Dating approach

How does pol use dating apps? Every whale think she’s an 8 because she gets so much attention from thirsty men.

pic related, my approach

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and it seems dating apps are the only wat to go in 2020... maybe church as well, any other tips bros

Bro you type way too much. She'll just block you.

I don't, all the women on them are whores

Dating apps never work because the women on it are always using their phones so that makes them weaponized

God cannot be mocked. If you go to church just to find a good girl you'll be disappointed when no good girl will marry you because you are faking being a Christian.

Who's the cringe faggot in OP?

>number of texts
kinda belies the whole premise of what you're claiming, bro

Women should be chasing after you on these apps. make your profile brief but with goodhearted answers. Get jacked. Take good pictures and wear a smile.

>t. can't get away from female attention

You type and simp too much OP
If you got a match be bold and tell her where to meet and never text again til the date time, unless she’s asking questions or to trade nudes

Quit simping

>bitches about not wanting to pay attention to her
>writes a fucking novella

I'd wager you have little to no success on these sites.

dont. just be a hermit. fuck this shit.

OP picture is bonercide

Most of the women are bots and bought profiles on any site. Regard it as entertainment only

most intelligent comment to ever emerge from the UN

>member being kiddos
holy fucking cringe you fucking faggot, get a clue


i am a christian, orthodox

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I'd probably say 'I hate dating. I want 2 sons.'

Take the rape pill

>words words words words words
if you want her to chase you, don't explain it to her
act in a way that will make her chase you

needs more dick pics

How is it possible to be a dirtbag and a cucksimp in the same moment

Just by the number of texts I know you're doing something wrong. Something you need to know is that there's no magic set of words that will get you laid. Manipulation to that level is a myth. The only reason people get "manipulated" is because they are the ones trying to get something out of the other person that is inherent like their looks for example.

Just be an arrogant douche. Women love it. I've had a lot of luck on FB dating, too much and I'm annoyed of all the female attention I've been getting.

so much cringe it hurts

>I shouldn’t be chasing you
>sends her 6 messages in a row
Good idea, horrible execution

i get matches even tho im a 6 at best

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ironically you are a sociopath.


Learn to spit game.

wow you sound like an absolute faggot OP, no wonder you can't get a date.

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That much text Jesus fuck dude that will never work. Girls just like feels, even if it’s negative emotions u make them feel. They’re addicted to it. You can’t logic or explain your way into their panties. Just be fun and exciting they’ll be all over it. That’s why it’s easy af to get laid but hard to keep em around. It’s exhausting to be exciting all the time.

wew lad

Every girl knows guys who text them essays and multiple messages before they even get to respond are mentally unhinged and typically sexually depraved coomers.

Why, OP of course.

I find online interaction to be abnormal so I don't tend to use it.

>hmmmm hi

This is pure distilled cringe. People just want to have fun, not read your dissertation on relationships.

The more you write, the more you expose yourself to misinterpretations and ambiguity of tone. It appears that you have principles and ideals that you want to uphold in a relationship. You should be able to summarize this in a single text. If you want to express yourself more than that, then do it in a phone call.

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oh so maybe the staff at the local retarded home can make some introductions to some fine local ortholarper ladies for you

Fucking christ dude are you retarded?

Lmao "can i call you over this app when u get home" and a dozen "hmmm hi"s. Also 90% of your matches look like they crawled out of the dumpster, anyone can get those matches, you braindead fucking monkey. None of those women will meet with you saying shit like that, fucking autist.

>literaly spams and hopes for an answer

What a fucking beta faggot

Text once and wait for a reply and don’t be so fucking verbose, Jesus fucking Christ.

Top Kringe

you get matches from fat girls who think they are better than you. Don't settle for them. respect yourself before you let them convince you you are the lower rung on the ladder.

Nigger, what the fuck is wrong with you? Never type shit like this out again. Holy hell, just delete the app you cuck simp

Things change. Women probably ran after you when you were younger because they liked your looks, now they run after guys who are charismatic, successful, physically strong etc. But not necessarily physically attractive, although that is part of it. Also playing it like you don't care at all doesn't work, you have to show some interest, just not too much.

You have the charm of rectal cancer

you should try:
>just take your dick out
no further explanations.

>hmmm hi
Jesus, lad.

I guarantee 100% you'll never get any kind of answer with that approach.
It's easy really, either you look like a chad and "hey how are you" will be enough to get a bitch wet even though she specifically wrote in her profile "be more original don't just say inane things like hi how are you otherwise we can't have a convo". Or you can be the 95% other men using dating apps, and whatever you say doesn't matter, you'll never get their attention.

5 out of 7 saying the exact same thing are bots .

Only fat girls respond to me on dating apps and even the obese ones act like theyre too good for me

>before you let them convince you you are the lower rung on the ladder.
He absolutely is. I'm so glad idiots like OP exist, makes the dating game a lot easier for normal guys.

Jesus, you are autistic af.

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You are the biggest faggot nigger simp the good lord has ever crafted.

I've been banned on Bumble four times, Hinge three times, and Tinder once. Apparently my approach doesn't work so hot. Wahmen don't like it when you tell them they look like trannies because they have big shoulders or hands kek.

That's OP saying that.

My approach.

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Autodefeated. Typical french.

It doesn't seem like meeting in church was ever the best way to meet someone. Historically, it looks like the best way was through friends or family.

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You making a fool of yourself here

Take the pilot pill, it becomes child’s play.

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Absolute chad

>those openers
>"can I call you on this app when you get home?"
jesus dude, you're never going to get laid acting that deseperate

Literally just ask them playful questions and keep t

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I have pics of me at my job in Antarctica, theyre not bad but women dont seem to care much.

I have wanted to get powered paragliding training. This might be the way to go.

Is that your cat? It is the most adorable cat I have ever seen. I want to just gobble up his little bean toes.


It's called paramotor and a paramotor by itself will cost you ~10k. The training will be limited and you will have to likely travel a good distance and spend a couple weeks there for it

How's it feel to be such a faggot?

You should do an elevator pitch, since we became products to women.
If they choose you they will use you, get bored and in the end replace you with a new, more entertaining version.

Talk about them being used as objects...

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feels bad man

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Your pic is proof that you are an autistic cringe retard

Women are peabrained and incapable of appreciating how cool a job in Antarctica is. They don’t don’t give a shit about the skill or knowledge attributed to being a pilot either, they just think it’s hot being society generally respects the allure of aviation.

Im down with that. I've got the time.


It's honestly simple. Use short sentences, ask questions, make her laugh, don't engage in divisive topics (politics mostly), make sure to have a decent profile and photos that show you are social/funny/caring/adventurous. If she doesn't answer, move on. If she answers like a robot, move on. If you don't like in any regards, move on. If you can hold a two hour conversation with her, just move her to instagram or ask for her number then call her and set up a date. Rinse and repeat and voila, you'll get laid. And truth be told, you can do that as long as you're a 6-7+, if you're not then tough luck, get Zig Forums at least and you'll have more chances.

Men must realize that Tinder is all about getting laid, not finding a god damn nice woman. The moment you get tired of it, you stop using it and you start searching for a girl irl, like any other sane men. Pic related, a profile I made a couple of months ago, gotten laid 9 times and went on a date with about 15 girls, without even breaking a sweat, I rarely even use the app and most of my matches usually end up having a one-way conversation because who the fuck has time to answer to all of their shitty intros when you have work and gym to go to.

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Married guy here. All I ever found on dating sites were cheap lays. Meet people IRL.

What the hell are you doing in Antarctica? Send pics of the of the underground labyrinth

you're doing great my man full speed ahead

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