I want to know more about Trump's recent remark about Austrian exploding trees.
What did he mean with that? Quick rundown?
I want to know more about Trump's recent remark about Austrian exploding trees
The tops of pine trees explode when they catch fire due to the sap and water content. My dad was a firefighter in rural CA and called it crowning or something like that. He said working under a pine canopy was scary as shit because the fire can run across the tops of the trees
>“But with regard to the forest, when trees fall down after a short period of time, about 18 months, they become very dry, they become really like a match stick and they get up you know there’s no more water pouring through and they become very, very they just explode. They can explode.”
Trump is talking a out downed trees just exploding though.
unrelated, when the pioneers cut down old growth forests the biggest trees would explode and splinter into many pieces upon impact
>like a match stick
matches have to be lit, he is obviously talking about something sparking the tinder which ignites rapidly
Wait for the army of rebbitniggers to start antfucking all over the place then shut the fuck up when they slowly realize they aren't as smart as they think they are. This is another DRINK DA BLEECH moment waiting to happen. They will interpret what he said most literally, like:
Sounds like he got it mixed up or made a quick jump from one topic to the next as he is wont to do. You know he's not a professional firefighter, right?
He talks like Ron Paul does, he will get the general idea of what he's saying out, assuming the people listening can put the rest together themselves, and move on to the next point. It seems like he cuts himself off and doesn't make sense to brainlets who need everything spelled out for them or for spiteful partisans grasping at anything to make him look bad.
True. It really only takes a minute or two to understand that he speaks like the bullet points on the left hand side of a notebook
But people who were taught to hate the man by demagogues on the TV won't even give the man that courtesy, yet they'll sit there and try to translate the word salads that come out of Biden's mouth.
clearly, papa mango bad
He's telling people you need to clear the dead crap from forests. The left of course will take his language literally
Landmines those crafty emus have been making for centuries. Their KEY weapon to BTFOing Auzzies. Undefeated emu army.
They're also the ones who banned controlled burns. How long until their negligence and incompetence is interpreted as malice?
Come on man, if you don't malarkey the hair on my leg you're not even black
>papa mango
Kek. I like it
yes, the trees do actually explode. gonna love seeing the contrarians on this one
if you've ever seen a wildfire start, they literally look like an explosion. i've seen one create a mushroom cloud 30,000 feet up.
Anyone have the california/australia/eucalyptus screenshot?
Get fucked shill.
There are trees in straya that have a flammable sap, if the tree is caught in a bad enough fire it explodes, throwing burning sap everywhere.
What really funny is that they aren’t native and were only brought to straya because hurr muh pretty plants durrr
Aren't eucalyptus trees, which are an invasive problem in California, full of volatile oils?
A link which seems to bear out my poorly-supported claim:
kek just filter your search to anything prior to Trump's comments and you'll see all the articles about them
Aussies moved to austria in the 1890s and planted austrailian exploding trees, they then sold these saplings to california in the 1930s in a dirty trick convincing the califorians of thier mystical powers to ward off jews. As you can see this was not true. Aussies always lie.
Right, but the context is that he's denying climate change as a factor in this, so him saying downed trees "just explode" is easy to spin as him finding ways to deflect from climate change as a possibility. He's right, fallen trees dried into being more flammable are a factor, but he put it poorly.
It is like what happened with the bleach, only that time he tried to say it was UV when in the full quote he's talking about surface cleaner and then he later confirmed he was talking about surface cleaner but being sarcastic.
Can't tell you more its top secret
eucalyptus trees secrete a highly flammable oil
Thermal nuclear fungus
Maybe hes saying that trees must spontaneously combust, given that arson was comprehensively ruled out by the authorities within an hour of multiple fires erupting within walking distance of the highway
>climate change as a factor
Califirnia has had wildfires every single year I've been alive. I'm over 50 years old.
>climate change as a factor in this
/r/ is that way
Go play your world control games somewhere else.
>historically every single grassfire in CA is found to be caused by humans
>this year is different
Interesting strategy
>a factor
When they increase in frequency and severity, there may be something changing through the years. Could be worse forest management and not enough dead tree removal, could be antifa, but this isn't just about forest fires existing in California.
There's writings from 100 years ago mocking commiefornia's propensity for catching on fire.
Look at fires in Canada, millons of acres burned down and not a peep. California is just over populated and people are crying because the fires are close to them.
>may be
>could be
Come talk to me again when you can justify using the word >is
>western canada
Nobody cares about a bunch of changs getting roasted
He compared treatment LIKE a "disinfectant." Shut the fuck up if you're going to keep repeating lies. The terminology is correct, you're just a fucking idiot.