So, what will be done about it? Nothing as usual? Or WW3 finally happen?
Nathan Butler
>believing zog >ever >making a new thread for this >leaf fucking kill yourself faggot retard the best thing China could ever do is put us out of our fucking misery. I wish it, but unfortunately it's just another zog lie.
Julian Reyes
>trusting any government, let alone the US government
This place is dead.
Joseph Jenkins
this is why
Benjamin Clark
regardless if its a zion lie, zion is mad at Russia/China and will try to salvage as much as they can to trigger a WW3 to finally take the Jerusalem throne.
>our misery Once we get rid of leafs and niggers, the world will be a better place.
Zachary Ward
Sure, it wasn't antifa goys, honest
Ryder Rogers
Tel Aviv nuked by EOY
Jack Diaz
Just like in fallout
Elijah Long
take your meds schizo. Fires are caused by antifa and by lightning discharges, of which there have been many over the last few months in northern CA.
David Jackson
i like sat lites
Luis Collins
"used" as in just deploye, or actually actively used already
Jose Campbell
Normies should be hanged or flayed alive, this isn't even news everyone who can observe and truly have critical thinking would see that DEW isn't something new and it's being used for quite some time. It's like people refrain to see the world as it is, limited to (((believe))) what experts or authority has to say is real or not. Also rolling for Armageddon.
Christian Davis
Lucas Phillips
Member when a ""random"" earthquake smashed NK's underground nuclear facilities?
Logan Bennett
uh oh Zig Forums was right again, someone posted an image a couple of days ago hinting at this
Lucas Bailey
>the energy weapon posters werent schizo but US agents deflecting attention away from antifaggots unexpected twist.
Easton Sanchez
>always-do-opposite-of-what-jews-say,jpg so it's the USA using it
Twitter faggot your in the wrong neighborhood. Power Publications/Space_Threat_V14_020119_sm.pdf >China and Russia restructured their military in 2015, emphasizing the importance of space operation >including space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Moreover, they are making improvements to existing systems, including space launch vehicles and satellite navigation constellations. These capabilities provide their militaries with the ability to command and control their forces worldwide and also with enhanced situational awareness, enabling them to monitor, track, and target U.S. and allied force >target US Don't be scared little leaf, just look at hong kong, as they show the path forward for former british colonial territories once China achieves global dominance.
Sebastian Watson
are we now blamingg DEWs now that arsonist have been caught? These jewish tricks are too much for me
Colton Lewis
>Key Counterspace Concepts >Cyberspace pervades all other warfighting domains, including space, and many space operations depend on cyberspace and vice versa >Directed Energy Weapons (DEW): DEW use directed energy to disrupt, damage, or destroy enemy equip-ment and facilities.20 These weapons, which can have effects ranging from temporary to permanent, include lasers, high-power microwaves, and other types of radiofrequency weapons. It can be difficult to attribute the origin of a DEW attack, depending on the type Big HMMMM >Electronic Warfare: EW includes using jamming and spoofing techniques to control the electromagnetic spectrum.21 >Kinetic Energy Threats: Kinetic energy threats, or antisatellite (ASAT) missiles, are designed to destroy satel-lites without placing the weapon system or any of its components into orbit >Orbital Threats: Orbital or space-based systems are satellites that can deliver temporary or permanent effects against other spacecraft. These systems could include payloads such as kinetic kill vehicles, radiof-requency jammers, lasers, chemical sprayers, high-power microwaves, and robotic mechanism