Drink Whole Milk

Why is milk the most based beverage? Chock-full of calcium, protein, potassium, vitamin D, etc. And it's fucking delicious.

> People who can digest lactose often originate from northwest Europe.

Give me one good reason you're not drinking at least one glass of milk every day.

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Because I prefer mine chocolate baby.

Im drinking BBC milk instead. Full of zinc for healthy and big growth. I'm made of and for BBC.

>relying on the milk of another animal to grow
Can you be any more cucked?

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I want to impregnate a creamy white girl so bad so I can get some warm milkies before bed every night.

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No estrogen for me thanks faggot

I'm stealing milk from the baby of another species for my own enjoyment and you think I'm the cuck in that exchange?

You wanna fuck?

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Made for BBC

Here's some rope bc it ain't happening

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>brown nips

because it forms mucus in the body.....
it litteraly destroys your intestine and sinuses

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I thought vitamin D was added

>love whole milk
>becoming more severely lactose intolerant as I get older
It sucks dick, I love milk but now one glass will give me acid reflux for an entire day and horrific smelling farts.

you're right, you're in need of more onions you absolutely massive bitchboy

Go raw milk for the cultures, enzymes, glutathione, CLA, etc. Achieve even better health with raw milk kefir.

> People who can digest lactose often originate from northwest Europe
shut up loser
25% of pinkoids are lactose intolerant
t. jew who drinks milk.

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I probably drink more milk then most, all my life I've loved milk. One of my fondest memories was having raw milk on my great grandpa's farm as a kid.
If any of you assholes has a kid make sure not to use rubber nipples. I don't care if your lady bitches and moans, make sure she's breastfeeding.

Lactose free and best tasting milk ever

Get raw, grass fed organic milk. Or at least raw and organic. Grass fed is best, but even if they use some grain it's still at least raw.

A Campaign for Real Milk

The keyword is often, Loeb. Your nose needs better reading comprehension.

It's because of homogenization and pasteurization. If it was raw then no whites would be intolerant of it.

You beat me to it. Pasteurized is shit, doesn't matter if it's whole milk or whatever %. Raw milk über alles

Is it lactose intolerance if it just leaves me farting alot?

My brother's got around 10cm / 3 inches on me because he drank about a litre of milk per day, since basically always, often with a couple spoons of choccy milk powder tho
He's the tallest in the family - except for me, grandpa and him, noone has cracked the 180cm mark, but he also cracked 190cm

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>Relying on cows to grave on and process grass all day, every day for you
Ye, wat a cuck

it's true, but replace whites with "one"
in other words, "lactose intolerance" doesn't exist.

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>Raw milk über alles
Zig Forums in four words

Tastes bad man.

Yeah, it's medicine. It will heal a person.

Yeah, many of the tribes of negroids in africa live using milk as a staple. The hindoos as well. All over the world they they tolerate raw milk.

Interesting thing about milk is that the further away from whole milk you go, the worst it is for you.
Whole milk has the most good cholesterol. They basically remove the good fats the more they reduce it, while the bad cholesterols stay.
Its got a lot of calories though, so dont be a lazy fucker if you drink it.

Really though, if youre a lazy fucker, just drink water.

He's talking about milk, not women

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It healed me, or at least was a contributing factor. That and sunlight, lots of exercise due to the physical nature of my previous job, and taking other measures to heal my gut, like a diet of 70% or more animal products. I also worked out a lot of my character flaws, which was probably the hardest thing to do. I've never been as happy as I am now.

If you where meant to drink milk your whole life then why does your mom stop producing it? If it was that awesome we'd be drinking our mothers milk our whole lives

Mhhhmmm your daily dose of Estrogen