So it is now illegal to defend yourself from roving bands of feral niggers who attempt to murder you.
"BUT MUH EXPIRED CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE!!!" Fuck you and fuck any state that criminalizes self defense.
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It’s stupid,but he’ll walk. Stop seething about this. It’s unhealthy.
Obviously there was a body of evidence large enough to suggest the shooting may not have been entirely in self defense so the grand jury indicted. Why get all worked up before you know anything
Government and cops are your enemies. Fucking realize this.
nobody thinks the law is legitimate anymore you stupid kike
It not my fault people don't read past headlines on a single news source
You think thats bad? Listen to this
>have apartment with gf
>friend and his gf are about to get evicted
>he asks if they can move in with us
>say yes, as long as you pay half the rent
>they agree
>a minth or so passes, they haven't paid a cent
>kick them out, they are furious
>next day, im in the bedroom and gf is in the kitchen
>our door must have been unlocked because friend i had just kicked out walks in
>I dont see him because my door is shut
>hear gf yelling
>walk into kitchen and see his hands around her neck strangling him
>grab my Nigger Beater 3000™ Home Defense System (broken chair leg 2ith grip tape around the handle)
>beat the ever loving fuck out of him
>drag him out the door and throw him out
>he calls the cops
>I get arrested and charged, he gets nothing
Its illegal to defend yourself/your family/your property in Canada. I asked the cop wtf I was supposed to do and he said, quote "hide and call 911". Fuck that, I'd do it again.
Sorry, strangling her*
You are a frog slowly being boiled.
Yeah, wake me up if there's a conviction.
>friend gets evicted because can't pay rent
>lets friend move in
>expects him to pay rent
>doesn't pay rent
what the fuck were you expecting?
niggers belong on the street.
I know club owners from experience to be morally bankrupt. I dont care if he gets indicted.
A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich... Don't get excited that he was indicted. The defense doesn't get to speak in a grand jury but the prosecutor is the only one talking.
Yeah that sounds like Canada. Follow the three S rules next time.
Shut up about it.
Are you really that damn dumb? Where do you think the phrase "a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, " come from?!?
When they want to use you as a political cudgel it don't matter whether you're guilty or innocent, the DA & the governor can make a huge career jump off on one case.
All I said was that the grand jury believed had evidence to indict, didnt say anything about what that means
>dont get excited
Exactly my point
If (((they))) can't jail you for standing up to the agenda (((they))) will bankrupt you with legal cost.
Fags here shill to dodge jury duty. NEVER dodge jury duty. Who would YOU want on your jury? This grand jury was probably packed with racist black women who want to see whitey hang.
>"hide and call 911"
And then you have a dead gf. Canadian justice wins again.
>They were able to able to get evidence into Mr. Gardner's state of mind
How is this evidence? It's completely subjective, and can validate any conclusion they want to make.
He probably made facebook post or something. Never post anything political or gun related on social media.
>to be morally bankrupt. I dont care if he gets indicted.
The real reason is that the black mob threatened to riot again, so the AG backtracked and had to come up with a reason that it no longer was self defense. So he had the police continue investigating and eventaully got enough tainted witness statements and "incriminating evidence" from the shooters social media and phone records. This then apparently makes it his fault that a gang of thugs decided to attack him.
He was indicted because they found evidence he browsed here, kek. He’ll still hopefully walk, but just know if you’ve ever visited this site and then find yourself in a self defense situation, they’ll find out and make sure everyone knows.
Nigger kike
Sauce? I thought he caught shit because of something he posted on Facebook?
The AG is a traitor and should be dragged to the nearest courthouse, tried for treason, and hanged outside.
Note to NSA: that isn't a death threat because treason is a real crime we should really be trying people for. People like you.
Fuck the jews enforcers. I hope the niggers kill them all off before TDOTR to save the white man the trouble.
remember not to be sad when cops are shot. They are out on the street enforcing this shit.
>Obviously there was a body of evidence large enough
obviously the DA is trying to get famous
This. Scary thing too. Authority is up for grabs at this point.
You're an idiot. Fuck off this means nothing.
Best case scenario, he'll be bankrupt and jews like you will have all of his money.
They only did this to try and slow the imminent chimpout.
welcome to trump's america
Grand juries aren't the same as regular juries. They are usually pre-selected individuals who are assigned a number of cases.
A regular jury is what they call you in to hear a case and make a verdict.
Christ just order shoot to kill
That'll teach them a lesson but no one has the backbone
wtf, how is this real??? how the fuck are you suppose to ”hide” if someone breaks/enters your home? Maybe if you live in a castle but then you might aswell have guards.
Can someone tell me where in the constitution it says you need the governments permission in the form of a loicense to own the tools to form a well armed militia to fight government oppression and tyranny?!
And you’re a nigger.
David Ware was a hero, fuck the zogbots. If you support these do-nothing police then you are worse than a doublenigger.
its easy for them to get indicted to appease the mob, very hard to get a prosecution and likely wont, its important to justify to legal defense funds used for justifiable legal self defense to keep caselaw precedent in those areas strong
Yes, and it means the difference whether is something is tried and if so as a misdemeanor or a felony. I ask again, who would YOU want on that jury looking at your case?
We need to vote for Trump so shit like this doesn't happen.
You know now where you went wrong, right?
You can't read.
>that image
Best argument for why only police should have guns I've seen.
Helping deadbeats.
I view it as a proxy war between niggers and cops. Regardless of the outcome, I win.
I've sat on a grand jury before. Its a totally one sided affair.
The prosecutor has a name and address. This stops when good men stop it.
Well, why don't you go get a constitution then we'll talk?
ding ding, that was the first mistake
second mistake was not beating him to death, No witness to deny your story.
do something about it.