What. The. Fuck

What. The. Fuck.

This is both rage-inducing & heartbreaking. I'm not heart-broken for Rowling, but for all the trans people she insists on hurting, as well as for the ways in which she actually has real power to set back trans rights.

Attached: Capture.png (528x554, 318.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can tell past your memeflag that you're Australian.

Come on now, this is serious. The same Rowling, who once told all Trump supporting Harry Potter fans she didn't care if they burned their DVDs, now is colluding with pro-Trumpers to fight transgender people.

Sounds a bit like this movie:


Shes a cunt. She hates men so much she hates trannies too.

Do not get confused. She doesn't hate trannies for any VALID reason. She hates them because they're men. She hates men. She hates us. Dont support this cunt.

The enemy of our enemy is not our friend because they hate our enemy for being genetically similar to US

If it's about a man in a dress and not a trans person, why are they frothing at the neogash?

Who cares about celebrities and homosexual sodomites? Seriously, who cares?

It puts the lotion in the basket.

stop being racist against us - remember that we live right below you and Hitler was Australian too

Your parents will use your real name when they bury you.

Go dilate faggot. Rowling is based for her tranny stance alone

I wonder how all of these gender fanatics would react if they knew anything about the story of Psycho

Holy shit. Rowling = based?

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Go fuck yourself, feminist

Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
Fuck niggers
And fuck you, OP

JK is redpilled as fuck, you fags don't get it.

T. Known Boss

She. Fucking. Needs. To. Fucking. Die. Fucking terf scum, piece of shit, she needs to get shit shoveled down her fucking throat, fucking treacherous bitch, I hope she fucking dies, fucking cunt, fucking sick cis-allied cunt.

Attached: 1592333219825.jpg (660x660, 113.98K)

honestly, why do lot you even bother doing this?
Sage and fuck off

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Your parents will use your birth name on your grave.

Show flag, you stupid mutt jew.

>Polish Flag
Stay out of those no go zones, fag.

Wow what strange, no man with sexual kinks has ever murderd women. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Write no books about muh trannies or crossdressers muh ciswhite supreme patriarchy write a book about them where they're in a bad role and you get the same. Only good role models are allowed

Women’s concerns about trans issues like self ID and shit are 100% warranted. You cannot become a real woman. The majority of women are actually repulsed by troons. The only troons they accept are the gay men that translation because of internalized homophobia, and those are usually the ones that can somewhat pass. Unfortunately, the trans community is being completely overran by violent AGP troon coomers (aka straight incels).

I just fell in love with the Pottermommi.

Attached: Butiful.jpg (600x830, 63.23K)

Who cares bro.

Fucking based.

Fun fact: You can identity who's a tranny in hiding and a real woman by the fact that no real woman "passionately" supports trans anything- They will pay lip service, but will NOT be able to in depth articulate anything about it and refuse to because of their inherent narcissism and repulsion.

Is this how a successful writer with books published worldwide shitposts?

She's making all of us board-dwellers look like plebs.

Dam that's fucking hot

You are deeply mentally ill. As are all gays and lesbians and tranners. The rest of us should never have tolerated you. The coming global purge of humanity will rid the world of crazies like you.

I’m trans-raciel. As a 5”9 white 20 year old white man, I identify as a 6’5 Chinese women

It's a book you dumb nigger doubt you can even read

Because Rowling doesn't see the distinction between the two.

Also neck yourself, child killing traitor to your people.

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That's because there is no distinction.

Well, then it should be obvious why trannies are mad.

lmao this is why terfs exist. the gay rights and tranny shit is being used as another way to shut women up.

Lol wtf is that real?

>will pay lip service, but will NOT be able to in depth articulate anything about it and refuse to because of their inherent narcissism and re

Also by whatever theory you approach it, it makes no sense for cis-women to support trans-women. Game theory, evolutionary theory etc. They don't want more women to compete with, nor does it make sense for women to have strong opinions about subjects that don't directly improve their own circumstances, because of the risk of expulsion from the in-group.

Neogash lmao
Good one, I'll use that hahaha

I want to say no, but honestly I have no idea. Kek rolled a nat 20 on the chaos value of 2020, so anything is possible.

Another way to identify troons is their obsession with moeshit combined with fetishizing aspects of being a woymn that real woymn hate or don't care.

I love the tranny-faggot civil war.

He should be more careful shaving.

It's not real. That person's just making a joke.

I think she is just interested in making people aware that a loophole has been created by gay rights shit. not that all trannies are predators

Poof it

So what exactly are the troons upset about? Her old tweets?

this and it's entirely due to pic related. She's a femcel if such a thing ever existed. She hates men so much that she doesn't accept trannies simply because her hatred of men wont allow her to. Her hatred is so fucking strong it breaks through the globalhomo brainwashing. She's miserable and is losing her damn mind. It's only going to get worse.

You only look at things on the surface level.

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>cis man
No such thing as a "cis" man

Attached: trannydilate.gif (1200x575, 153.87K)

I would hazard a guess that there are more gender-confused men than actual trannies who are predators. Silence of the lambs was right, trannies are usually very passive.

>cis man dressed as a woman
So there's an infinite number if genders until it looks bad for your team? Just go with whatever xhe identifies as, bigots.

I was with you until you said narcissism. In my opinion, being called a terf is like the modern day witch accusation. You could have your heart in the right place and genuinely care about the wellbeing and safety of women and girls, yet you will instantly become vilified. See JK. Most women will vocally support TRAs because they are terrified of the potential repercussions. TERFs get the wall. Did you punch a terf today? The only good terf is a dead terf. Etc, etc. Basically they are afraid of male violence from males in dresses instead of just regular males.

It's okay I know you have a learning disability being a leaf and all.

Wait- Is this why so many politico women who aren't married into existing dynasties solo hags?