Is China the new America ?

I mean they are actually living the dream of the 50s and 60s America that MAGA people dream about

Attached: chinaflag.png (255x170, 1.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:伏拉夫

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Attached: Faggot.gif (390x373, 2.54M)

>Communism doesn't work

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Minus a few harvested organs, of course.

>deporting african niggers
>throwing uppity minority groups in conce-education camps
>building literal cyberpunk aesthetic cities
>preserving ancient villages
>keeping faggots in check and taking away their parades
>no NIMBY fags
china is a modern day national socialist country.

Attached: based chinks.png (956x963, 1.6M)

yes, and its inevitable that they will rise to the top. USA can't do anything unless they bring back manufacturing to the USA and seal trade deals with China.

if it did work, you wouldnt still be recycling old memes from the opposing side for their inherent potency

No, they aren't. Where are you getting this from?


>butthurt migapede
>pretends he isn't actually the shill
based retard

He's a chink and you just posted in a thread that's 85% chinks.

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Nice proxy, American

china is the opposite of america, the word youre looking for is "world power" frenchie

The French flag chink is one of the most annoying posters.

They are in the honeymoon phase with ZOG and after a few decades it's going to be the (((shitstorm))) you see in the western world now.

All Chinese must be chopped up slowly.

Attached: woman chops off dog paw.webm (476x720, 1.47M)

>Social credit system

Are you retarded, or a literal CCP shill? If you're the latter you're also the former.

>anyone who doesn't hate china is a cop wumao ccp shill
yes, currently with the boys in beijing just shitposting on 4chins
that's from vietnam

how is a social credit system bad?
we all know who would have the worst credit.

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Since they seem to have gained total control of european and american politicians, conventionel media and social media, the UN, the EU and basically every non profit organisation.
I would say they are actually way ahead of what america ever was.

Where's the user that has been documenting all of the VPN'ing 50 cent Wumaos?

>how is a social credit system bad?
>How is letting the government take control over unreasonable aspects of your life bad?

So you retarded shills, got it

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Chinese and russian trolls mainly use american, british, canadian and australian flags and use the jewish question as their go to strategy.

You already have it, burger. Say something against niggers and you're unemployed and banned from al social platforms.

>Since they seem to have gained total control of european and american politicians, conventionel media and social media, the UN, the EU and basically every non profit organisation.
changing the subject to jews now kraut?

>as their go to strategy.
What is their strategy?

Blacks would be exempt or given some kind of oppression handicap.

New America? Goyim, they are practically an ethnostate. Kek. Something that is fleeting from western civilizations.


I hope they can zap all the amerifats with their new space laser:

Attached: 1290384712789034.png (660x712, 354.75K)

>muh individualism
people like you are the reason why non-whites haven't been ejected from the country

To divide us with racism and violence. I love all Americans, no matter what color. It's just the Russians and Chinese and Iranians pushing these identity politics.伏拉夫


I've seen Italian one too, and there is a US flag one in the TGD thread today. Probably the same poster as the OP here.

diverting all attention from their psychological warfare to the jews.
whenever you are pointing something out about russia or china it takes like two seconds until there are dozens of trolls trying to convince you how the jews are actually behind it all.

Attached: Yuri.jpg (640x360, 55.02K)

Fuck you ashkhaNAZI

Nazis are anti-American, so are communists. Freedom and Democracy are the American way.

Maaaaan, our military is so fucked up our propaganda shows cartoons or Boing factory in news about new combat technologies.

AshkhaNAZI stank ass cave demon

here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about:

I lived there for 6 years, most of them are dirt poor morons. The middle class is very smug and arrogant, the rich don't even live in China.

Attached: crazy_night.webm (480x600, 2.37M)

Doesn't it sound like America ?

Just learn that word? You're such a big boy now.

Agreed. Every "white fragility" liberal professor is by some coincidence Russian, getting his money from Russian NGOs. Also I heard Trump's son in law is Chinese.

every user knows jews control everything and bugmen are attempting to mimic them. only a jew would make the claim that bugmen rule the central banks, media, politicians, etc. worldwide

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Having all of your media censored and the government issuing you "points" based upon your compliance to government edicts?
Wow, what a paradise.....

All those dual citizen chinese congressmen passing legislation to give $38 billion taxpayer dollars to them is such a chinese thing to do. It's all so tiresome

You mean the tiny rich few in affluent parts that can leave China, are. The vast majority of them are still living in shitholes under authoritarianism, you dolt

Look at dynamics, not so far ago they were all poor and undeveloped. Now they have hundreds of millions of people in middle class.

I smell pennies

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They'll have significant influence like America maybe, but they won't replace America.

*yawn* how many of these threads have there been? No one wants China. They’re a bunch of savage fucking animals and their whole country should be nuked. Post Soros paystub and fuck off chink loving faggot

Not to mention every major media company and all the big tech is ruled by Russians.