What did the officer mean by this? m.youtube.com
What did the officer mean by this? m.youtube.com
can somebody slow it down and edit the GTA "WASTED" screen over it?
Police violated the NAP.
the reaction on pol would be totally different if the shooter was black
Suspect was too white for the officers to see it as problem.
>Arresting Moms in parks during Bat Aids lockdown
>Arresting man inside own home showing gun to niggers
Don't really care anymore when cops get wasted, desu.
>suspect acts like a whining child for 10 minutes
>suddenly pulls a gun on the cops
The crazy shitheads these cops have to deal with in America is baffling. This uncivilized behaviour is honestly third world tier bullshit.
Also, why are so many videos from PoliceActivity from Tulsa? Are the people who run the channel based there or is it simply because they have 150% more crime there than the national average.
The wigger should be burned alive. Look at the state of that human garbage fro the start of the video. Why even bother with such trash just plant a bullet to the head and be done with. What a disgrace.
zog puppets will use this video for years to kill more of you for no reason....lol
Oh no!!! Road pirates got clipped??? Boo fucking hoo.
Why give a shit about people who takes peoples money and freedoms for a living? True scum
confirmed. these white morons have no idea that the police are coming after them next...police have sided with democrats/socialists and will be used as their personal attack dogs to murder any and all patriots who resist...the thin blue line crowd are cucks...
Oh nooooo that sucks
Live by the sword die by the sword.
Friendly reminder, that US cops 97% of them are given oath To Jewish fraternity of free masons, that free them from punitive justice in case of murder goyim. So us cops are Israeli soldiers and you have right to shoot on sight as foreigner entity on American soil. Traitors have to die first!
I think he meant we're all retarded for backing the blue since if we have a gun in the house they'll arrest us
police are not your friend. the thin blue line crowd are white trash cucks who are traitors to this nation.
Another demoralizing video. we lost the war already
>trips of satan
the police are not your friend.
roll face down into a puddle and drown yourself you spineless coward
The white privilage saved him , he didnt look threatening enough. If he was feral nigger the officers would have been more conscious.
Holy shit I watched without seeing the video title. Surprise ending.
No u
Oh no a zogbot got shot thats so sad
"I'm not going to say it again!"
Says it again.
Honestly the cops did a piss poor job of detaining the guy, they were in the right but they really fucked up by going easy on the dude. I don't understand how they continued to grab at him one at a time and try to drag him out only to let go and allow him to get back in the car. Bad taser, bad pepper spray, didn't have their own guns drawn when he was obviously sketchy and causing problems.
Says the swede cuck degenerate, i'm surprised you faggots havent defunded police yet
Fucking based
how did he even pull out the gun, and why is he screaming like a little bitch the entire time
How? I'm pretty sure everyone already hates this pasty faggot
dumbass, they were non-aggressive for the better part of 5 minutes trying to verbally coerce him out of the car. instead he acts like a chad and refuses to move. If you watched the video then you might get a IQ points higher.
>When user decided he had enough.
Found the Discord tranny shill.
fuck you nigger, you and your wigger friend in the video can hang
Take your meds, schizo
Nah, he is a few posts below me
Cops got what they fucking deserved.
>Judea confirms the statement responded to is truthful and factual, which is harmful and against the policy of goyim knowing.
should have just tazed that bitch
he did, the dude seemed too fucked up on something to feel it
Fuck the cops, they should have just let him off with a ticket and fuck the wigger, he's a degenerate
Fuck you faggot. That’s my hometown and those cops didn’t deserve to be shot by this piece of shit.
This is a reminder for all the retarder cop haters that gave that other cop shit for shooting the guy in the hallway. This "man," was crying like a child and still managed to kill two cops. There's a reason why cops shoot when the hands are hidden.
How and when did that guy pulled a gun and started shooting? He was sprayed, tazed and 2 officers were grabbing him, HOW IN THE FUCK DID HE SHOOT?
What do you mean? Cops should had shot him for not complying. They fucked up.
I feel nothing for these zogbots. Thank you for the entertainment tho :)
Based. Cops will be enforcing gun control and hate speech laws when they come to America.
Did the pigs die? Amazing vid if so, where did he pull the gun from btw? And why isn't this happening more often?
Drive around in a no plate car thats booby trapped. This what every worthless incel here should do, at least 2 pigs daily each incel.
Law & Order!!!
Nah bullets are for pigs and normies like you.
I can hate the tweaker pieces of shit or a nigger and the ZOG masonic traitors at the same damn time.
Police are not supposed to be your friend dimwit. Comply with their orders and you won't get shot. It's not rocket science and it takes 5 minutes. Unless you're a scumbag with something to hide.
of course they will. the australian pigs are now enforcing hate speech laws with as much zeal as they do when they go to arrest a murder suspect....american pigs are worse.
found the bootlicker
>That’s my hometown and those cops didn’t deserve to be shot by this piece of shit.
Maybe the other cops in your town will wisen up and stop trying to generate revenue for tow companies while ruining people's lives over stupid BS.