Ban Islam

It's a direct threat to European sovereignty and culture. I don't know why we haven't done it already. The Danes are trying to get rid of male circumcision.

Ban the hijab. Ban circumcision. Make these fuckers feel unwelcome.

Attached: 1597670661189s.jpg (125x110, 2.67K)

islam is the only thing that'll save europe from degeneracy

Have you ever heard of the paradox of tolerance, turkroach? Islam is the least tolerant ideology on the planet. It must be destroyed, with its adherent jettisoned into the vacuum of space.

They can take their shitty singing with them.

Zig Forums is not a tolerant board.

Islam makes Zig Forums look downright soft, suck my dick, I'm glad China is mulching uighurs

the more extreme the better. degeneracy must be removed.

>not degenerate
lol these kaffir camel-jockeys ditch their faith for cheap drugs and whores as soon as they reach European shores. On top of that, they worship Lucifer and believe that people retain their flesh in heaven. Absolutely disgusting heathens. I pray to Jesus Christ that his shed Blood on the cross of cavalry will wash away the sins of the dreadful false prophet faith, but most will willingly bow to satan 5 times a day (pentagram) so they can hope for a piece of pussy in heaven. What lowly excuses of men these sand worms are. Convert to Christ or burn in hell forever, pagan.

Attached: Allah is Satan.jpg (428x960, 65K)

At this point, I think that Islam should purge West and then we should think how to rebuild

Yeah, if that happens there won't be a west, stupid. We'll all literally have names like Muhammed Iqbal and shit. Their culture is gross.

Obviously Muslim will purge degenerate Westerners but because of incompetence they will cause sharp decline in population and that will allow whites to reclaim land reconquista style

Don't know about that one, champ. They're already plotting about how they're gonna take over Europe. Wish someone had the balls to glass the ME and Pakistan and call it a day.

faggot server, got banned for posting based videos

Based thread. Too bad this board is unironically flooded with mudshits

Islam is right about women.

kys sandnigger

you know what else is right to them, cutting your head off, infidel.

Liberals in America somehow managed to distract me with "muslim terrorists" for the last 20 years while they built a communist revolutionary army right under my fucking nose.

Both are a threat.

t. seething white knight
Islam can have its pros and cons.
>women know their place
>racial loyalty
>strong family values
Eternal kike fear the sword of Islam.

#1 - democrats
#2 - news media
#3 China
- sand niggers way down here somewhere

None of that shit matters if you're burning in Hell, Magog. Come to Jesus Christ and be one with the Heavenly Father instead of the father of all lies.

Attached: Christ is fren.png (908x723, 1.65M)

>t. literal subhuman shitskin
Go peddle your heresy somewhere else. I swear, mudslimes subvert this board more than the kikes. Have some fucking honor Abdul. Fuck you

A curious check

i think the cons of death out weigh all those, i don't support a religion that kill with no justification other that MUH RELIGION

>racial loyalty

To whom, Arabs? Get your head out of the ground, ruski.

Flooding your countries too white dog.

Leafs are obsessed

How about pigskin. Is that better?

christ is a jewish tool and so are you. Enjoy your satan digits you schizo.

All mudshits in the West will get the rope. If you think we're going to tolerate your bullshit just because nobody likes Jews, you're dumber than you look. I shit on Muhammed. Kys

Damn this board is filled with redditors, white knights and kikes. Islam is professed not only by Arabs but also by other folks, dog fucker. In Russia we have Dagestanis, Ingushs and Chechens. They could easily kill you if you take a look at their women.

I never realized that it was Muslims subverting this board until now. Huh

I only got those digits because I was casting that sinner to Hell. Jesus was rejected by the Jews and is slandered in Islam, but God is with me tonight and Jesus Christ exists within the hearts of all his believers. Amen.

We're going to have to genocide them. They come here explicitly to demographically conquer us and they won't leave without a fight.


Indeed, fren. They have no honor, just like the kikes.


They subvert everything, desu, just like their jewish masters. Zionist shills.

They ARE unwelcome. It's about time they know that. And it's about time they feel my boot.

Threadly reminder that the destruction of the atheist slave-race russians and the satan worshipping mudslimes are foretold in the book of Revelation nearly 2000 years ago, which is why they seethe against Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is God and mo ham the pig is a child molesting warlord who is burning in Hell and being fucked by donkeys for all eternity. I hope that you may repent of your ways before then, but alas, God will harden their heart like Pharaoh and they will burn in Hell within the belly of a Boar forever. محمد يشرب دم الخنزير