>American police
American police
hahaha the whole world knows British police are the biggest fags in the world (maybe after Canadian?), the nerve of this post gave me a solid chuckle
>British school kids
>still having enough pride in your country to get upset when someone mocks it
First week on pol?
you gotta understand. the US is huge with a lot of people. Everyone can become a police officer with basically zero education. In some states people even VOTE for a sherrif lmao. Its not comparable to the high standards for police officers in europe.
Where is a truck of peace when you need it?
Americans literally worship black people. It's weird.
Why are these retards allowed to fuck around at work like this? And in uniform?
If that's true, why do Muslims literally bow before their magnificence?
He's literally the cheering onions boy meme
Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
>Its not comparable to the high standards for police officers in europe.
why do europoors think they are so much smarter and more refined than the USA? There are basically a few shitty cities and everything else is great. We also invent everything the rest of the world loves, talks about, thinks about, etc. (we'll leave the design to you guys, lol, thanks!). Of course huge swaths of the country are german blood. But look how they thrive when given freedom.
This. It's an absolute embarrassment.
canadian police scare me because they can just remove people like the chinese government do in the middle of the night
Unironically posting TT on pol. Kys
British people are literally black.
>We also invent everything the rest of the world loves, talks about, thinks about
I agree friend. you invented globohomo and multicult and identity politics. Then you brainwashed the world into loving it and talking about it and thinking about it constantly. Thank you America
Your post made me sad
Worth sharing, will trigger some libs.
kinda funny in a tiktok kinda way
Holy shit. Brit bros, is this true?!?
Sorry bro but if nothing else my time on pol has made me hate my country for it's subservience to the globohomo agenda.
My hope for the UK/US is ded
Rare ladyboy
He has gay face
A sparkle of light in an otherwise dark future.
Be American
Get shot to death by police in my own home when they raid my house without a search warrant and I am unarmed
Youre pretty funny for a migrant.
>2 white British 12 year old girls have been deposited into your diversity account.
>why do europoors think they are so much smarter and more refined than the USA?
Because we are.
Sheriffs are always elected.
the 3000 replies make me think this was a rather dashing post
Nah, canadian cops are similar to american ones, just with less tolerance for disrespect but longer fuses in general.
Whenever we need oil, We’ll invade you. Until then stay irrelevant.
This is what happens when you let homos and women in.