Breivik may be released

Well, probably not, but he has soon served his minimum time of 10 years so he technically could. He just announced that he has formally asked to be set free and the court are obliged to process his application and and give it a serious look. If it is denied this time he can apply for release again in 5 years ad infinitum.

What do you think Zig Forums. Will he be released? Should he be released?

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Imagine if he went into politics.

>Should he be released?
Yes, but he won’t be. Everyone knows he would do something similar again if he was freed.
Folket Direkte

he will be released and live comfortably off his mossad pension for the rest of his life

He should be released directly into Chicago.

him being released and doing anything would be hilarious
>twitch streamer

He committed no crime and is imprisoned on false charges. Breivik is the Martyr for unjust justice systems around the world. Not only he should be freed, but also compensated with 10,000,000€ cash and granted any amount of weaponry he desires.

He should become a male stripper

If he was let out, he wouldnt last very long.

why? most people have memories like a gold fish

I mean if norwegians are fed up with somalis they might do it just because they know he would.

people tend to remember when you kill their children

The problem is past political remedies. Breivik & Tarrant should go into war.

at least he didn't have to see the decline of his favorite MMO

Attached: breivik-wow.jpg (475x356, 88.36K)

He will 100% become a recluse, unable to even get a takeaway because people will spit in it. It’s sad, that’s the way it is.

Would be hilarious if he was released and straight up did it again a week later lol

I'm gonna play Minecraft if they release him

Or he will become a hero and be taken under the wing of nordfront or similar people.

This guy is toasted if he walks the streets. The antifa here will literally bash his skull and don't even think about repercussions since max they'll get is 5 years of hotel.

If it's that bad he can just go to some foreign country doubt anyone here would recognise him

he's a God amidst men. Release this hero.

Attached: 1592271270946.jpg (600x800, 99.2K)

Lol Noone will do shit. Nordstrom are fags



I'm black and even I chuckled

wasnt all the victims of this guy all white ?
i mean id understand why he would be praised here if he killed shitskins and niggers but werent they all white and mostly kids?

Ayo hol' up, that's WotLK, isn't it? The decline was already well underway by that point.

>Will he be released?
>Should he be released?
No, but he should be able to write letters to the outside world, so the world gets to know that Breivik became a terrorist because the Norwegian state used glowniggers to shut down pro-whites.

Lol. He will go on a rampage and kill your faggot antifa friends two days after his release.

Future commies

Marxists are not white.

Assuming the systematic removal of leftists happens in the next 15 years, the man may actually be released at some point.

>He should be released directly into Chicago.
Kek, imagine him being released Steve Irwin style with Steve standing on top of the cage pulling up the door with his tweeky and excited behavior, describing it all in his dramatic voice and with intense music in the background

it feels utoya was like yesterday.
he will never be free and we all know he's gonna die in prison.

still that island feat was impressive.

I'll release in Shapiro's sister before he gets out.

Based Hungry Man™ gets the check. This guy ain't worth fretting over. Just a fag who shot the wrong people.

well hitler was arrested a few times so i see nothing wrong in it