How are you holding up, pol?

How are you holding up, pol?

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Wishing I spent the 6 years elsewhere instead of here talking to fuckwits

Doing pretty good fren

Hey man, don't sweat. You've learned alot here, just like me, haven't you? Integrate that in your life and don't go full retard in public. Go out and talk to people. Here's one on the house, mate!

Doing okay. Life hasn't been great in 2020 but I'm better off than a lot of others right now.

I just preordered 2 PS5's. One for myself and one to flip for $2,000

Flip both, my man. Videogames are for kids. You're not a kid anymore. Get that /SIG/ going!

I thought that two years ago and found people in the real world were worse. at least the assholes here are almost honest

No. But one time a girl I hooked up with ate my ass out. At first I was alarmed. I hadn’t showered since that morning and it was late in the day. Yet here she was, having moved down from tonguing my balls and my taint, to straight stick her tongue inside my ass. Gross right? That’s what I thought too, because 1) I’m a hairy guy and 2) I have digestive problems. It probably doesn’t smell nice down there. Yet there she was, tonguing away. Eventually I overcame my own self-consciousness. It felt very pleasurable. I nearly coomed from the sensation the tongue produced alone, my boner was throbbing the whole time.

She also let me fuck her face like you see in porn. Not like your usual deep throat. Full on face fucking. I never saw that girl again but I still remember the legendary fuck she gave me that night. Still think of her sometimes. Years later I found her on Facebook and saw that she had married a pudgy Indian man. I suppose that’s the way of the world. God I miss her...

Absolutely comfy jukebox innit!!


What's up croatbro?

I need a better job

nothing is up, everything is downhill

>I need a better job
What do you do user?

Married an Indian? I think she has a shit fetish.

Assistant manager at a small, family owned restaurant. Have a meme degree. 30 and going back to school seems like nothing more than a massive money and time sink.

Its 6 years too late for that

You are here forever. t was already a boomer during televangelist raids and chanology

I broke my no fap and looked at porn yesterday. Feels bad, man.

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Look for a Government job that meme degree can help
.t former Gov employee

Ok, trying to decide if I should stay home Nov 3 or vote for Trump only for acceleration purposes

shes a smell connoisseur, very common amongst white people. The true purpose of their pointy noses, to really get in there.

Just being a dumb nigger.

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Well I got banned for no reason, so I'm sure the jannies and shills hate me. That makes me feel good. But I'm bummed about not getting a 3080 because bots bought them within 8 seconds of launch.

When I say meme we'll just say it's in the arts so I don't know if that part is true. But thanks for the advice. Maybe I can weasel my way into some of the bureaucratic bullshit. What I'd like to do for a living is brewing but my home brew is the only experience I have in that.

Not great. I swallowed the blackpill. I thought I could harness its power and become stronger but it is destroying me mentally and physically.

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>3 weeks sober
>Interview for better job coming up
>made an effort to meet a gf and have a few dates lined up
>got into biking
>learning to cook
It going pretty good lad, if you asked me a month ago I would have said that I was thinking of putting a gun in my mouth.

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Can you work as an accountant lol

look take the first job they offer with the fed Gov. I did security for fifteen years and retired