This is why Portland Police don't do anything about the rioters.
This is why Portland Police don't do anything about the rioters
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>"not being able to do anything about it"
they threatened people with rape and murder.
arrest them for menacing.
>robert greenberg
Soros-appointed DA lets them off on $100 bail and tells them who made the complaint.
Do Portland police have bodycams? If not, they should invest in those so that these subhumans can be recorded.
Then we can go to Mr. George Soros and demand accountability from him. He is the one who owns these attack dogs he's siccing on the world.
they can't rape and murder your family if you throw them out of a helicopter
Just rape them first. Shit like this is why the kkk wore hoods. Time to bring back extrajudicial justice with a side of genocide.
No. If you told that to a line up of men, they'd blast every single one of you immediately.
They're standing down because the Mayor told the Chief to require it, because the entire thing is an Urban Renewal project.
Lol what a faggot ass cop. Anyone wave pics of,my wife and kids around im arresting them. Turning,off the cameras on the way in and tell them exactly what will happen to them if anything happens to my kids. I got your name, number address and your ass in my cruiser, video feed fails sometimes and breakout attempts happen, sometimes they end fatally.
It is the same as the Mafia, this is why only federal marshals could sort out their executioner.
Ordered not to plus the DA has known antifa ties and lets them go. The mayor also praises and encourages the riots.
Why concern yourself with it? Trash begets trash.
Ok retard lmao
>go to Mr. George Soros and demand accountability
Oh, my sweet, Summer child. That's downright adorable.
Fucking faggot.
Things that didn't happen for 200, Alex.
Where are you? This is Portland and the dems/mayor/chief/soros have demoralised them. Perhaps they just can't.
I like to know my enemy.
>police are too pussy to do anything when their lives are *actually* on the line
What else is new?
That’s right. We will rape and kill your family. Wakanda Forever
source of this actually happening? body cam footage? grab the photo being held in your face as proof? Charges for threatening?
>imagine standing nose to nose
Oh so what is the actual story then
moar like
>My actions are only brave when authorized by the failing state-authority
Maybe the cops should start doing extracurricular activities and stop being pussies.
if anybody could get away with murder it would be law-enforcement.
As long as police keep arresting people for exercising their rights, they can go to hell.
These are the "so called" fascist cops? My grandpa used to tell me stories of the old country.
How if the commies threatened cops, a group of them would pick them off the street in balaclavas into black vans and make them "disappear."
I wonder when the cops will start going Death Squad or Mexican cop gone Cartel.
Just start kidnapping Antifa off the street, killing them, and then hanging them off bridges by their entrails.
Dumbfuck libs are literally threatening to murder cops and their babies.
>breakout attempts happen, sometimes they succeed.
can I help it if the fish are larger this year than normal?
Much easier to simply claim you saw a gun, since there are literally dozens of them on the scene.
If you're gonna threaten my kids when I'm there, you'll try to come when I'm not if you get your way. Easier to shoot them all. Let the prosecutor try to prove we didn't see guns, especially since they will start shooting back.
But again, this story is a lie, they're being ordered to stand down, because this whole thing is Urban Renewal. Check who owns the campground pad they were using.
>rioting for 100 days straight and then lighting the countryside on fire is a right
Yes it seems like a fairy tale except that something *somewhat* similar happened to me a few years back.
I'm not defending the police. Every officer has the option of joining the resistance.
>nothing i can do
You can literally arrest people for those threats.
>imagine being powertripping faggots going uncontested for generations and then finally get whats coming to you.
>Imagine for being pissed about something you caused in the first place.
They Fucked Around and Now They Found Out.
>and then hanging them off bridges by their entrails.
imagine the smell
>forest fires are burning from ANTIFA
Source? Last time I asked I was shown pics of people being arrested for arson charges and all mentions of the fire on the side of the highway being controlled
>They started fires in the cities, so forest fires are their fault also
Not how proof works, but also ignoring climate change in fire season
I have no wife, no kids, no siblings or parents. I’m in the wrong line of work.
that doesn't lie on individual random cops doing their job, but yes, true in the broader picture
They can leak personal info of arrested antifags to RWDS and let said RWDS off the hook when they solve antifag problem. Law enforcement in banana republic 101.
DA: "I'm not going to prosecute that, he's free to go."
Then thug rioters go throw a molotov at your house at 3am the next night.
You don't display dead bodies, you just disappear them. The same with leftist journalists and lawyers. We don't know where they went, they just disappeared. Nothing to do with us. Someone is sensible and re-cycling the trash.
Yeah until your little buddies get their faces bashed in.
Hide, faggot.
Newsflash: Police aren't prosecutors and liberal prosecutors are infecting liberal cities all over the country.
This sounds like some shit that never happened. I was gonna say I'm not used to hearing it come from the right, but then I saw this was posted by a Jew and all my surprise just vanished.
The problem is that the cops whom Antifa shoot are not the same cops that stomp on actual grassroots protestors protesting the cuck muzzle.
Cops are subhuman scum. "To protect and serve" has been a lie for a long time. The only thing they care about is their pension.
Yeah I'm sure the dozens of arsonists have nothing to do with the firey but mostly peaceful protests that just happened to wrap up as this started.
Jedidiah Fulton, 39
How would they recognize a specific officer, and find photos of his wife and kids amongst a folder of photos to show him on the spot? That sounds impossible. Even if it was true, there sure is something they could do about it, pull out your gun and start shooting.
>I'm not defending the police. Every officer has the option of joining the resistance.
Go back to red dit
>things that never happened.
I'll admit I was wrong if proofs are posted in this thread
nigger zogbot babysitters not doing their job deserve zero pity. in the 90s i got robbed at gunpoint in portland by a gigantic nigger while walking to a bis stop near burnside bridge and when the cops showed up they told me to stay away from portland or "id be in trouble" and didnt give a shit that i had just had gun shoved in my face and all my shit like i was the fucking criminal. my debit card got used at three places that night (inspite of my photo being on it) and i sent the location to these useless fucks but they did nothing. so watching these faggots eat shit and their city burn is beautiful. anyone who has lived in portland knows the cops there are lifelong cocksuckers and they helped create this shitstorm
Look in the OP's pic
Now look in this webm
See what both contain? ITS THE BALLOONS
This is a cover story, it's hearsay because it didn't happen. This is just demoralization to give cover to why the Mayor is having them stand-down.
>that something *somewhat* similar happened to me a few years back
Oh? Story? I hope you did something better than make up a fake sob story on Facebook
Have fun getting raped in the courts after that
sure. ACAB is dumb
>dude imagine if this bad thing happened to me. That's how bad I feel right now.
is what the OP pic reads as I guess
Lick my sweaty angus hole.
If they don't know you, they take photos, send them to their networks, the answer comes back in a few hours. In the case of police, it is the same police working every day so they would only have to do it once.
>sweet summer child
Back to twitter you fucking faggot manny tranny
The state can not stop what is coming, everything we are seeing are vain attempts to slow down the inevitable. The modern state can not survive in the technological era. Its not a compatible structure. Information flows to fast and in to many directions. It is easier now for a man or group of men with a lab that costs lest then 10,000 dollars to create biological and chemcial weapons that will cripple and destroy any modern state. This fact can not be avoided only slowed. Eventually bio weapons and chemcial weapons will be used on major cities. These security forces and state employees will eventually be on the receiving end of a monster they can not stop or fight against. The death of the modern state is playing out before our eyes. They know it and are trying to slow it, damage control.
So what the Portland Police are saying they need Right Wing Death Squads to come and do the work for them?
Way to posit an enormous, paradigm-shifting claim about modern governance but offer not even a hint of what is better suited to replace it.
Yeah. I hid out for two days then simply walked out, looking neither left nor right but just staring straight ahead. This was after James Fields so I was ready for what they would attempt.
shoot the DA. I thought amerifags were all about liberty and the second amendment.
Imagine believing that was true.
Notice how you shut the fuck up now because you are fully proven to be a lying rat?
Police threads are where lefty shills chimpout
Based as fuck
>the old country
If the old country is so great, why are you in the West now?
That would require the cops to be based, rather than gay.
And these cops are hardo gay.
I see it now. Good eye.
lol what in the fuck? Why are you trying to do your math homework in ms paint? Are you adding that tiny six or multiplying it?
The cops are proven cowards, they won't do shit. The police departments are showing their bellies and they're made up of dysgenic faggots who only like the job when they can get donuts and write tickets. I propose a D3 model to reorganize and compensate for anemic police who cannot or will not do their job: Defund (the police), Disband (the police unions), and Deputize (the citizenry). I promise you mother fuckers that your neighborhood will not have a single crack dealer, noisy car, public drunk nor gang activity whatsoever.
what are the ballons for? are they a way to identify themselves but to who or what?
>literal fagbook post
kys op
Social media.
Take a pic of their face and name, Google it, find their facebook, boom.
Hi there see this here?
You never responded to it you spineless leftist lying rat piece of shit. Explain why so many of you are being caught starting forest fires you subhuman
Well shit guess they shouldn't enforce the law