it's all a big theater show
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Elder abuse.
dems always get to cheat and nobody cares, you got to respect their audacity
Why are all his appearances 25 minutes or less?
Do his drugs wear out by then? Does he collapse if he is out too long?
He just walked out of there as if something was about to happen.
Very few things Biden does actually matters.
Just like there is such thing as nigger fatigue, there is also Trump fatigue. Be it justified or not, people are getting tired of all the craziness. The blame is probably around 30% Trumps actual actions and 70% the Lügenpresse but nonetheless many people have a feeling that voting for Biden will make it all stop.
It won't though - it has only just begun
His platform is literally just repeating the most upvoted comments on r/politics.
It's a seating list of the journalists though
normally they just raise their hands
seriously, theyre going full on weekend at bernies with this dude
when do you see presidential candidates looking on a list to choose which reporters to pick
never seen this in politics ever
What's the hurry?
It's not like he has anything important to do.
Biden is operating on a trickle charge,
more than one topic melts his brain.
Nothing like a weekend at Biden's with some pizza.
Pissing yourself on national television is a death knell in politics
Why do they still call him "Mr. Vice President"?
Isn't he a senator or something?
>Lügenpresse but nonetheless many people have a feeling that voting for Biden will make it all stop.
>It won't though - it has only just begun
They are literally installing the cathedral to run the country.
Biden is literally a fucking puppet.
So he knows what answer to give for each question.
>Why are all his appearances 25 minutes or less?
literally pee pee poo poo
based and checked. really good post.
to be fair that was just a seating chart but im sure he already had the questions they were gonna ask from each network given to him so he an idea of what he was gonna say to them
They're all curated, you fucktard. He doesn't want anybody who might ask a hostile question
Breaking News: Joe Biden pronounced himself dead, Harris to pick her new VP
Because despite being a nation of equals and outlawing titles of nobility we do in fact have a political aristocracy.
he's worse than a puppet. the puppet is their real POTUS nominee, Harris. Biden is just the puppet's empty suit.
He procured little boys for Barry Soetero for 8 years so his official title was Vice Pimp.
he looked down at his notes when mentioning how Trump quotes Churchill and Roosevelt.
Literally Biden said "He loves to quote...9looks down at notes) Churchill, he loves to quote Roosevelt". He had notes on the answers to the questions how exactly does that work...
Joe only appears on screen 25 minutes at the time because dementia medicine gives you diarrhea.
You keep the name of the highest position that you held in office.
So Trump will, in fact, be Mr. President until he dies?
>Biden is literally a fucking puppet.
Yup. I doubt that there's many people who are actually in denial about this.
People have always suspected that the system was not what it appeared to be; that many things about it were being faked.
Now, after seeing (somewhat of) an outsider like Trump in the White House, they no longer think so - they KNOW.
Knowing is not comfortable, especially not in the beginning. Anyone who has been on Zig Forums for a while knows this - they also know that you cannot unlearn what you have learned.
>Attached picture is how many people feel about voting for Biden
Thanks, user
Yes. All living presidents past or present are referred to by the title "president". Our language is retarded.
Checked and factual
Only until he is officially crowned God Emperor
So when does he announce skipping debates due to covid?
Problem user?
This is so stupid
He's a fucking puppet
First debate's on the 29th so probably the 28th
>act hysterical non stop for 4 years
>ok just get rid of trump and we'll stop being crazy alright?
>get rid of trump or we burn down the country!!!!!
>Pic related
>Vid related