The Holocaust didn't h-
The Holocaust didn't h-
I don't count anywhere near 11 million rings.
The soviets could have just found an old jewelry factory
Do jews turn into gold when you kill them or something?
the point of contention about the holocaust is whether there was an effort to genocide the jews, nobody is arguing prisoners weren't brought to work camps and their belongings confiscated
Nobody cares about dead jews anymore. Black victimhood is the hot new fashion trend.
Black criminals > dead jews. Get over it.
"Literally" all the same size brass o-rings.
So this is lord of the rings?
Why are the rings all identical?
For real
It wasn't enough. Jews still exist.
Even those who deny the gas chamber narrative won't deny kikes were shipped to detention camps and had their shit seized.
So, no matter your stance, its a miserably retarded thread.
>rings are proof of a holocaust
Kinda weird that all those dead jews had the same size fingers
supposedly, wedding bands only
user, nobody is that blind.
doesn't matter, the image doesn't tell us anything more than there are rings.
lmao the only proof for the holohoax is a bunch of identical rings, and some old shoes.\
me mum has a whole drawer of rings and a bunch of shoes, she must be a mass murderer
Those aren't wedding rings.
>Why are the rings all identical?
Almost like it could be a picture from a factory where o-rings were created.
We took the japs jewelry when we put them on trains to camps too. We sold it and their property.
In Canada so did the Americans
Even your cock isn't that small.
The Holocaust didn't h-
-elp because there are still too many fucking jews
its the kaballah magic that keeps them so rich
Oy vay, they turn your grandmother into a ring when she was only 5 years old.
Why did they let her out and feed her if they were just going to kill her?
Why not just pump the air out?
Why not fill it with water?
It’s ridiculous
Jews lie
I like this version better.
Hitler turned the jews into gold rings!
What so Sonic is a kike now?
Woah. It's almost like there was a war or something where millions died.
Pretty sure this is from the Holodomor. Many of the pictures attributed to concentration camps in ww2 are from that period.
Hmm that does sound familiar...
Why are Americans so stupid that they can't tell the difference between communists and the people who literally sacrificed millions of people trying to stop communists from taking over Europe?
I mean the soviets have 1 million german rings from the volga somewhere. If you think they didn't take them before the gulags, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Jews got monuments built to this lie.
Indoctrination classes mandatory in school curriculum
6 gorillion rings?
>tfw adolf eggman hits you once