The Jew Man is Afraid

> A new US survey brought unexpected results as nearly 11 percent of young pollsters believe the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust, amid a wider trend of shocking ignorance about the Nazi genocide.
> Some 63 percent of all respondents did not know that six million Jews were murdered, while 36 percent thought that “two million or fewer Jews” were killed.
> Roughly 48 percent of respondents couldn't name a single concentration camp or Jewish ghetto from World War II.
>for example, roughly 19 percent of New Yorkers surveyed felt the Jews caused the Holocaust; followed by 16 percent in Louisiana, Tennessee, and Montana and 15 percent in Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Nevada and New Mexico.
> Some 59 percent of respondents believe something similar could happen again.

> The Jewish man is afraid and said“ The results are both shocking and saddening and they underscore why we must act now while Holocaust survivors are still with us to voice their stories”

The average normies are getting redpilled about the kike question

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every person is a jew because adam was a jew.
you're welcome.

Holocaust droppings and matzo bread is the best what jews could have . Why deny going on Jewish tradition?

Jews enjoy to observe humans suffer.

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How do we increase those numbers?

Brilliant logic, Rabbi.

Oh you meant that ? it just made up to debunk and forget as not truth ... smart jew rats are they?
Exposing the lies of the new world order

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it means you're entitled to israel.

Pack your shit jew rat, is time to leave all host nations living or dead .

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>Nearly 20 percent of Millennials and Gen Z in New York believe the Jews caused the Holocaust, according to a new survey released on Wednesday.
Ground zero, let that sink in.

gen Z is even better

The zoomers are making TikTok videos of them in heaven...victims of the holocaust. It is only a matter of time before the views explode on:
>How I died in the holocaust: masturbated to death
>How I died in the holocaust: holocoster

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>The average normies are getting redpilled about the kike question
No its just that people here are actually retarded.

Hitler was a kike, duh.

>Meds:not taken
>Voices from the walls: heard
Yep it's schizo time alright.

Nice, it’s working.

>I was turned in by my nephew who escaped to Hungary!

I wonder how you would react to such a egregious piece of information knowing about your ancestors untimely demise and the torture they had to suffer in their last breathing moments. This is a sickening moment for the history of humanity as a whole. Holocaust was the determining moment in the world history in the sense that the humanity stooped to its lowest instincts and indulged in the most horrifying mayhem imaginable. Given their unique position in the world history, Jews should take charge of the education system so as to educate unwashed masses and inform them of the noxious consequences of toxic antisemitism. This cannot happen ever again.

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>For instance, although there were more than 40,000 camps and ghettos during World War II, 58 percent of respondents in New York cannot name a single one.

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Ultimately, only old people and Jews still care about the Holocaust. Whether it happened or not is irrelevant; it's done. Get over it.

Fuck off, you fucking antisemite.

We've slowly but surely made holocaust realism a meme. People know what is generally true(and exaggerated or false) but can't openly talk about it without having their life ruined... yet. Counter culture is real.

adam was new.
There was no jew
jus descended from Hebrews.
then Christ told them,
"you lose,
And Christians get good news."

>Some 59 percent of respondents believe something similar could happen again.

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We don’t even need to do shit! If you actually look at it, it’s fucking boomers who are obsessed with the “holocaust”. Now that boomers are heading towards their dying beds, new generations who doesn’t have the second or third hard experience with that shit are gonna be the leaders and the majority of the population. A decade or so later, the holocaust meme would be like an ancient historical event like the shit in the Bible. And then kikes won’t be having any new tricks on their sleeves. They’re fucked, son.

yeh right, get the fuck out JIDFtard

The Holocaust was one of the most important events in the history of the entire world. No other incident has been such a cataclysmic culmination of evil and unadulterated bigotry which is why the Jewish people should take charge of what should be considered acceptable in the public discourse, taking into consideration the unique position of the Jewish folk. There are two periods: the one before and after the Holocaust.

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absolute state of christkikes

Foreskin, foreskin, foreskin

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Let's turn this statement to their benefit:

"As much as 89% of US millenials are dumb motherfuckers, according to promising new survey"

>muh snowflake status
go snort bleach, bitch
im sure just one of your sinuses will fit nice n snug over the opening.

Trickle-down memetics, friend. As long as we operate unrestricted, some of Zig Forums's content will inevitably get dumped elsewhere by an enthusiast

you're joking right ? get the fuck out you too kike slimeball, loon fucking kike has the nerve to call others crazy when they're (((all ))) nuts

crazy like a fucking kike

decent bait but it needs more subtlety at the end

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Oy vey suck my schlo

lol any millennials here respond to this survey? I didn't. I doubt they have a "what holocaust?" option. If none of us participated their numbers are off.

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Sounds more like retarded spics who don’t pay attention during holocaust month in history class.
>paco what was the Holocaust?
>um like it’s um like when the Jews killed a bunch of people in the war

Shut the fuck up, you sick Naziphilic fuck.

There was no "holocaust".

Even Yad Vashem admits that there is no evidence.

just muddy the field. Make jokes about it. Talk about it sincerely but deliberately quote wrong numbers. The holoaust is horrible user its a shame that 600,000 jews died.
What is the key thing we learn about propoganda by the left. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

The question is how to discredit websites with the "real numbers"

I wonder if the solution to this is to just create similar looking sites with false numbers, or make a credible site that give people the information they want and slowly adjusts the numbers a correct the record site. so that when people get into an argument and want find a source people will copy and paste your site

Gr8 b8 m8