See you, space cowboy...
See you, space cowboy
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Oh, wow. This post is amazing. When i clicked it, i felt as if I was transferred to another universe. That universe being a big fucking faggot one. "I wanna go back to mine."
whut happen
Is that Tim Pools straight twin brother?
I don't even know what to say. I'm litterally about to start crying right now. PIZDETS BLYAT SUKA
I thought this too lol
He got epsteined
How about a little context like who the hell is that?
Who was he?
Hope it was “novichok”
No fucking way man.
ZOG will pay for this.
Maxim Pedohunter Shitskinbeater Jewnamer Marcinkevich
a prominent russian social nationalist who founded a movement called "Restruct" to catch pedos, drug dealers, faggots etc. he shouted smth with his friends at navalny event after which that faggot proceeded to report him to police. hes been in jail since 2013 and this morning he got suicided.
rest in rip big guy. you were too good for this world.
he looks like a guy who works in my local convenience store kek
russian internet celebrity and bodybuilder who ran a "creep catchers" type of show in moscow. he also liked to film himself assaulting random people on the street. eventually he was arrested and thrown in jail. last i heard he got sick in jail because he was in the middle of a cycle when he was arrested and lost access to the post-cycle pills he needed so his hormone balance got messed up and lost a lot of weight, he looked like a holocaust survivor
>In 2009, he was sentenced to three years for making a video with racist content.
Russia sounds Gay.
Fuck Russia.
>Бpaт Tecaкa Oлeг Шyльц cooбщил издaнию [«Oткpытым мeдиa»], чтo yзнaл o cмepти из пpeccы. «Я в пpecce тoжe пpoчитaл, чтo пишyт caмoyбийcтвo, нo cкoлькo c Maкcимoм oбщaлcя, тoт вceгдa гoвopил — ecли нaйдyт мeня мepтвым, нe вepьтe», — cкaзaл Шyльц.
>Tesak's brother Oleg Shultz told the publication [Open Media] that he learned about the death from the press. “I also read in the press that they write about suicide, but how much I talked to Maxim, he always said - if they find me dead, don’t believe it,” said Schultz.
Yep he got Epsteined.
Remember they sent a Benz into Putin’s driver?
I honestly don't know what you're talking about
google tavistock and strafor I dare you!
Putin’s personal driver is dead.
Just a friendly reminder that it was Alexei Navalny who got him jailed in a first place. Fuck the LibJews.
My condolences, he was a great guy. Rest in peace Tesak.
Oh wow.
>On 27 June 2017, the Babushkinsky district court of Moscow sentenced Martsinkevich to ten years in a strict regimen corrective labor colony for his involvement in attacks targeting synthetic cannabinoids dealers.[4]
>>Tesak's brother Oleg Shultz told the publication [Open Media] that he learned about the death from the press. “I also read in the press that they write about suicide, but how much I talked to Maxim, he always said - if they find me dead, don’t believe it,” said Schultz.
Oh shit, i cry
I spit on this faggots grave. He was a closeted fag himself. One absolute subhuman less.
anyone knows what is this "broken thumbs up" gesture called?
Putin sucks ZOG cock
oh shit
many RIPs to this great man
Now he can finally massage satans cock in hell and be his own self.
he was a great physical therapist