Which one are you?

Which one are you?

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>Literally taken from reddit
All fields and go back

I'm the one pouring napalm on all of them to see were it sticks.

I‘m the guy without a mask, dont believe jewish fake science or what jewish people say.

Aren't covid cases in red states nearly non-existant?

I reject all science

Based sage poster

>Which one are you?
I don't believe in it but I don't want to endanger innocents and wearing the mask doesn't hurt me, so I wear the mask, knowing full well it probably does absolutely nothing, but I don't wanna take any chances.

Cuckery? Maybe. I care about other people.

the masks are placebos you stupid face-cuck

I believe in fking your hoe mom, bitch craves it. Fking slide thread. Get cancer as soon as possible plebbitor

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Masks are allegedly supposed to protect other people so i don't see the issue with the "doesn't understand science" one

Jesus is my face mask
Eat shit libtard lmao

>(spotted at the local grocery store)
So then why does it say (spotted at the local grocery store) on it?

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where is the one for i dont give a shit

I could snap a picture right now showing three women at work wearing their shit incorrectly and talking to each other

I'm the 5th

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-17 maske über nase bundestag - Google Search.png (585x329, 327.05K)

Believes in science
I don't want to catch the chinky plague thanks

None, as I believe in science, but not whatever fear-mongering the media happens to be doing.

>Believes in science
I thought the point of science was that it doesn't require belief?
At what point do we just declare science a religion?

>Masks won't protect you so stop buying them en masseur
t. The World Health Organisation around January this year.


>Unlike YOU, I believe in science!!!

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> I care about other people.
virtue-signaling intensifies

Bro you should drive near a cliff and let Jesus take the wheel!

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Sage isn't pronounced that way

The “doesn’t understand science” method is the most based way to wear a mask. You don’t have to breath through a filthy, bacteria laced rag and it covers you up just enough to keep the Karens and the reddit e-scientists away.

They completely missed one.
>Want's it to spread coof coof.

There's no option for "This is bullshit, but I wear a mask because I don't want to be a target for all these screeching homosexuals"?

Top Left
> Rules as intended.

Lower left
> Rules as written.

Also "belief" in science is a farce. I know facts, am certain about them at 99% or more and am still able to be swayed eith facts. And forcing others to survive by enforcing mask use is stupid. Plagues should push IQ upward.

How are people explaining away the particle size difference and how the mask doesn't even trap moisture which is going to be many times larger than that of the virus?

If you're a mouth breather than the doesn't understand science one should be alright since mask are supposedly for protecting others not you.

I just hold my breath. Can't spread germs if you don't breathe
*Black guy tapping side of head meme

Top right
Science is not a faith, you don't believe in it.

>believes in "Science"

Pic related Understands science

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Imagine never having to use your hands to blow your nose. Pure kino.

>is a stupid fuck who wants to be nannied
>a free man
>a boomer
>someone intentionally trying to piss you off

WHO said asymptomatic carriers aren't contagious.

>motor gives out and brakes go overdrive somehow just before falling
checkmate atheists and car mechanics

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> Stop competing with us. You don't want healthcare worker to panic.
And then France stole a shipment due in UK.

kinda crazy how the entire world has gone mad for masks just because trump didn't want to wear one. before that all the official advice was not to wear them.


>i don't see the issue with the "doesn't understand science" one
Masks go over your nose, dipshit.

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>believes in science
it's not science if you have to believe in it

>believes in propaganda
>denies propaganda
>doesn't understand propaganda
>believes in placation
Fixed it.

me bottom right.

What a fucking retard. OP is a mindless NPC smoothbrain

WHO cares? WHO can't pronounce the name Taiwan, and check how they fared and if they wore masks.

Slide thread
Sage in the options field
Go back

I am the deny (((science))) guy

>Aren't covid cases in

Make one with biological race differences on it

Half of all covid cases are Hispanics


Dude, i refuse to wear a mask precisely because i understand the science behind it. This boomer doomer needs to cull the elderly and weak populace, and i'm doing my part. If i must die, I shall, but i'll take down as many boomers with me as I can.


Why? It doesn't make a difference if you wear one or not.

Maybe the person wearing the mask already had the virus.

Never asked Jesus to take control of my motor and brakes, sorry gringo.
atheists: 1
christians: 0

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>Who would you rather have a beer with: Trump, Dr. Fauci, or Science?

Trxas here. Yep all a hoax. There have been less than 1500 deaths in a state of 20 million. All people over 70. Our crippled governor only keeps the “emergency order” to keep getting federal funds.

@OP I wear a mesh mask. Which one am I?

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denies science

WHO are a joke.

Doesn't make a difference dipshit your nose doesn't eject spit

According to all the latest science, people were born with immune systems that are perfectly capable of handling the common cold

In March is was a gasmask fag because back then it looked pretty legit
Now I just try to order everything online. We live in peak clown world that's so bad waking ilip to MAD would actually be an improvement.

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either 50 or 150 IQ.

The one still alive because I take Zinc.

Not an answer.

>t. Literal mouthbreather
Wearing a mask over the nose shouldn't change a damn thing then?

Post tits m'lady!
Or please be gone!

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>fresh eggs

Has Harvard called you yet?

science-denier reporting

nice strawman, mutt

this is what scientist wear when working with viruses, they don't they just put cloth over their face.... why aren't we all wearing that to deal with Corona virus that has a 99.9% chance of survival?

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Tits and GTFO

I only cover my face when I enter a store.
And thats only if uts one of the stores that hassles me for not wearing a mask.
I have been shoplifting recently, as my identity is concealed.

You're doing God's work user. Thank you for your service.

Daily reminder that corona-viruses require linoleic acid from the host's body to reproduce. Literally only bean munching vegan faggots have anything to worry about.

>le science
wowza yowza

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Oh shit OP I think you got the wrong pic. I fixed for you. Anyway, if you think that the mask is enough to protect you, you are fine (it doesn't though). People have to be free to choose if they want to put that muzzle or not.

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Yea cause someone coofing from across the room is exactly the same as handling high concentrations of fucking ebola right under your nose

>1 2 3 4
>5 6 7 8
1 and 6. Know the science that masks are a farce but I got shit to do and dont have time to be hustled. Wouldnt want to be one of those 2 4 or 2 5 people.

t. doesn't understand

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Wonder how you knew that. You can go back with OP

I'm the 5th one, the "shits on amerimutt threads".

And so, OP is a massive faggot and should kill himself.

This desu
I just put my fucking neck scarf up around other people so that they don't sperg out around retards.
I decided at the start of all this bullshit that I draw the uncrossable line at forced vaccination. Masks don't quite cross that line. But when they start rolling out immunity passes and shit like that... That's what I'm saving my energy for.

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