After over half of the year I'm suicidal. Again

After over half of the year I'm suicidal. Again.

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who give's a fuck

my mom and dad gypsy friend
and maybe friends

i know it's not your picture op, but imagine being such an egotistical retard with a massive inferiority complex you have to post your portfolio on the internet.
especially with a gun, thats an announcing to the world you want to be burgled and robbed by nigs.
at least youre not that retarded, op. consider that. maybe it helps with your depression

that chipped beef on toast with the white gravy, try that

If you kill yourself you won't find out about the big happening tomorrow.

Up to you, bro, but I wouldn't want to miss it.

shoot a nigger first


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This and based

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so why don't you wait until after they're dead? you don't want to hurt their feelings do you?

Well kill anyone but yourself. A-Wing it into the enemy.
Put it up online and be cherished eternally.

Make some more soup

and anyone else who is feeling weak or hopeless in the hardships we face today....
>Don't commit suicide; Just do suicidal shit instead.
Sky is the limit when you aren't afraid to die. Take up a dangerous hobby and you will absolutely find the will to live along the way.

ultimate plan b
only thing you can do that you will never regret

Seek help. You need someone to talk to, and not over a message board. God speed.

send me all your metal

looks like /pmg/ is leaking again

Yeah, he needs to talk to a psychiatrist who tries to delude him with cognitive behavioral therapy.

well it depends on the case and the person, sometimes when you are becoming a rollercoster of shit over time it's getting much harder for your body to endure the stress n getting out o fthat situation all alone is though as shit

I mean just from the chemical perspective if it makes any sense, you aren't supposed to be subjected to adrenaline for hours every single day

Seek help user

Get a tent and go hiking for a few weeks in the forests or mountains and don't take any technology. It works wonders and Poland is a beautiful country.

Some people's minds are completely fucked and no amount of therapy/medication will fix that. I'm living proof.

This. I’ve tried to quit drinking 20 times in the last 2 years and things never get better. I’ll quit for a month or two and relapse. I can’t handle life anymore. I can’t get a fucking job even though I’m overqualified for everything I’m applying for. I’m stuck living on basically 1200 a month unemployment. I haven’t cracked 20,000 dollars a year in income since I was 24. Now I’m 33, balding, and feel like my life is over. I even went and got my CDL so I could get a decent job driving a truck and try to make my way out of this hole I’m in. 100 plus applications later and I still haven’t even gotten an interview. My buddy who’s also white and in his mid 30s applied to do cdl snow removal with the stare. He’s got 2 years of CDL experience driving a crane truck and 3 years of non cdl snow removal experience and he wasn’t even interviewed for the fucking job. They’re openly oppressing whites now. There’s little to no hope left for us. Fuck me

This. When I was broke and suicidal after a bad accident I decided I should just rob a bank and either die doing it or maybe get away. Got away with a lot of cash, did it again and got away with more. I live in a cozy suburb and never have to worry about money again. I've gotten into making YouTube videos, weirdly enough.

do it. you polacks are worthless and smell bad

Why? In a year you've made 50% profit on that gold Britannia and doubled your money on the silver britannia's. what's to be suicidal about?

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>Dying on the eve of a global race war.

No OP. Absolutely no.

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kek. based

Killing yourself is gay, time and life is only relative to the planet you're on. you act like you can stop living because some atheistic exposition that made you throw away your faith. bitch this ride never ends.

Watch this

I wish I had a gun to kill myself but the licensing process is burocratic shitshow. I tried to do it in a range but I had a lot of fun shooting and got my cope for the day so decided not to, the range guy was also very chill didn't want to ruin his day like a faggot.

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Reversed psychology jew magic. Nice.

You are good at heart. Shalom.

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fren, i know it is hard right now
i feel that way too sometimes
but soon the evil will be vanquished by the good
it will be okay fren

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This isn’t r9k fuck off

Shit on a shingle is pure comfy food

I taken hits left and right since 2019. Lost a lot of friends, fuck them anyways. Some of those retards don't answer my phone calls, fuck them anyways.
I found out I got an arachnoid brain cyst wich doesn't allow me to fight anymore. Used to love to fight kickboxing. Was about to have my debut then had to take a MRI scan. It sucks that I can't fight.
I wasn't allow'd to join the secret service of my country because I got really bad myopia. -7 on both eyes.
Then I found I have a liver fibrosis and can't workout out for now. Gained 5kg's in the last month. I'm on pills and the liver will recover. I fucking miss the gym tho'. And also lost 1000€ on some shit and one week ago I failed the driver exam.
That's life anyways, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I'm in my early 20's tho'. I have a lot of time left.
If you are healthy, the world is yours. You can do anything you can.
Stop behaving like a bitch.

Gained 5kg's in the last months*

See a doctor or call a family member

Things can get better if you end it now they cannot

My nigga.

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This world is fucked up, your life is probably fucked up too. I dont see it getting any better, evil is winning, but eating a bullet is the cowards way out. Standing by your principles especially in face of insurmountable odds, is what defines a good life. Accept the blackpill, stop chasing after pleasures, and be an example of a life well lived, even if society is crumbling around you

4 grams of mushrooms and a nice comfy spot will snap you out of it. your ego and reality are too far apart to live in harmony. destory the ego, embrace whatever reality you're in, and watch things kind of mellow out.

Have you tried quitting masturbating friend? I was suicidal too but it only took me 4-5 days to notice immediate effects. Fried dopamine receptors are one of the biggest contributors to depression and anxiety.

Jesus where do you live. They're giving out good home daily CDL jobs here like party favors.

Since you have nothing to lose, get a good, expensive HQ camera, not some shitty FaceTime webcam.

CBT doesn't work?