Only 5% of males are 65 and older, will you make it? Doesn't look good for you.
When will you learn life expectancy is a lie, and is based off of birth mortality.
But, yes, wage slave all your life to die just before or a little after retirement.
You won't make it
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How the fuck is life expectancy that high if there are so few people that age? Someone smarter than me please explain.
If the number double or tripled that would still only be 10%+ of men making to to 65 or older.
80%-90% of you would still die before 65
>How the fuck is life expectancy that high if there are so few people that age?
birth mortality.
All the men in my family have lived until well into their 80s, the ones currently alive are between 50 and 80, am I cursed or blessed?
I see old fucks everywhere
Most men in my family live to their 70s to early 80s.
My plan is to retire at 40-45 and to be dead by 60
That doesn't look right
>Only 5% of males are 65 and older, will you make it?
Dumbass. Per the chart, ~10% of males are 65 and older. You're too fucking stupid to interpret the data.
That men and women you fuck face
They die
This is actually a very noble and morally sound way to live
Fucking retard, half of people are men. If 5.1% of PEOPLE over 65 are men, then ~10% of MEN are over 65.
It's not right. OP is a fucking retard and is off by a factor of 2. About 10% of men are over the age of 65. And that fact by itself says absolutely nothing about life expectancy.
Youre a retarded nigger
Only 5 percent of the population is male and over 65.
So in reality its 10%of all males
are you blind?
65 years and over 12.4%
men 5.1%
women 7.3%
>noble and morally sound
My last 15 or so years on this Earth will be a river of booze, drugs, and prostitutes.
Basically as it is now, except I won't be working.
>When will you learn life expectancy is a lie, and is based off of birth mortality.
Infant mortality skews life expectantly LOWER, you motherfucking idiot. Anybody who escapes infancy alive will, on average, live LONGER than basic life expectancy. You are without a doubt the dumbest piece of shit on Zig Forums, and that's saying something.
I love who triggered you idiots are.
You thought you where going to make it.. LOL
Looks like OP failed middle school math lmao
>are you blind?
>65 years and over 12.4%
>men 5.1%
>women 7.3%
Holy fucking shit you are literally retarded. Like mongoloid-caliber retarded. The data you posted shows that ~10% of MEN are over 65. MEN ONLY MAKE UP HALF OF PEOPLE. YOU HAVE TO MULTIPLY THE 5.1% BY 2 YOU EPIC BRAINDEAD WINDOW-LICKING MONGO.
You utter brainlet, that's not the amount of people who will reach that age but the amount who currently have that age. Of course only ~12% of population currently have that age because there naturally are a lot more people in the 0-65 range than in the 65+ range.
At least 90% of males reach the age of 65 eventually and more than 50% get to more than 75 .
You're all so fucking stupid it astounds me. If I have ten kids and live to be 65. Guess what only 10% of males in my family are 65.
All 10 might end up living to be 65 but you're counting across generations and acting like only 10% of men live to 65+
>I love who triggered you idiots are.
>You thought you where going to make it.. LOL
Not only are you a retard but you're an ESL retard. KYS. Seriously.
what is this retard OP trying to say? the average life expectancy here is 80 and most people tend to make it that long.
I already said that in a prior post. You must be illiterate. The proportion of the population over 65 says absolutely nothing about life expectancy.
thats what I said, the more babies that die at birth the lower life expectancy. the more that survive birth the higher life expectancy is.
Almost no babies die at birth today making the life expectancy much higher. it solely based off of birth mortality.
but you will still most likely not make it to 65.
>what is this retard OP trying to say? the average life expectancy here is 80 and most people tend to make it that long.
OP contends that life expectancy stats are a lie based on some chart he found that has nothing to do with life expectancy and that he can't even interpret properly because he's a fucking retard.
You absolute fucking brainlet. 80% of men in the United States make it to the age of 65 as of 2018:
>You absolute fucking brainlet. 80% of men in the United States make it to the age of 65
Sure they do.
Because of infant and child mortality, the percentage of men who survive to 18 who then make it 65 is even higher than 80%. Based on the numbers I've found online, it's about 90% in the United States, as the German fellow told you earlier.
Now apologize for being a fucking retard.
>The proportion of the population over 65 says absolutely nothing about life expectancy.
because like expectancy is a lie
>80% of men in the United States make it to the age of 65
they won't
kek op is so bad at understanding stats i almost think he must work for MSM interpreting opinion polls. lol tragic
>You absolute fucking brainlet. 80% of men in the United States make it to the age of 65
>Sure they do.
Every male member of my family born since 1900 has either (a) made it 65 or (b) is younger than 65 but still alive. You must be a nigger if you know lots of men who die young.