There are calls to make The Diary of Anne Frank mandatory reading after survey shows younger generations are less aware of the Holocaust
There are calls to make The Diary of Anne Frank mandatory reading after survey shows younger generations are less aware of the Holocaust
I hope this inspires more pregnant anne frank art. that shit gets me diamonds
Lets meet them halfway and include it but call it The Diary of Otto Frank for a shred of historical accuracy.
They've been pushing this in the UK for years. The British Board of Deputies wanted every schoolchild in the UK to be given a copy of the Diary.
It would be the new Bible for our Holocaustianity era.
bump someone post some more pregnant anne frank
i don't understand this.
why dwell on a single event?
is anyone currently dwelling on the atrocities of ghengis khan?
are children being forced to read books about them?
better yet, how about children don't worry about genocide?
they should be playing and not fixating on death.
And who's calling for it?
When I was in high school, it was mandatory reading for my English class but I didn't read that shit
It already is.
And its still failing.
That shit was so dumb somehow we are supposed to believe she was able to write about things once she was in the camp that would have been impossible because they would have found the diary. Even when I was a kid I was bored the entire time but I enjoyed it like a "hide and seek book"
That book fucking sucks.
It is mind numbing
I went through three schools when I was a kid and every single fucking one had a unit on Anne frank.
Jews just can't let it go. The guilt must be branded into the minds of each generation as early and as thoroughly as possible.
Oh, you mean that diary that was written in ballpoint ink when ballpoint ink hadn't even been invented yet?
>girl stuck in attic writes about masturbating, having the hots for a boy and her sister
You did the miss much
Tell the zoomers it's made up bullshit before they even read it. I didn't find out it was fake for years.
>why dwell on a single event?
It's a foundational myth of liberal democracy.
The diary of Otto Frank you mean? Written post war
That sounds very jewish maybe it is real?
Wherever you stand on the Holocaust, it’s depressing that so many young people are so ignorant of history, WWI and II, the Great Depression, the JFK assassination, do zoomers know any of it? What are they teaching in school?
I read this in catboykami voice.
>What are they teaching in school?
Critical Race Theory.
>black history
>LGBTQ+ history
>transgender education
>critical race theory
>social justice
Because they are your rulers and it is a very effective means to keep you in check.
the number of holocaust denying braindead retards on Zig Forums just shows WHY mandatory anne frank readings are important
imagine having such a low IQ that you not only deny the holocaust, but actually feel a smug sense of satisfaction about your position. you are literally celebrating your own stupidity.
in a just society you would be put down, like a dog. an unironic holocaust of the proudly infirm.
I disagree. History gets washed away over time and people have failed to remember many important events, which has led us to forget many of society's mistakes, but none of that truly matters. The only thing that is important for children to learn is the history of the Lord Jesus Christ. If a child can't even learn to fear God and honor His Son, then all history is useless to teach.
Remember the Parkland kids had a holocaust class. More schools probably do this. Very weird.
Is there one leaf faggot making all of the terrible leaf posts on this board? I refuse to believe all canuck cucks are this bad.
Notice how it's purposefully called holocaust and not genocide, which it is.
Notice how its directly linked to jude.
It's like it has its own made up meaning that serves some other purpose than to educate or make someone aware of it.
Only if it's the legit uncensored original
>Oh, you mean that diary that was written in ballpoint ink when ballpoint ink hadn't even been invented yet?
And none of the handwriting samples matched the letters Anne had written to pen pals before the war.
And Margot’s diary was conveniently never found.
the holocaust is used as an excuse any time someone becomes aware of jewish behavior. If people stop caring about it then it will eventually become 110
Why on earth would you want to give them the tools to disprove the holocaust. "Saved from the gas chamber because I got sick and needed to go to the hospital." What a load of crock, can any ANY user enlighten me as to why these idiots keep shooting themselves in the foot?
dude the kvetvching on twitter today is lvl 12. they actually went past 11..
>If people stop caring about it then it will eventually become 110
Oh, it’s going to be one fuck of a lot more than that. The world is going to build a wall and make Israel pay for it.
> B-but Carlos! The Jews! The gas chambers! The deaths!
> que?
I'd wager that a typical holocaust denier is better versed in official holocaust narrative than your average public school graduate.
>why dwell on a single event?
money, power, control
every day i dream about a world where the jews are expelled to africa
You know what's funny? Dutch kids don't have a clue what Anne Frank wrote in her diary. It was never taught in class. Why do Amerifats care so much about her?
Twitters been fun today. Been making plenty of jewwy comments
>They need to know about the 8 million
>These kids should come to my store and ill happily sell them books on the holocaust
>This isn't what we went to war for
Realise all the likes are from Jews.
>Read this (((non))) fiction book goy
110 is only the number of times they've been kicked out and the history survived
Could be way more
Why did Anne Frank go to the infirmary if they were gassing people? Makes zero sense.
"we must remind them how guilty they are, white guilt, white guilt!!!"
Yeah, fuck off.
nobody dies in the book
I'm in a graduate program for German language and I have to take a Holocaust course for it.
I wonder if they suspect they have a Zig Forumsack in their ranks.
the book ends before the house was raided by german police or whatever. there is no camp part
interesting point user
>every day i dream about a world where the jews are expelled to africa
Oh hell no. Africa is full of useful things, and living space. They need to be completely isolated. I’m thinking some shithole in the South Atlantic like St Helena, or someplace remote in the Pacific. Then ring it with nuclear naval mines so they’ll never get off.
Mother fuckers don’t believe in the moon landing and we have actual evidence of that happening. How in the fuck do we need more education about something that is illegal to question?