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Biden is losin it
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because we all know this, and the DNC wants him because they're fucking nutty.
They're trying to keep it low so he can win the presidency and be replaced by his VP right away.
Michelle obongo it is then. It's over.
Biden could win if he were in a coma.
hillary obama ticket coming up!
the first tranny president, or at least vice president.
that would be a cianigger crowning achievement
Good thing he's wearing a literal mask to hide the drooling
No the reason they want him is because he is their ticket to kamala harris presidency. she was always their pick but bombed terribly in the primaries. so they were looking for someone who would get her in through the vice president backdoor. and he was the ideal candidate because he will step down less than 6 months from inauguration and then there will be 12 years of kamala presidency. that's the plan and the plan is because she is the clintons' pick. her sister was one of hillary's camapign advisors though one should wonder if that's why she lost kek. but yes, biden is simply the guy that holds the door for harris because she can't win on her own.
btw that jogger kid who assembled a PC thread is a total slide. they don't want Biden's dementia to gain traction hence why PC jogger has been posted time and time again.
The longest someone can be president is ~10 years. They would have to become the president a day before 2 years of the 1st term of the person they are replacing.
Fortunately, he's not.
They want him in order to get a VP into office who they know nobody would vote for.
Trump's gonna win tho
Oh no! But everyone in the world already told trump we can't postpone the elections! Damnit drumph!
thanks. either way, the table is set. the big one is who is going to be her VP. most likely some far leftie to assure she gets progressive votes in 2024 since progressives hate her.
Politico leak is real. It has Biden quote so it isn't a trial balloon. they got the announcement in advance but broke the embargo likely because they can't stand her and hoped that negative reaction would force a different pick. not going to happen. they are just going to move the announcement day from Aug 1 (obviously) to later date and announce her as his pick anyway. it's over.
If biden wins 100% chance he steps down or dies and we're stuck with some woman as president by default
you are 100% right.
well, nobody voted for his VP Harris. They were supposed to vote cause MSN was hyping the fuck out of her but she wasted 40M in campaign donations and had to quit in 2019 to avoid further humiliation.
Yes, and they are starting the new religion of theosophy and Kamala is a Brahmin. The more you know.
Dementia is one of those things that can rapidly decline just like bone density if you don't do anything to stop it. Him sitting in a basement doing nothing is just exacerbating it and there is no coming back now. The Dems are fucked.
Thank God for Tulsi!
yep and more like a cult. They call themselves KHive as in Kamala Hive [mind]
>*michelle Obama enters the chat*
We are fucked
On the rare chance they are able to drag him onto a debate stage, I hope Trump can trigger Biden into a violent happens pretty easily with the old and mentally confused.
When kennedy died, and his vp became potus, guess who was his vp?
Rockerfeller. The only man to rise that high without ever being on a ballot.
I hope somehow Trump baits him into saying the n-word on live tv.
ha ha true though dems are too up clinton's asses to see that tulsi's takdown of copmala heels-up will be on rotation on Fox. she is chosen by hill and bill and they can't say no even though dodd was valiantly trying to dissuade them from picking her.
Their only hope at this point is to create a deepfake of Biden to use as part of a live ‘remote’ debate. I wouldn’t be surprised that this is not being worked on currently, where someone else can just answer all the questions and it looks and sounds like him.
The left have no limits to their fuckery.
strokey joe
Whats the "n-word"?
>Biden's cognitive decline is rapidly worsening and is becoming increasinly difficult to mask.
Yeah, no shit. It's been like that for months and he's only survived due to being protected by the media. Here he is just a few days ago, thinking he was somewhere else from decades ago, then trying to play it off like a joke.
The man can't keep it together for FIVE FUCKING SECONDS to spit out a hello. And that's the third time I've seen him not know where he is this year, even with him mostly hiding and only reading teleprompters and taking baby softball questions from propagandist friends.
the crazy talk about michelle and hillary is why Zig Forums is ignoring what's in front of them. it's harris, the hillary proxy. hillary won't risk another humiliation so she'll puppeteer harris who has so much baggage, from incarcerating record number of blacks to sucking off willie brown for career advance that she will have to dance to clinton tune.
>the Democrats are going to have to make a decision soon
Right but he’s not in a coma he has to go on camera and talk