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Parker Nguyen
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John Mitchell
bump, you fucking niggers
Hudson Nguyen
oh I’m sure he’ll get right on it
(((bill barr’s))) dad gave Jeffrey Epstein his office at Harvard btw
Ian Hill
Michael Lee
If only there was someone in America who had the power to make that happen.
James Turner
Chase Allen
inb4 monitoring the situation.
Camden Sullivan
Jayden Sullivan
Wow if only we had an amendment or something that allowed people to rebel against an unjust authority or something
Justin Powell
>If only there was someone in America who had the power to make that happen.
Someone who presides over the direction that the USA goes...someone perhaps elected by the people, say every 4 years.
Jack Watson
AHHHHHHHhhhhhh, the promises to remove Cuties, to build the wall, to charge protesters. The only thing that is going to happen is what Republican sponsors want, which is to further non-white agenda. So they are going to lock up some white people and leave blacks alone.
David Jones
Bill Barr's father had nothing to do with Harvard, you dumb fucking nigger. He was an administrator at the Dalton School, and he quit his post there nearly a year before Jeffrey Epstein started teaching. You're not just a shill, you're a shitty shill.
Luis Price
Holy mother of bump
Jose Myers
Who is bad? Those who are against that.
Hunter Wright
Capping twitter posts without links should be bannable.
This is the article. barr, according to unnamed sources, told prosecutors to look at antifa and other related rioters for prosecution on a number of offenses. Sedition is a high crime and not likely to be proven and if it came up at all, which it probably didn't, would be targeted at the heads of the conspirators to torch federal land and offices.
Leo White
Fuck Qoomers.
Caleb Adams
nut up fat man
Jose Mitchell
This is why I hate anti-Q faggots wise than actual qtards: they react to any positive Trump-related news with "hurr durr muh q drust teh blan". They mention Q more than qtards do. Maybe stfu about the larp and it'll go away.
Thomas Fisher
K. Keep us posted on the arrested and sentencing when it actually happens. Until then you’re the shill
Dominic King
Good luck find a jury that will convict
Andrew Smith
>rightly point out blatant misinformation
>n-no u!!
Fucking zoomlet retards..
David Russell
I WANT them to be executed en masse but our faggot cops are too concerned with getting a paycheck
Samuel Torres
He's the attorney general. Just fucking do it, or shut the fuck about it. False hope is MUCH worse than no hope/realism. Spreading false hope is a sin, because it pacifies people at a time when they SHOULD be feeling desperate.
Xavier Hill
I'd prefer the mayors
Asher Parker
>you're the shill for pointing out disinfo and correcting it
Ok kike.
Jordan Ortiz
>tell someone to consider
>will monitor it
the only thing that fat fuck is monitoring is the controlled demotion of the US
also daily reminder that Epstein never killed himself
Jason Roberts
Governors even more. Honestly if Brown and Wheeler don't end up in cuffs then Trump can fuck off. Cuomo too. The nursing home COVID shit alone should imprison half a dozen governors.
Michael Lewis
And I WANT a Russian blond teins with big tits to give me a blowjob. Wake me when this actually happens. Barr is all talk and no action.
Dominic Rivera
>to consider
keep eating their bullshit. I'm sure you'll get what you want.
And monkeys might fly out of my butt
Nathan Edwards
Bad idea. They will use this on us eventually when shtf. Just charge and convict them with incrementally increasing charges that actually stick. If they would have done that in portland then it wouldn't have escalated so much but they just drop charges.
Kayden Harris
What sedition means?
Lincoln Ward
Well i hope they do it based on his suggestion but I'd prefer it were an order.
Zachary Price
My nipples are erect.
Jeremiah Johnson
>guys, did you hear? Kevin Bacon has ties to Epstein. He knows a guy who knows a guy.
Easton Gomez
Yeah if only, too bad there isnt an elected position doing what youre asking.
Alexander Richardson
He won't do shit. Trump won't do shit. The Jews will get whatever they want. Just as it's bern since the 1st Civil War
Dylan Smith
The passive aggressiveness in this post is hilarious. Either you’re a woman or what they say about “men” on the left is embarrassingly true
Luis Ward
You would have to use guns and you fags don’t love guns or the free speech, so go suck a dick and get killed
Austin Rogers
A new q drop with a Mickey clock pointing to 10:10. It'll happen when the weather cools
William Murphy
I have no reason to place any faith in the judicial system. It has been completely discredited in my eyes. This rioting only stops completely when vigilantism becomes the norm.
Ethan Lewis
As much as I hate Antifa, sedition is free speech
Charles King
FUCK this disgusting useless kike bill barr. his dad gave epstein a teaching job with ZERO credentials
Julian Cox
>t. random faggot on twitter
Cooper Smith
>googles “sedition”
t. 99% of Zig Forums
Jaxon Scott
Lol holy shit this thread has the lefty faggot shills jumping out of the river like fish.
Jeremiah Morris
Citizens can take up arms against insurrectionists/seditionists without fear of repercussions by the US courts of law.
Food for thought.
Jordan Ortiz
released without bail
Zachary Bell
Kyle Rittenhouse did more for law in order in 3 seconds than Trump has his entire presidency
Owen Bell
what a brainlet
Nathan Brown
>It'll happen when the weather cools
Aiden Harris
Nolan Lewis
Fuck sedition with its maximum 20-year sentence, it's treason with a minimum 5-year sentence, up to death. Sedition is for merely advocating or planning rebellion. Once they're out committing violence in the attempt to overthrow the government, either being directly involved in it or giving those undertaking the effort aid and comfort is treason.
This is bullshit. This is the folding chair from pro wrestling. It's meant to convince you that the left hand and right hand of the uniparty are really fighting each other, that they're so opposed to each other they're even breaking the rules, and you need the one hand to defend against the other. But of course, once they can meet out of the public eye, they'll shake hands and split the profits as always.
You can't keep electing Democrats and Republicans. True reform can only come from outside the establishment parties.
Gavin Bailey
Ryan James
Sebastian Perry
>googles "faggotry"
100% of Canada
Ethan Reed
Isn't that Anthony Bourdain on the right?
Anthony Moore
Justin Sanders
So is saying to plan on killing the president. See how far that defense gets you.
These people claim they want a revolution and to bring down America. They should be treated like people who are revolutionaries and want to bring down America.
Parker Scott
Federalism ties his hands.
Ian Kelly
Any felony will do if it removes them from the polls.
Eli Martinez
Isnt he supposed to sue Google this week why is he wasting time opening cases against Bolton witch hunting Trump's political enemies. The fucking AG of USA what a joke.
Jaxson Hughes
Recent arrests included multi-city organizers
So it's probably for them
Lincoln Sanchez
wake up user
Sebastian Turner
Second post. The JIDF shills sure are fast
Nolan Moore
Any day now, Trump will restore law and order. Trust the plan. 4-d chess.
Brody Richardson
Gabriel Sanders
Hol the fuq up. I thought the most gargantuan terror threat was conservative white cis gendered males.
Benjamin Edwards
According to the faggot FBI
Jonathan James
Just 2 more weeks guys and then it happens
Ryder Garcia
>trump wants
>barr wants
make a thread when it actually happens
I thought happeningfags were bad
You mighthappenfags are even worse
Kevin Thomas
that's what they mean by violent protesters
William Richardson
The FBI/ADL/SPLC falls under the DOJ. That's why nothing ever happens.
Isaac Rivera
dunno never taught about it that way I admit they had a very similar facial structure but the right picture is the official picture of Epstein after his death.
Angel Edwards
First of all, he's making big noises about half-measures. That means basically nothing is going to get done. They might charge a few to show they're doing something, but they're certainly not going to imprison enough people to change the result of an election.
Secondly, many states allow felons to vote once they've served their sentence (and a couple allow felons to vote from prison), and sedition has no minimum sentence.
The riots happen by mutual consent between Dem and GOP. They're not going to punish people harshly for being useful, when they might want to use them again.
Adrian Miller
Seriously fuck Trump. He does jack shit while the country burns to the ground then goes and sucks jew dick. I'm ashamed I voted for him.
Xavier Sanchez
Sorry you don't understand how the US system works chang. Buzz back to the hive now like Xi demands.
Alexander Johnson
Preaching to the choir buddy
The only way any of this shit gets fixed is with a massive purge.
Hudson Hill
fucking finally
Gavin Gray
>The riots happen by mutual consent between Dem and GOP.
This, there's no distinction between the gop and dems.
Liam Thompson