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don't mind me, just jewing around

Democrats passed the HEROES act guaranteeing direct payments to people over 120 days ago. Republicans refuse to vote on it in the senate

Can you stop sucking his dick please? Good or bad, I'm tired of hearing about him 24 hours a day.

I need that money

Inb4 the madman gets 1200 out a week or 2 before the election

Trump wins, Burgers get 4k stimulus.

Biden wins. Non-blacks get ZERO, Blacks get reparations.

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seethe harder

>I'm tired of hearing about the president of the United States here on a political board

D-did he... am I autistic or did he just tell Republicans to go for the high score?

this is one of the oldest jew trickery on the book...blame everyone but yourself and those closest to you...

trump is a jew

the GET will be in this thread



That's politically incorrect to you you fucking nigger. Not politically cow tow to zionist pawns.

because literally


Fuck off faggot

Democrats pass a bunch of nigger welfare, pack it full of pork like it was Mohammad’s asshole, and pass it to the senate like a dirty diaper

Trump 2020

>It's their fault
Conservative voters:
No, it's THEIR fault!
Leftist voters:
very tiresome.

Who is more socialist then Trump or the Democrats?

Good thing the dems or blocking it.

Republicans shy away from any socialist policy.

3x as much debt all so most of it can go to illegals?

Sounds like they're trying to destroy the country.

4 more years user.

>god i hate gronald blompf
>hmmmm where should i go in order to stop hearing about the cheeto hitler?
>reddit? no
>outside? no
>my own asshole? no
>Zig Forums? PERFECT

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Why is heartless in quotation marks? What exactly did the Dems shoot down and why? Last time he tried this, it turned out the dems wanted assurances that the stimulus would save jobs instead of just slush funding businesses that had billions off shore.

Should have passed the HEROES act then.
Was very generous, would have provided stimulus checks plus hazard pay for all of us who had to work through all this.
Instead we get nothing. Thanks republicans


>t. kikes with 500 illegal immigrant employees

Many such cases. Sad!

It's all a charade. They do not want to risk the inflation another stimulus might cause, yet need to pretend they want to because they nuked the economy with lockdowns. So they roll out the dog and pony show where they purposely fail to do anything and blame it on the other party.

Nope just a regular working guy who wanted some support.
If you're looking for kikes with 500 illegal immigrant employees you'll find them on the Republican side of the aisle.

isn't this whole failure of government, due to political polarization, something the founding fathers feared when it comes to a 2 party system? i mean granted, i glad we didn't get a king back then, but man looking at Australian elections makes me pretty jealous. Multi-party system (i think they have 3 main ones?) and preferential voting is a pretty cool setup imo