
>tfw just played some Witcher 3 in a 200 year old house with nearly 1m thick stone walls that housed generations of my line
>took the bike to go for some groceries, see century old houses that look like buildings from ingame Novigrad
>village is nearly 1200 years old, with an old medieval fortress and church crowning the hill above
>feel history and my roots around me connecting me with the land at every step
No wonder Americas and immigrants are so dysfunctional and seething constantly, having no history must do a real number on peoples heads

Attached: 56get3.jpg (600x480, 47.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Our history is kicking ass and chewing bubblegum. We're doing just fine.

Theres no McDonalds in your picture

I do not see whatever your flag is on the moon. Interesting.

Ottomans invented the croissant, which is famously "Austrian". Everything you are is German and Turkish. Yucky.

LOL, zoomers are so fucked. They literally can't appreaciate open country without relating it to "Muh vidya silver sword save the blonde pixie gril please desu"

Attached: 61qarCEnHGL._AC_SY355_.jpg (374x355, 15.74K)

> Cartoon_dog_sitting_in_burning_house_saying_"this"_"is"_"fine".JPG

I love Austria

I was using it to illustrate since video games and movies are the only thing the majority of americans experienced bits of real history through desu

imagine thinking anyone seethes living like
>pic related
Europeans are so delusional you had to close your eyes to miss the 30 syrians raping along the way.

Attached: midwest-farm-tom-weisbrook.jpg (900x600, 200.89K)

What are you talking about?

Attached: 1590769479340.jpg (4032x3024, 1.29M)

this is now a medieval aesthetic thread, mourning what the White man has lost but shall soon return to.

Attached: Rovna.jpg (1726x1506, 1.05M)


Attached: 1280px-Pirkstejn_1.jpg (1280x953, 217.09K)

Trosky Castle ruins
Look at this badass redoubt

Attached: trosky.jpg (406x600, 64.92K)

Such beauty, such civilization.

Who cares about the Moon if you cant own land on it.

When you can't banter just say projection, it makes you look really cool

All I see is wildfiref and rioting looting niggers, led by pink haired faggots in black clothes.

>1200 years old
You're people migrated there from Egypt and the middle east.

check'd and based, mutts will never know this feeling

i want one of those. all the cool kids want to flock out west for their homestead. i'm looking more at the midwest. ohio and indiana are prime homesteading land. i also like the south, but heat is not friendly to my west euro genetics.

>we wuz witcha n shiet

Attached: 1595864575240.jpg (540x760, 66.04K)

Rattay, Bohemia

Attached: rattay.jpg (1200x857, 279.93K)

Attached: map.jpg (1432x805, 612.55K)

I was a teenager experimenting with drugs once too. Difference is I wasn't comparing real life to your stupid fucking video games. You'll grow up eventually.


The only true medieval beauty in this whole thread. It brings a tear to my eye just immersing myself in the history it emanates.

>plants flag on the moon
>Build small village 1200 years ago
>Still standing
>Can actually visit it
>A piece of your culture

Wild west is the american middle ages.

Another divisive Jew thread. Yea my house dates back 200 years old stone building. I go into town see hundreds of fast food Shops ran by third world invaders, neighbours increasingly less white, and increasingly hostile to the natives. Stop feeding the Jew, we are in this together.


Yeah nigger you got us there considering this country is 243 years old. There is a lot of history for what we have also the natives that have been here.Anyway we have far better nature scenes.I love riding my bike on a trail that goes for miles and miles with trees next to me and rivers and creeks

He’s a dirty Jew trying to divide us. Ignore him.

>we are in this together.
You really aren't. Whites have always hated each other and this will be their demise. You don't even have to divide them, you guys are ready to kill each other over the pattiest shit.

>American tourist walk by
>Ask me where the American Embassy is
>Tell them there is no american Embassy in this small town
>They get angry the father on his mobile scooter nearly topples over
>Scream at me that it is the one with the giant yellow M and that I'm a liar
>The daughter tells me that they didn't fight Nazis just to now speak german
I walk away

I went to the Basque country a couple of years ago for vacation. Spent most of the time in San-Sebastian, a gorgeous seaside town. The town wasn't all that big, but there nevertheless was one McDonalds in it, which I never visited. The only time I went there was right before leaving for home. Standing next to the register I saw an American couple talking to the guy at the register about how they just arrived from the US and were looking forward to their vacation. Kinda funny the very first thing they did upon arriving was find a McDonalds.