fucking this, its 2020 and still peoples dont know about the 10 million jews that died? fucking bigots
Adam Nelson
What's so great about it, you fucking Naziphilic fuck? Would you be content with it if it concerned people disregarding the torture your relatives felts in their last breathing moments? Millions, millions of men, women and little babies being thrown into the infernal ovens of Auschwitz is such a hilarious thing, right, Jews being stripped of their possessions, their gold, their money, their precious property is okay because they were the Jews, right. Cute Ashkenazi babies being deprived of their innocent lives, life getting forced out of them through the force of noxious gases is now acceptable because of their ancestry, right. I want you to look in the mirror and say all of those things aloud and ponder on the nature of your situation. This is what you've been reduced to, this is what you've turned into. A beast, a feral animal, a monstrosity, an aberration.
> This is what you've been reduced to, this is what you've turned into. A beast, a feral animal, a monstrosity, an aberration.
How dare you call me a fucking nigger you cunt
Lucas Young
How anti semitic of you. Your country was one of the evil axis countries! You'd think by now you goys would know that 20 million innocent Jews died in the holocaust
Xavier Stewart
I can't believe they were never taught 13 million jews were gassed
Dominic Adams
I will serve Israel as long as I live, truly our greatest ally. Never forget the 50 million.
Ryder Mitchell
my grandma was a holocaust survivor and even I think it's overblown as fuck. She converted to Christianity so she could marry my grandfather, so I'm uncut, thank God.
Josiah Nelson
The survey was conducted by Jews. Are you really sure they didn’t sway the numbers to just push their own narrative?
John Williams
>prison camps during war time are bad Check out the big brain on this guy!
Austin Reed
based Zoomers once again btfo-ing the zioboomer orthodox narrative
Charles Cooper
Xavier Bailey
In high school, I went to a school excursion to the Jewish Museum in Sydney, and a Jewish survivor was telling us how they would kill Jewish men with meat hooks for fun.. The more I think about it, the more I laugh because it just sounds too retarded to believe.
I mean, I don't doubt there are people that deranged out there, who would do that if given the opportunity, but we're hearing thousands of stories of all different types of tortures from thousands of Jews. Sounds like DOGSHIT to me! I really doubt young men forced into the German army are going to be into torture, let alone every single story we hear.
>unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust When I was in grade school we were taught that 500k jews died during the war, mostly from disease and poor health in the camps. NOBODY said 6 million back then
Isaiah King
Probably hispanics
Asher Fisher
Remember the 6 million Shut the fuck up about the 5 million that we made up for sympathy, and admitted to doing Wtf why are people questioning us?
Julian Martin
How many generations did they honestly think they could milk this shit? I'm 40, my grandparents who lived and fought during WWII are all dead, my parents are in their 60s. It was closest to their lives and partially towards mine just through knowing my grandparents, but after that it's just another history factoid to anyone younger, there's no human element in it, everyone who was touched personally by that war is not young or gone. I find it more a tragedy the vast majority of poeple have no idea the extent of the death and suffering from kikes and their communist death march over the 20th century.
Nolan Reyes
so, when are the fake jews going to get revenge on us and kill six million of us? i was never taught a thing about semites and their history in school, times were good back then.
Had a friend back in highschool who hadn't even heard of Hitler, let alone the Holocaust. This new god of the Jews dies with zoomers.
Chase Wood
50 million? you anit-semetic shit lord never forget the 100 million that died
Isaac Morris
>Nearly two-thirds of US adults unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust.' How can that be? Americans tell me they have a class called holocaust class where all they talk about is the holocaust.
Dominic Ross
you all antisemitic bigots, go to gulag now! every child knows it was 6 gorrillion!