13 y/o girl

>13 y/o girl
>Pro anal sex
>Pro BLM
>Pro race mixing
What in the fuck is happening to your children, Murica'?

Attached: Martinez.jpg (1056x550, 44.3K)

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Piss off, slide thread.

I admit, watching these videos and seeing how brain washed some of the younger folks are, is blackpilling as fuck. I can take an old hag spewing that sort of shit, but seeing this innocent 13 y/o already be so poisoned just feels wrong.

Martinez is doing great stuff

thanks for linking this video

>you both like Trump
that's just your average MIGAtard Slovakbro

That's a global thing.

I didn't even know about porn until 13 and a half. And that was only because boys kept talking about it. Unfortunately I have been addicted ever since.
>t.20 year old
I guess all the songs/videos/movies/celebrities/culture these girls consume make them curious about it or something. I feel like 10 years ago most girls would be disgusted about someone mentioning porn.

>white nationalism in 2020 is something called "martinez perspective"
kek every time I think nazis can't get any dumber they go and surprise me

No, it's not, these people actively search for these tags, looking for someone to argue with. Watch some of his other videos, many such cases. She spews nothing but liberal agenda and admits that's what her family supports.

>child has a retarded misinformed opinion
Wow, never seen that before

Did you ever go outside? Women were whores by age 12 since the year 1990.

there were some redpilled people some even brown but that the best video is with this creature

No offense mutt but America is easily the least white country in this board
You literally had a nigger president, for 8 years lol
Nigger nation built by nigger for niggers with niggers protesting

show flag

awesome vid. martinez is a godsend

Show the percentage of your country's white population.

im not pro nazi im just curious where he's from

What did you expect? Kids are raised by media, instead of parents. Without shitty parents my dick would be forever dry before marriage. She can still turn it around, but likely will become another cumrag. Many such cases.

this is peak entertainment

Attached: 1599347137781.png (483x368, 259.84K)

>nooo you can't just point out the state of affairs that makes me feel bad!

Attached: 45hr54744.png (1200x1200, 53.81K)

this guy is based an all but hes so monotone and aggressive.
He would be far better at persuading people if he wasnt a jackass.

Martinez is a spanish name. He's half spanish half czech retard.

She's 13. She, like all teenagers, does not have a fully functioning brain yet. That is at least 6 years away, at the earliest.

She cannot think shit through properly like an adult. She spouts off shit she either thinks is cool per her peer group, or she spouts off shit her family's brainwashed into her. Little to none of her thoughts are her own.

completely agree

She sounds based to me

>im not pro nazi
Then you're retarded.

>13 yo parrots talking points spoon fed to her by Hollywood, the msm, social media, and politicians.
No shit. We're also in the process of trying to turn this mess around.

>his whole channel
>he does this multiple times daily

he is doing the lord's work

>im not pro nazi
Then you're anti-White. There is no middle ground for you to hide in anymore, faggot.

I’m not going to listen to 16 minutes of some faggot trolling a teen on chat roulette or whatever this is

why is he talking to a 13 year old girl about that shit?

>i ain't watching that shit nigga

why does he care what's going on in america than? oh right that's where the gullible people with open wallets are


>What in the fuck is happening to your children, Murica'?
It's happening to everyone's children. Lawlessness and sin is a global problem. It doesn't stop at the borders at any given country. To say otherwise is just your own hubris
