I've noticed a trend that it's driving me mad, it seems like all companies feel the need to have niggers in their advertisements, now. And it's not the classic BMWF, it's just niggers. Everytime I'm on YouTube and in social medias I'm bombarded with ads featuring nigger actors, specially women with afros. This started recently, specially after the chimp riots. Is this how it's gonna be from now on, everytime some minority group causes a civil unrest companies will rush to represent them in their ads?
Niggers in Commercials
yeah every single commercial is nigger overload these days. It's like they expect only niggers to be buying anything.
It's not just commercials, it's everything.
Pandering to an audience that's not even there.
It's really jarring when your watching a show with Whites and every commercial is nothing but niggers.
They're trying desperately to simultaneously appease and inflame the passions of nogs, while keeping themselves 'safe' from their wrath.
Lowest common denominator pitch consoomerism. That is all
OP I've made threads like yours. The very first game they showed off for the ps5 was a black spider-man. EVERY commercial has a nigger in it and I have extreme nigger fatigue.
isnt it funny that the (((companies))) understand that people subconsciously have positive reactions to their own race, but our government doesnt reflect that same reality
jarring is a good way to describe multiculturalism
Even China has fallen. Is it too late bros?
Just wait until the new all Black Vikings series comes out lmao
That's exactly it though. Whites have their wealth they would have hoarded (saved) redistributed to niggers. Niggers have zero impulse control and constantly consoom.
It's in everything, TV, movies, etc. If some new series or movie is about to be released, you can bet the cast is multi racial, multi cultural, etc..
>black people tend to be poor
>poor people tend to be the biggest consumers
>marketers go after them
I couldn't begin to imagine how cucked cable and broadcast TV are now. Torrenting will do.
Op i honestly believe that this is part of the elites plan.
i can see it like this, what will most certainly get down two.
first, we know who is controlling the media and most companies, and we know (((they))) are puppets of the elites.
but shoving nigger up our asses they are getting a lot of normies to become redpilled and racists, it's damn obvious that the normies could be trained to like nigger in a hundred different ways, but that is not what they want.
they want this nigger fatigue, the one really on power want the white race to destroy the nigger, the ultimate plan of the governing families is to control the entire world, now tell me, what value would there be in controlling a bunch of nigger?
what is it that a nigger can do?
what is it that a nigger is good for?
now, they are using the nigger to attack us, to create a reaction, and them, to become thenselves our saviors.
the second hitler will come from them, and we, coming from our present reality will accept and embrace him.
i don't even think that this is bad, as long as there are no more nigger or jews, i would not mind letting the elites take total control.
If all internet monopolies are owned by rad-lib American Jews, then the answer is yes.
Check out Star Wars: Squadron: The Niggering
Why is Jake from state farm black washed
Me. I'm shouting at the TV ...
I remembered no else does.
I've spotted this too, Britain is a 87% white country and our ads are 90% black or mixed..
>Africa is and will continue to supply the western world with the largest population of immigrants in the next 50 years
>there were hundreds of immigrants from Congo (of all places) at the Mexico border for fucks sake not to long ago - it's a business supported by NGO's with corporate money.
well it will be there
The Jew fucking hate niggers and know how worthless they are. This is why they promote race-mixing on white TVs and on TV shows. Its a humiliation ritual
Africans hate niggers maybe more than you do and I sure as shit don't see africans in commercials.
Honestly this.
I've been thinking about this for years now. Why would the elites force us to accept everyone into our countries. One say, to make the wages lower, the other one, to turn us into a society of "shitskins" with low IQ and to create a perfect consumer.
Problem in both of these are, people even in a highly diverse populations rarely ever form interracial families (less than 5% at most), and the other that an average white numale is already a perfect specimen of a consumer.
So again, I'm asking why?
The answer is simple, to spark enough violence for someone to come and call himself our "saviour".
Everyone is a pawn in this, both left and right, and even those who think of themselves as players are in fact nothing more than pawns in a larger picture.
>watching TV
they want all that nigger money
They want a race-mixed population of mulattos with low IQs. Everything else will be automated. These people are technocrats don't forget
most the times its light skinned blacks and women that are showed which I find doubly raciss
They’ve been in commercials since the 60s you fucking retard
Just boycott. Thats what i do
Groids are offensive to my eyes and mind. I don't want to see or hear them. I don't want to be reminded that they exist every commercial break. Perhaps I wouldn't hate them as much if they weren't shoved into every facet of popular culture by the jews. I mean, I'll always hate them for being dumb subhumans, but maybe it wouldn't be as bad if I didn't have nigger fatigue.
Shows a good example of old commercials, and some Bill Hicks. youtube.com