Now give back skyrim you racists.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-qLhOMaPZbwW8AURQ.jpg (743x706, 139.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


brown hair now = African

It's edited.

>white people = africans.

this can work in our favor

I have brown hair. Roots traced back to Scotland and prior to that some Scandinavian bullshit (vikings)
Does this mean im a nigger?

>Roots traced back to Scotland
>Does this mean im a nigger?

Dark hair=brown hair

How does dark hair prove that the Vikings were "not purely Scandinavian"? It's not like Scandinavians are blond only.

Aight so i looked through the test and here is what it actually says. Hair and eye Colour were not too different from today.
Here is the study if you wanna read the whole thing.

Attached: 0F7998B8-D473-4D89-9B2B-FC85509F74A2.png (750x1334, 320.33K)

"Overall, our analyses suggest that the genetic makeup of Viking Age Scandinavian populations largely derives from ancestry of the preceding Iron Age populations—but these analyses also reveal subtle differences in ancestry and gene flow from both the south and east. These observations are largely consistent with archaeological findings"

Seems like it would be a relatively uncontroversial conclusion, but the newspapers here are already having a field day with diversifying it.

Attached: Udklip.jpg (500x464, 36.02K)

Niggers always talking about culture vultures and how wiggers stealing their image. yet all they do is affiliate their lineage with others cultures because niggers aint got shit.

Maybe they were Scandinavians before they got mostly blonde before the blonde gene mass spread among them.

White people NEVER EXISTED!



Attached: ag5xDBq_460s.jpg (460x349, 41.88K)

Why does the (((researcher))) has a big hook nose and is swarthy every fucking time one of these (((studies))) about how white people were actually shitskins appear?

Attached: OK-Eske-Willerslev.jpg (1200x630, 59.22K)

>So you be sayin is yall come from da anicent landz of Minessota?
>Das rite my African American bruv

Attached: arwm1r490zz1lnaauiqh.jpg (1280x720, 113.33K)

Somebody send this to varg

Skyrim belongs to the Nord!


Attached: 1599665296718.jpg (1080x963, 179.32K)

here are some data before migration bullshit

pic related is proportion of light hair

Attached: Percentage-in-Nordic-of-light-hair-color.jpg (600x784, 170.69K)

>dark hair equals nigger hair

Attached: 1589398233856.png (284x321, 40.46K)

proportion of light eyes

Attached: Light-and-mixed-eyes-of-men.jpg (450x581, 281.07K)

vikings bleach their hair was actually a thing

reason why some young women also had white hair

where light eyes are increasing and decreasing in Sweden.

interestingly blue eyes are increasing in the South and decresing in the North

Attached: increase and decrease of brown eye color.jpg (600x770, 154.55K)

Vikings raping and pillaging might've been the African tradition called chimping out.

vikings were actually mongol raped babys

rape is humanity

(((Science))) at it again.

Are you me?

This is jew tier retard shit. I'm 100% European and I have black hair and light brown eyes. The fucking cope smdh

Attached: Polish_20200624_203746368.png (1121x1446, 472.12K)

the authors come off as butthurt, most Scandinavians are some dirty blond / light brown shade and few of us are naturally the American stereotype bottle blonde

proportion of blonde has naturally been fluctuating here, it's not proof of anything but I guess they want to push the point that Scandinavians are mutts and have no clear ancestry. globohomo hate our ancestry, same with that disgusting ad

Oh I already know brother I'm half German and grew in Frankfurt-Wiesbaden and same with Germany the stereotypical german is seen as blonde hair blue eyes but I've known numerous Germans with dark hair and brown eyes like me. Same goes for the nordic countries like yours. While it's true that there's alot of blondes, strawberry, dirty blondes, etc there's also plenty of Scandinavian people with brown or dark brown hair.

But let's be clear. A white European with black hair is NOT an african viking lmfao I swear to God these kikes don't sleep smdh