What are some Zig Forums movie recommendations?

Looking for based films to check out. They can be either purposely or unintentionally based. I know that the vast majority of movies touching on the things discussed on Zig Forums is to discredit them, but whatever.

The Believer (2001)
Ryan Gosling plays a Jew that realizes his people are parasites and becomes NatSoc because of it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The matrix trilogy, a second time through, after now reading this image, and understanding the secondary resonance of the plot as it relates to the first world today.

Why do you think half the people associated with the movie committed suicide since then, and the other half are transitioning into women?

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black hawk down
tears of the sun
they live
africa adio

Read a book

Angry Birds

Ingesting jew swill is not recommended.

checked and true, but we have book threads for that user

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Cuties on Netflix was very empowering.

The Hater is pretty good. Especially in today's political climate.
The Network is pretty crazy about how ruthless news orgs are.

>Why do you think half the people associated with the movie committed suicide
Haven't heard, what suicides?

Why would you recommend "The Believer"? It's not like it shows "neo-nazism" or fascism in a positive light.

American History X. shows that even the best niggers are still violent

Crown Vic is another movie that shows a naive rookie being redpilled over his first day as a cop.

Falling Down. Even the part with the Neo Nazi who, btw, is a pretty good representation of the retards on Zig Forums. Be a Nazi all you want but don’t act like white trash.

The Network is awesome.

Being There with Peter Sellers should be required viewing. The Illuminati at the ending was based.

either op is underage b& or 1postbythisid shill

I do, and I am. But I also watch movies.

It's also pretty much unavoidable at this point.

It shows what lunatics jews are. The speech Ryan Goosefeather gives to the reporter - that is the key to the whole film.

Study it.

Seconding "They Live", killer movie.
Also "Holy Mountain" is pretty good.

The Hater seems pretty interesting, I'll check it out.


They Live is one of my favourites

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>local fascist organizer is involved in an sexual relationship with his daughter
>the jew neo nazi is portrayed as being far more intelligent than his peers
>the dumbest neo nazi of the group states that most Jews in the holocaust died from disease and starvation rather than gassing, and is immediately chastised for it
Just what I can remember.

Schindlers list if you wanna laugh at the pure emotional BS. Spielberg is good at hitting the right side of your brain and making you emotional.


This is precisely my thoughts on 12 Years a Slave

schindler's fist. its a classic

Might not be exactly what you have in mind, leafbro, but I consider this documentary “Conspiracy of Silence” to be required /pol viewing. It’s a little old, and this particular youtube vid has a gay intro, but it’s very, very important.

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Any Autumn Reeser Hallmark Channel film is good, comfy fun

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Just as long as it isn't Nikki fucking Minaj

Brother and Brother 2

I wonder what the CHinese think when they see stuff like this...

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It’s about child sex trafficking in the government. If you want a little brevity, Puppet Master: Littlest Reich is a pretty funny corny slasher where a bunch of degenerates meet their end at the hands of nazi dolls

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you really need to check out some Westerns but not all westerns are free of poz. Quigley Down Under is a good pro gun film with but also mud people poz. Many American focused Westerns can also have Noble Savage tropes so not always good. The Wild Bunch directed by Peckinpah was his high water mark. I recommend.

300, true motivation

Africa Adio
watching it last week and its a fucking top tier documentary

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a combination of contempt and disdain

I'll check it out, thanks

Wag the Dog
Cocaine Cowboys
Taxi Driver
Big Wednesday

Demolition man.

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Jud Seuss
De Ewige Jude
Triumph of the Will
Birth of a Nation
Europa the Last Battle
Logan’s Run
Being There
Shot Caller


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Damn man he must have been a really nice guy to beat the terrorist up with such a tiny kid's sized bat. He could have really messed the guy up if he wanted.

Based. Still need to watch Shot Caller.