking your brown women

You do realize whites have time and time again been pushed to the end before pushing so far back the world's still begging for reperations and more.

I wouldn't fuck with a group of people who took over the world numerous times and still had time to kill each other. It'll be much easier when the enemy is a nigger and his New Jew new.

They clearly need steroid... and im pretty sure that no nignog is making them... its white people in underground labs...

In their wildest dreams. Blacks are still fags.

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Why do Turks like to larp as niggers again?
And why would anyone ever want to larp as a nigger?

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Guess lots of Turkish girls will buy it

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